Greater Israel Plan laid out in depth


Zionism 101 & Christianity At Dawning of 20th Century (C.I. Scofield and John Nelson Darby)

The Zionist Elites had it in their plans to create a Jewish state in Israel, since at least the early 1900s. And Jews weren’t disenfranchised before coming to Israel. Most Jews were living side by side with Muslims and Christians in the region for hundreds of years just fine. Zionism is what really took over Palestine in 1947.

They’re currently (October 2023) using Hamas attacks similarly to how they used “Hitler” (who was controlled opposition too). Whatever they can use to get WORLDWIDE SYMPATHY for Jews for the purpose of their “Greater Israel Project” December 15, 1933 Article below




On the night of August 31, 1939, the Nazis staged an attack on their own Gleiwitz Radio Station. They blamed the Polish for the attack. The next day, September 1, 1939, Hitler invades Poland and World War 2 begins.

Ever heard of the Balfour Declaration? If not, you might want to, because it’s the biggest piece to the whole puzzle! The Balfour Declaration of 1917 was a letter written by Arthur James Balfour, (British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) to Walter Rothschild, in essence saying that the British wanted to help form a Jewish State in Israel. This is what the short letter said below :

“His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.” (end of Declaration)

Due to the large Jewish populace in Europe and the United States, the declaration became an international affair. For Palestinians, the Balfour Declaration was seen as their doomsday notice. They felt that they had been swept under the rug by Britain with the backing of all of Europe.

David Lloyd George, who was Prime Minister at the time of the Balfour Declaration, told the Palestine Royal Commission in 1937 that the Declaration was made “due to propagandist reasons.” Citing the position of the Allied and Associated Powers in the ongoing war, Lloyd George said that (in the Report’s words) “In this critical situation it was believed that Jewish sympathy or the reverse would make a substantial difference one way or the other to the Allied cause. In particular Jewish sympathy would confirm the support of American Jewry, and would make it more difficult for Germany to reduce her military commitments and improve her economic position on the eastern front.” Lloyd George then said

“The Zionist leaders gave us a definite promise that, if the Allies committed themselves to giving facilities for the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine, they would do their best to rally Jewish sentiment and support throughout the world to the Allied cause. They kept their word.”

Prime Minister David Lloyd George of the United Kingdom also supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine because “it would help secure post-war British control of Palestine, which was strategically important as a buffer to Egypt and the Suez Canal.”.

All this was done for special British Interests, as well as Zionist interests. Not for the true interest of the Jewish people. This setup an environment where there would be perpetual conflict and war. It placed heavy burdens on everyone. It destroyed families and lives of many people. It continues even to this day.

Ahmadinejad was right, in regards to a solution for peace in Palestine (Israel). Firstly, he never said he wished to wipe Israel off the map (that doesn’t even make sense, since Iran has the number 2 highest population of Jews in the Middle East right behind Israel), rather, he said that this Zionist regime occupying Israel would vanish from the pages of time. Ahmadinejad actually said he wanted peace in Palestine, and the only way that could happen is if there was a free and open referendum (vote) for Jews and Palestinians alike, to vote for new leaders and have a true democracy. I agree with him.

Also read the UN Partition Plan of 1947. They gave the Palestinians are a raw deal, where the Jews were to obtain 56% of the land, including the most fertile land in Israel (Palestine), and give 44% of the other land to the Arabs and Palestinians (even though they outnumbered Jews by at least double). This caused civil war and rioting all over in Palestine. Finally, the Palestinians were kicked out of their own homes, and left for dead in the Gaza and West Bank.

AND IT SHOULD BE NOTED, many of the Palestinians were CHRISTIANS. Over 400,000 Palestinian Christians were kicked out of their own land during the Partition. They felt betrayed by their brothers and sisters in Christ in Britain and America, because they supported all this.

