Different Cultures with Differing Customs than ours on Love, Relationships, Marriage and Laws


First off, I want to say that I am not selling anything, and every source cited below is free on the internet, I am just using these sources to further extrapolate on the subject at hand.

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“Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational and personal use, tips the balance in favor of fair use.”

I’ve been posting quite often about the differing types of cultures throughout history and how their ideas of love, life, relationships and judiciary issues are much different than our own in the West. Starting with regard to relationships, today in the West we are programmed with Judeo Christian-centric views on love and marriage, which is monogamy by default (even though there are a litany of cases in the Bible of polygamy). People are vehemently angry when I question that this form of relationship is not quintessential, nor will it lead us to the ultimate bliss among those looking for a meaningful relationship. They’re angry and threatened, because this is all they know or have been taught. When we say a ‘Traditional Family’ we instantly think of a nuclear family, with one man and one woman, living together and loving each other for life. Even though the divorce and infidelity rates are sky-high (which I will detail further at the end of this blog), we still cling to this failed institution of lifelong monogamy.

There are always exceptions to every rule, but the majority of couples will eventually separate. Over 90% of all monogamous relationships will fail (I’ll get more in depth on the actual statistics at the end of this). You’re not likely to marry your high school sweetheart or the first person you date. There are exceptions, but this isn’t the rule. Though it’s a ubiquitously understood colloquialism that marriages end over half the time, many still believe they are capable of maintaining a relationship with one person for life. This is a huge problem and I believe there must be a solution. I believe it starts in opening our minds to different cultures and ideals on these major issues. I’m of the persuasion that many relationships or marriages fail because of rigidity and formality. Humans are not rigid creatures! We are evolving and fluid creatures.

As Bruce Lee said, “Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.”

We see many monogamous relationships crack more oft than naught, because of this very reason. The expectations for your partner are so high, that it can turn you into a literal controlling, overly emotional psychopath or sociopath. When things are relaxed and flow naturally, that’s when relationships succeed, no matter what form they’re in. Bruce Lee also said to be like water, adapting, moving through the cracks, finding your own path and being free. We are constantly evolving and growing. Does this mean that we leave everything in the past, including people, objects, memories, etc..? No, but to believe they will always be as meaningful in our lives as they are at this current moment, just isn’t reality.

We should (and will) use them as a spring-board to propel us forward, to gain mastery in our next set of trials and tests in life. As it pertains to relationships and love, most often, we are not going to find ourselves with the same set of people for life. They come and they go, like a flowing stream, we pass by many new rocks and ravines as we move forward, each of them very ‘meaningful’.  This filters through every part of our lives, whether it be our jobs, friends, geographical location, the cars we drive, etc.. we are constantly growing and moving forward, which means, we will inevitably leave certain things behind. You may still be friends with those you grew up with or went to High School with, for example, but you’ll eventually move to a new city and make new friends who are more involved and pertinent to where you are at that moment in time.

“Self-knowledge involves relationship. To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person. Relationship is a process of self evaluation and self revelation. Relationship is the mirror in which you discover yourself – to be is to be related.”
― Bruce Lee

“Time means a lot to me because you see I am also a learner and am often lost in the joy of forever developing.”
― Bruce Lee

I wanted to set the precedent with this, before I delve more deeply into this topic, not only to show how different our culture is from others, but to show how mankind has evolved and to broaden your mindset on how ‘things should be.’ We have all been conditioned by a certain set of standards, rules and restrictions, but I don’t believe we should be this way. That’s the main purpose in creating this blog, not necessarily about the subject matter at hand, but the objective in getting you to evolve and step outside of the ‘box’ we’re all forced to be in, considering there just may be a ‘better way(s)’.

With that said, I’ll get back on topic. I also want to note that I don’t advocate all of these practices within the cultures I’m about to discuss, but we tend to be conditioned with the idea that our default morals / mores are the best way to live. I think we should look at a broad spectrum of ideas, evaluate what works and what doesn’t, then take what’s useful and discard the rest! Going through antiquity, you’ll find that many cultures (even some today throughout the world) were much more loosely open about sexuality, love and relationships or marriage. Before the Bible or Koran were created and all three Abrahamic faiths dominated much of society, we had many religions before them, and they were highly sexual and much more open about romance.

From the Indians (In India) – Hindus, to Egypt to Greece to Rome and even the Native Americans before the white man came, they were engaging in every form of sexuality possible (homosexuality, polyamory, orgies, bisexuality, etc..), and even left us with carvings of their sexuality in caves (hieroglyphs), monuments, pottery and statues (including sex toys).  I want to give you some examples on how different many ancient cultures were about these topics, including laws for certain types of behavior that we’d see as strange or not as strict, in today’s standards.


There are over 500 officially recognized Native American Tribes, so none of this is a Panacea of every one of them, but there were certainly similarities between the groups. Many Native Tribes were very polyamorous and more egalitarian. While sex was a part of traditional Native American marriage, marriage was not about sex. Prior to marriage, young people were expected to engage in sexual activities. Sex was not confined to marriage. The Europeans, and particularly the missionaries, had a great deal of difficulty in understanding that women had power in Indian society and that they had the right to sexual freedom. Indian societies were not organized on the patriarchal, monogamous norms of European society. Christian missionaries were deeply shocked and offended by the fact that Indian women were allowed to express their sexuality. At the same time, many of the European men were delighted by this.

How egalitarian the Tribes were, was one of the things that bothered many of the early Christian Missionaries, particularly the Jesuits in New France, as they viewed marriage as a relationship in which the woman subjugated herself to the man. In Indian marriages, men and women were equals. Polygyny (the marriage of one man to more than one woman at the same time) was fairly common throughout North American Tribes. In some cases a man would marry sisters – a practice that anthropologists call ‘sororal polygyny.’

Weyodi O’Clerc Stern says this about her own Comanche Tribe :

“My tribe, the Comanches, for instance were traditionally polyamorous, with both women and men free to take more than one spouse. As it was explained to me by my elders when a woman married a man she also married his brothers. Instead of the hokey “blood brother” (which is actually a European tradition) nonsense a Comanche man would be considered the brother of any man who had had sexual relations with his wife. Women also made men brothers without their consent. Even when approaching the other man for redress of wrongs in such a case, the first husband had to address his wife’s paramour as “brother”. The deed was done, the men would be brothers for the rest of their lives. On the other side women were sisters who had sexual relations with the same man and when a man married a woman he also married her sisters. When speaking to my husband my grandmother consistently referred to my sisters as “your other wives” and to my sisters and me she would indiscriminately refer to any one of her grandson-in-laws as “your husband”. I always had to ask her ‘Which one?’” (end quote)

Former Navajo tribal chairman Peter MacDonald explains Navajo polygyny this way:

“A man would marry a woman, then work hard for his family. If she had a sister who was not married, and if the man proved to be caring, a good provider, and a good husband, he would be gifted with his wife’s sister, marrying her as well.” (end quote)

In the Cherokee Tribe, personal autonomy for women was akin to modern, U.S. women, in that they were more-or-less free to hump whomever they chose, as long as it wasn’t incestuous. Cherokee historian James Adair also understood Cherokee women to be allowed the honor of promiscuity, noting that there were no punishments for adulterous women. In fact, most Cherokee men wouldn’t argue over adulterous women because it was deemed to be “beneath” them (Louis-Philippe). Cherokees were matrilineal, meaning children were NOT part of their father’s family. This is a very foreign subject to most modern “Western” people today. Your mother’s brother was basically your father and the most important person in your life. In a way your biological father was just the person that happened to be having sex with your mother. Sexual encounters would, indeed, occur in the bean-fields and other places of a relatively private nature. I really recommend the book entitled, “Cherokee Women” by Theda Perdue. She’s one of the top scholars in this field.