The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement was preceded by 2 Agreements (one of which was secret). The first was a set of letters exchanged between Sir Henry McMahon (British High Commissioner in Egypt) and Hussein bin Ali (Arab Leader) in 1915. Arab nation-states were already garnering their independence, and Hussein Ali (as king of the Hejaz – which was a strip of land or region squished between the Red Sea and Saudi Arabia, with Egypt to the West of the Red Sea) wanted independence from the Ottoman Empire as well. The British were in support of the Ottoman Empire, until the Ottomans pledged their allegiance to Germany in WW1. The Allies (France, Russia and Britain) via Sir Henry McMahon then offered Hussein certain parts of land and independence from the Ottoman Empire, if Hussein supported the Allies in WW1.

This letter below from McMahon to Hussein from 1915 declared Britain’s willingness to recognize the independence of the Arabs, subject to certain exemptions. READ BELOW :

“The districts of Mersina and Alexandretta, and portions of Syria lying to the west of the districts of Damascus, Homs, Hama and Aleppo, cannot be said to be purely Arab, and must on that account be excepted from the proposed limits and boundaries. With the above modification and without prejudice to our existing treaties concluded with Arab Chiefs, we accept these limits and boundaries, and in regard to the territories therein in which Great Britain is free to act without detriment to interests of her ally France, I am empowered in the name of the Government of Great Britain to give the following assurance and make the following reply to your letter: Subject to the above modifications, Great Britain is prepared to recognize and support the independence of the Arabs within the territories in the limits and boundaries proposed by the Sherif of Mecca.” (end)

This leads to the secret meeting known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement, in which the Allies (France, UK and Russia) outlined areas of the Ottoman Empire that each of them would possess, including areas that had been promised to Hussein and Arab Independence. This secret meeting happened in 1916 but wasn’t exposed until pretty much after the war was coming to an end around November of 1917. After the War was over, the British, via Prime Minister David Lloyd George and Arthur James Balfour (British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs), sprung it on Hussein that they intended to keep their promise in allowing Arab independence, but that they were going to form an independent Jewish State in Palestine, to which Hussein responded by saying this below :

“I will not accept an independent Jewish State in Palestine, nor was I instructed that such a state was contemplated by Great Britain beforehand.” (end)

In other words, not only did the Allied forces break their promises to Hussein (they basically deceived him into helping the Allied Forces in WW1) by usurping authority over certain areas that Sir Henry McMahon had promised to Hussein after the war (the Balfour Agreement was in stark contrast with what Britain via Sir McMahon offered the Arabs and Hussein), but also, the Sykes-Picot secret Agreement between France and UK, was exposed showing that the two countries were planning to split and occupy parts of the promised Arab country. The whole matter is discussed in “The Peel Report of 1937.” Essentially the Arabs got tricked into fighting on the side of the Allies, via BROKEN PROMISES.

One more point to mention, during a War Cabinet meeting on policy regarding Syria and Palestine held in 1918, it was stated that Palestine had been included in the areas the United Kingdom had pledged would be Arab and independent in the future. Lord Curzon (Viceroy and Governor-General of India), also noted that the rights that had been granted to the French under the terms of the Sykes–Picot Agreement, was in violation of the provisions of the Reglement Organique Agreements (which was an Agreement from 1861-1864) and the war aims of the other Allies. (The publication and exposing of the Sykes–Picot Agreement caused the resignation of Sir Henry McMahon.).

The regime occupying Israel, are Zionists and special interest groups from those Allied Forces who won WW1 (particularly Britain). The whole charade was one big POWER MOVE / LAND GRAB, not by Jews, but by a conglomeration of British / American bureaucrats that wanted to control the area. They couldn’t do that with a truly independent Arabian Palestinian state.