The Seneca tribe of the Iroquois Nation is one of the many indigenous societies to practice polygamy and polyandry as the standard for human relationships. It was normal for men and women to have more than one life partner, creating a family structure that wasn’t simply dependent upon two-parent child-rearing or relationships, but rather a network of support between all partners. Having more than one husband or wife wasn’t simply about sexual relations, as many contemporary critics of polygamy and polyandry tend to assume. But rather it was about love, partnership, and sex being experiences that didn’t have to remain restricted between two individuals. And yes, women valued these experiences too. For more on the Iroquois, read Barbara Mann’s book entitled, “Iroquoian Women.”

Among many of the tribes, a widow often married her deceased husband’s brother – a practice which anthropologists call the levirate. When a man’s wife died, he would often marry one of her sisters – a practice which anthropologists call the sororate. Many of the tribes also practiced exchanging wives. One man might become infatuated with the wife of another and propose an exchange. If this was agreeable, the two men would exchange wives from time to time. Among the Lakota Sioux Tribe, for example, two men who have pledged devotion to each other may express this relationship by marrying sisters and by exchanging wives on certain occasions. Among the Pawnee Tribe, brothers sometimes shared wives. It was not uncommon for two or more brothers to set up a joint household, sharing their wives and their property.

Polyandry (the marriage of one woman to more than one man at the same time) was found among many of the tribes. This practice was often not recognized by Europeans, including many ethnographers, as it seemed so alien to them. The Pawnee, for example, practiced a form of temporary polyandry. When a boy reached puberty, his mother’s brother’s wife would take charge of him and initiate him into sex. He would continue having sex with her until he married. For a period of four or five years, the young man, and perhaps his brothers as well, would be a junior husband for this woman, creating a temporary state of polyandry. Polyandry also occurred as a form of an anticipatory levirate.

In Native American cultures, marriage was neither religious nor civil. There was usually no religious ceremony involved, only a public recognition of the fact of marriage. In most cases there was no formal ceremony. The couple simply started living together. In most Native American cultures, nearly all adults were married, yet marriage was not seen as permanent. It was recognized that people would be together in a married state for a while and then separate. Divorce was accomplished easily since the couple did not own property in common. Each partner simply picked up his or her personal property and left. Divorce was neither a civil nor a religious concern-this was a private matter among the people involved. While some American commentators bemoan the negative impact of divorce upon children, in Native cultures, each child had many fathers, many mothers, and many siblings. A child was not property but a member of a large family and thus had rights. Since divorce was accepted and the raising of the child was the responsibility of many relatives, not just the biological mother and father, divorce does not appear to have had negative impact on the children.

Informal polyandry is a feature of some hunter-gatherer societies, such as the Inuit of northern North America, or the Yanomamo of the Orinoco river basin in South America.

The Western concept of marriage did not exist among the indigenous tribes of Hawai‘i either (Sahlins, 1985, pp, 22-25), and even if a common definition of marriage is applied (Malinowski, 1962, p. 252; Ford and Beach, 1951, pp. 187-192), sexual/genital interactions were socially accepted in many “nonmarital” and non-committed relations. The concepts of premarital and extramarital sexual activities were absent, and it was probably true of Hawai‘i, as it was said to have been true of much of Polynesia, that “there are no people in the world who indulge themselves more in their sensual appetites than these” (Ellis, 1782, Vol. 2, p. 153).

Few cultures are as sexually liberated as those of the ancient Amazon rainforest. Nearly 70 percent of the tribes practiced multiple paternity, in which all of a woman’s sexual partners were fathers to her children. It was commonplace for people to be open about having multiple sexual partners in the ancient Amazon. Open sexual arrangements were socially accepted, even expected, according to anthropologist Robert Walker. And these multiple attachments were anything but casual. Men acted as father figures to the children of any and all of their partners. A woman could marry one man, making him the primary father to her children, but all the other men in her life would be considered vital secondary fathers.

As Walker explains, this was partly because of the ancient Amazonians’ rather unique take on genetics:

“In these cultures, if the mother had sexual relations with multiple men, people believed that each of the men was, in part, the child’s biological father. It was socially acceptable for children to have multiple fathers, and secondary fathers often contributed to their children’s upbringing. In some Amazonian cultures, it was bad manners for a husband to be jealous of his wife’s extramarital partner. It was also considered strange if you did not have multiple sexual partners. Cousins were often preferred partners, so it was especially rude to shun their advances.” (end quote)

For children, having as many fathers as possible had its advantages. More dads meant more gifts and support for the child, which is known to increase a youngster’s odds of reaching adulthood. Besides, it was a rather pragmatic solution to a basic fact of life in a culture where warfare was all too common and brutal. If a child’s primary father died, he or she would have other males around to step in and act as father figures, easing the newly widowed mother’s burden.

Men also benefited from this system. Sharing paternity brought men together, cementing bonds and friendships (basically, just like Three Men and a Baby, just with less Steve Guttenberg). Indeed, one of the best ways for two men to cement an alliance was to share wives, often in a family – brothers were some of the most frequent wife-sharers According to Walker’s new research, of 128 indigenous groups in lowland South America, 53 are known to practice multiple paternity, while only 23 are known to practice single paternity. The remaining 52 don’t have clear conception beliefs, making it difficult to know whether they once possessed this custom. That means at least 40% and perhaps as much as 70% of these groups once practiced multiple paternity, which definitely means it was a common feature of Amazonian civilization.

The Moche Tribe existed along north coast of Peru from 200 AD to 850 AD. It was a complex, state level society that covered a large geographical area. Their cities, temples, and agriculture dotted the northern Peruvian coastline in what are considered two factions of the Moche: the Northern and Southern. The Moche are probably best known and recognized for their complex pottery styles. One of those styles was their erotic pottery, which can be seen below.


The Moche erotic pottery is characterized by the various sexual acts depicted, which include acts of oral, vaginal, and anal sex as well as masturbation. These acts are most commonly shown between a man and a woman, although male on male homosexual acts are present, too. Although heterosexual sexual relations are the most common it is interesting to note that vaginal sexual acts are the most rarely depicted. Common sexual acts demonstrated in Moche erotic pottery are (in order of most common to least common) heterosexual anal sex, acts of masturbation, and heterosexual oral sex. There are also several vases that portray males with their erect penises. These pieces are known as phallic libations. These are functional ceramics used as pouring vessels, with the erect penis being used as the spout. More pictures of their pottery below :


There are some other oddities in Latin America when it comes to mating. A small village in Brazil called Mehinaku is a place where size really does matter. This refers not to the size of your package, but rather the size of your catch. There, men compete for partners and sex by presenting women with fish. The man with the largest fish wins the girl. Among those in the Guajiro tribe of Colombia, much like singles in the US, this indigenous group scores on the dance floor. The Guajiro ladies catch a fella by tripping him during their ceremonial dances. If she trips him, they must have sex.



The Seneca tribe of the Iroquois Nation is one of the many indigenous societies to practice polygamy and polyandry as the standard for human relationships. It was normal for men and women to have more than one life partner, creating a family structure that wasn’t simply dependent upon two-parent child-rearing or relationships, but rather a network of support between all partners. Having more than one husband or wife wasn’t simply about sexual relations, as many contemporary critics of polygamy and polyandry tend to assume. But rather it was about love, partnership, and sex being experiences that didn’t have to remain restricted between two individuals. And yes, women valued these experiences too. For more on the Iroquois, read Barbara Mann’s book entitled, “Iroquoian Women.”


Weyodi O’Clerc Stern says this about her own Comanche Tribe :
“My tribe, the Comanches, for instance were traditionally polyamorous, with both women and men free to take more than one spouse. As it was explained to me by my elders when a woman married a man she also married his brothers.

Instead of the hokey “blood brother” (which is actually a European tradition) nonsense, a Comanche man would be considered the brother of any man who had had sexual relations with his wife. Women also made men brothers without their consent. Even when approaching the other man for redress of wrongs in such a case, the first husband had to address his wife’s paramour as “brother”.