Ahmadinejad stated that his true goal was peace in the Palestine region, and the solution to peace, was to allow a referendum vote on new leaders, not ones instituted by the Zionist Oligarchs who TRULY control the area (not the Jews). The leaders of that region are liars and deceivers, just like they were after WW1, by lying to Hussein and the Arabs. They never planned on helping the Arabs gain independence, nor do they truly care about a Jewish State in Israel. Speaking of ‘hegemony’, they only care about their own political / economic power over that region. They don’t really care about creating a safe-haven for Jews. This was all a political plot to garner control of the region and destabilize and restructure the entire Middle East for their own agenda.

It’s also my contention that Adolf Hitler was a ‘patsy’ for this whole plan. He was used as a way to gain worldwide sympathy for the Jews to allow the Balfour Declaration to unfold and give the land of Palestine to the Jews. Here’s an example of why I believe that is. In August of 1933 the Zionists made a deal with the Nazis to allow the transfer of German Jews into Palestine. The land of Palestine was sparsely inhabited by Jews at the time. A Jew who lived in Palestine from 1933 to 1936 said that he saw transfers of German Jews coming into Palestine every week and many new professions were introduced into Israel because of this.

German Jews settling on Palestine was OFFICIAL Nazi policy! The Nazis agreed to allow German Jews to go there with all their assets. And speaking of Goebbels Lloyd Wagner, in the Berlin Paper of 1934, he wrote a section entitled A NAZI VISITS PALESTINE. He even created a medal coin, on one side of the coin was the Nazi swastika and on the other side of the coin was the Star of David (this was in 1934, before Israel became a nation state and put the Star of David on their flag 🇮🇱) .

Hitler demanded one concession for the Zionist transfer agreement. That concession was for the Zionists to stop supporting the Jewish boycotts of The German Reich by Jews in America and elsewhere. And guess what?! The Zionists made that concession ! Zionists rejected the boycotts of their very own Jewish brothers and sisters!

Also read the UN Partition Plan of 1947. They gave the Palestinians are a raw deal, where the Jews were to obtain 56% of the land, including the most fertile land in Israel (Palestine), and give 44% of the other land to the Arabs and Palestinians (even though they outnumbered Jews by at least double). This caused civil war and rioting all over in Palestine. Finally, the Palestinians were kicked out of their own homes, and left for dead in the Gaza and West Bank.

Israel funded the Islamic terror group known as Hamas back in the 1970s to offset the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization). The plan backfired, when Hamas started recruiting Palestinian refugees who were left on the brink of destitution and death, after the Zionist government in Israel (Palestine) had kicked these Palestinians out of their own land during the Partition Plan of 1947. Many of the Palestinians were CHRISTIANS. Over 400,000 Palestinian Christians were kicked out of their own land during the Partition. They felt betrayed by their brothers and sisters in Christ in Britain and America, because they supported all this. Here are a couple links to read about that below :

LINK 1 :

LINK 2 :

This agenda has been ongoing for a century, and is coming to a head. In 1982, you had The ‘YINON PLAN’, which was repackaged in ‘A Clean Break’ by Richard Perle in 1996 for Netanyahu’s regime in Israel and PNAC (Project for A New American Century) who wrote ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses (1997-2000). The Yinon Plan was an Israeli outline for the balkanization and destruction of Arab States (Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Morocco, Sudan, Libya and entire MUSLIM WORLD). The Arab Spring starting around 2010, wasn’t spontaneous!

Here’s the actual PDF article from July 1982 of the “Yinon Plan” by Israel Shahak (Jewish Professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who translated ‘Yinon Plan’ to English), entitled, ‘THE ZIONIST PLAN FOR THE MIDDLE EAST’. Notice the outline of Arab states surrounding Israel, which the Zionists believed belong to THEM! READ LINK BELOW :

Click to access The%20Zionist%20Plan%20for%20the%20Middle%20East.pdf

Read the excerpt from Israel Shahak’s translation of the “Yinon Plan” from 1982 which describes the destruction of surrounding areas of Israel, such as SYRIA AND IRAQ and how they planned to go about it, in the pic below :

Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 12.04.30 AM

Here is a link to the entire article below :