The deed was done, the men would be brothers for the rest of their lives. On the other side women were sisters who had sexual relations with the same man and when a man married a woman he also married her sisters. When speaking to my husband my grandmother consistently referred to my sisters as “your other wives” and to my sisters and me she would indiscriminately refer to any one of her grandson-in-laws as “your husband”. I always had to ask her ‘Which one??’”


Former Navajo tribal chairman Peter MacDonald explains Navajo polygyny this way: “A man would marry a woman, then work hard for his family. If she had a sister who was not married, and if the man proved to be caring, a good provider, and a good husband, he would be gifted with his wife’s sister, marrying her as well.”


Polyandry (the marriage of one woman to more than one man at the same time) was found among many of the tribes. This practice was often not recognized by Europeans, including many ethnographers, as it seemed so alien to them. The Pawnee, for example, practiced a form of temporary polyandry. When a boy reached puberty, his mother’s brother’s wife would take charge of him and initiate him into sex. He would continue having sex with her until he married. For a period of four or five years, the young man, and perhaps his brothers as well, would be a junior husband for this woman, creating a temporary state of polyandry. Polyandry also occurred as a form of an anticipatory levirate.

In Native American cultures, marriage was neither religious nor civil. There was usually no religious ceremony involved, only a public recognition of the fact of marriage. In most cases there was no formal ceremony. The couple simply started living together. In most Native American cultures, nearly all adults were married, yet marriage was not seen as permanent. It was recognized that people would be together in a married state for a while and then separate. Divorce was accomplished easily since the couple did not own property in common. Each partner simply picked up his or her personal property and left.

Divorce was neither a civil nor a religious concern-this was a private matter among the people involved. While some American commentators bemoan the negative impact of divorce upon children, in Native cultures, each child had many fathers, many mothers, and many siblings. A child was not property but a member of a large family and thus had rights. Since divorce was accepted and the raising of the child was the responsibility of many relatives, not just the biological mother and father, divorce does not appear to have had negative impact on the children.



Informal polyandry is a feature of some hunter-gatherer societies, such as the Inuit of northern North America, or the Yanomamo of the Orinoco river basin in South America. The concepts of premarital and extramarital sexual activities were absent, and it was probably true of Hawai‘i, as it was said to have been true of much of Polynesia, that “there are no people in the world who indulge themselves more in their sensual appetites than these”
(Ellis, 1782, Vol. 2, p. 153).


Few cultures are as sexually liberated as those of the ancient Amazon rainforest. Nearly 70 percent of the tribes practiced multiple paternity, in which all of a woman’s sexual partners were fathers to her children. It was commonplace for people to be open about having multiple sexual partners in the ancient Amazon. Open sexual arrangements were socially accepted, even expected, according to anthropologist Robert Walker. And these multiple attachments were anything but casual. Men acted as father figures to the children of any and all of their partners. A woman could marry one man, making him the primary father to her children, but all the other men in her life would be considered vital secondary fathers.

As Walker explains, this was partly because of the ancient Amazonians’ rather unique take on genetics:

*“In these cultures, if the mother had sexual relations with multiple men, people believed that each of the men was, in part, the child’s biological father. It was socially acceptable for children to have multiple fathers, and secondary fathers often contributed to their children’s upbringing. In some Amazonian cultures, it was bad manners for a husband to be jealous of his wife’s extramarital partner. It was also considered strange if you did not have multiple sexual partners. Cousins were often preferred partners, so it was especially rude to shun their advances.”* (end quote)

For children, having as many fathers as possible had its advantages. More dads meant more gifts and support for the child, which is known to increase a youngster’s odds of reaching adulthood. Besides, it was a rather pragmatic solution to a basic fact of life in a culture where warfare was all too common and brutal. If a child’s primary father died, he or she would have other males around to step in and act as father figures, easing the newly widowed mother’s burden.

Men also benefited from this system. Sharing paternity brought men together, cementing bonds and friendships (basically, just like Three Men and a Baby, just with less Steve Guttenberg). Indeed, one of the best ways for two men to cement an alliance was to share wives, often in a family – brothers were some of the most frequent wife-sharers According to Walker’s new research, of 128 indigenous groups in lowland South America, 53 are known to practice multiple paternity, while only 23 are known to practice single paternity. The remaining 52 don’t have clear conception beliefs, making it difficult to know whether they once possessed this custom. That means at least 40% and perhaps as much as 70% of these groups once practiced multiple paternity, which definitely means it was a common feature of Amazonian civilization.