The Balfour Declaration from 1917 and the Yinon Plan from 1982 were restructured in 1996 with ‘Clean Break’ and in PNAC from 1997-2000. In ‘A Clean Break’ they specifically state that they wanted to get rid of Saddam Hussein, and their next goal afterwards was to contain Syria by using the WMD / Chemical Weapons LIE as propaganda for why we’d have to invade Syria. The PNAC (Project for the New American Century from 1997-2000 – headed by people like Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Bill Kristol, Donald Rumsfield and Dick Cheney) program said :

“America’s military must rule out even the possibility of a serious global or regional challenger anywhere in the world. The regime of Saddam Hussein must be toppled immediately, by U.S. force if necessary. And the entire Middle East must be reordered according to an American plan. PNAC’s most important study notes that selling this plan to the American people will likely take a long time, “absent some catastrophic catalyzing event – like a NEW PEARL HARBOR EVENT.”
– (PNAC, Rebuilding America’s Defenses (1997), p.51)”

There it is, in black and white. The PNAC program in 1997, headed by the likes of Dick Cheney, flat out said they wanted to invade the Middle East, starting with Iraq and Saddam Hussein. They wanted to restructure the entire Middle East also (including places like Syria, Iran, Libya, etc..), but, they knew they couldn’t sell these ideas to the American public UNLESS…, they had a NEW PEARL HARBOR EVENT. This was right before 9/11. You connect the dots!

Our government has staged events before. One such instance was Operation Ajax from 1953. Mohammed Mossadeq (A DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED LEADER, Iranian Prime Minister in the 1950s), was trying to kick British interests out of Iran, by nationalizing Iranian oil. The British and American Central Secret Agencies, created an entire special operation plan to oust him from office because of this. They besmirched his reputation, lied about him in the Iranian press, staged riots and protests, etc.. He was finally gotten rid of.  This is what led to the Shah of Iran coming to power.

To further drive this all home, here is a 4 Star General and former Supreme Commander of NATO. Speaking in 2007, he straight up tells us the Deep State / Zionist game plan. He said he was briefed ten days after 9/11 where they told him we’d invade 7 countries, four of which are very pertinent to now.

Iraq (check)
Libya (check)
Syria (check)
Finishing off with Iran (checkmate)

All these nations are being lied to and set up! I’ve given you all the documents, the data, the people involved and a 4 Star General / Former Supreme Commander of NATO (General Wesley Clark) opening wide, the curtain of deception, as to exactly what’s goin on in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, etc..

Israel and America are picking each of these nations off, one by one (starting with Iraq) and they’ve used the same, played out LIE that each nation has ‘Chemical Weapons’ or ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction / WMDs’. The same….fucking….played out..LIE! They fall for it over and over again! When will it set in you’ve been PLAYED?!


Libya = Same! Gaddafi wants WMDs! INVADE!

Syria = Assad has WMDs / CWs! DROP BOMBS!

Iran = Khamenei wants WMDS! SANCTIONS AND INVADE!

North Korea = Kim Jong Un wants WMDS! SANCTIONS!

Etc. etc.. over and over again, and the public gobbles it up!

It’s like a bad Twilight Zone episode, where you see it and the majority of the public out there can’t. And I’m not even that smart, I just learned to efficiently play that game ‘CONNECT THE DOTS’ in Kindergarten!

Here are some sources for all this below :

Short 3 MINUTE video on PNAC and the Wolfowitz Doctrine below :


Here is the entire PDF file of PNAC ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ from 1997-2000 :

Click to access RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf


2003 PDF on ‘Clean Break’ from 1996 below :

Click to access 3-27-2003_Clean_Break_or_Dirty_War.pdf

2005 article outlining ‘Clean Break’ from 1996 :


Two sources below on ‘Yinon Plan’ from 1982 below :

LINK 2 :


2 MINUTE VIDEO below of General Wesley Clark from 2007 :

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