The Moche Tribe existed along north coast of Peru from 200 AD to 850 AD. It was a complex, state level society that covered a large geographical area. Their cities, temples, and agriculture dotted the northern Peruvian coastline in what are considered two factions of the Moche: the Northern and Southern. The Moche are probably best known and recognized for their complex pottery styles.

The Moche erotic pottery is characterized by the various sexual acts depicted, which include acts of oral, vaginal, and anal sex as well as masturbation. These acts are most commonly shown between a man and a woman, although male on male homosexual acts are present, too. Although heterosexual sexual relations are the most common it is interesting to note that vaginal sexual acts are the most rarely depicted. Common sexual acts demonstrated in Moche erotic pottery are (in order of most common to least common) heterosexual anal sex, acts of masturbation, and heterosexual oral sex. There are also several vases that portray males with their erect penises. These pieces are known as phallic libations. These are functional ceramics used as pouring vessels, with the erect penis being used as the spout.

There are some other oddities in Latin America when it comes to mating. A small village in Brazil called Mehinaku is a place where size really does matter. This refers not to the size of your package, but rather the size of your catch. There, men compete for partners and sex by presenting women with fish. The man with the largest fish wins the girl. Among those in the Guajiro tribe of Colombia, much like singles in the US, this indigenous group scores on the dance floor. The Guajiro ladies catch a fella by tripping him during their ceremonial dances. If she trips him, they must have sex.

I want to interject my own thought in here for a second. You have these New-Agers out here, with their dream catchers, crystals, feather head-dresses, practicing Native mysticism with their sage sessions, etc.., but with a Judeo-Christian mindset towards polyamory and open sexuality (claiming poly sexuality is “low vibration or low archonic energy” that create karmic soul ties, which need to be purged), etc.. yet, not being aware that the majority of Native Tribes were into orgies, every form of polyamory, wife swapping / swinging (the concept of adultery was petty and “beneath them”), nephews using their uncles’ wives as their initiation into sex for many years, etc.., and just overall, being more casual with sexuality than the flower children Hippies, smoking the ganja at Woodstock 1969. Ain’t that some shit! The 3-headed Abrahamic Monster has infected many pagan beliefs too. The biggest Cult is CULTure.

Everyone loves to hold onto their fairytales. Once researchers give you a logical answer for the phenomena, and then put a scientific label or technological term on it, all of a sudden, it loses its ‘magic.’ This is the very reason why these ‘myths’ originated in the first place. The Ancients brought inanimate objects, planets, natural occurrences, etc.. to life via anthropomorphizing them and giving them a story. This was not only a motivator in people’s personal lives to live for something greater, but unfortunately, it was also a form of mind control. In this case, they made lifelong monogamy, larger than life, gave it a huge 5 to 6 figure $$$$ wedding ceremony (more like drinking binge party) and told everyone this was the quintessential relationship form of bliss! But It was a pipe dream sold to people who would unfortunately find out the truth, the hard way, several years later in divorce court.

We also find that many of the North American Tribes had what was known as ‘Two Spirit’ people. Basically it was a person who is androgynous. “Two Spirit” is not interchangeable with “LGBT Native American” or “Gay Indian”, this title differs from most western, mainstream definitions of sexuality and gender identity in that it is not so much about whom one is sexually interested in, or how one personally identifies; rather, it is a sacred, spiritual and ceremonial role that is recognized and confirmed by the Elders of the Two Spirit’s ceremonial community. Third and fourth gender roles traditionally embodied by two-spirit people include performing work and wearing clothing associated with both men and women. Not all tribes/nations have rigid gender roles, but, among those that do, the most usual spectrum that has been documented is that of four genders: feminine woman, masculine woman, feminine man, masculine man. The term ‘Two Spirit’ was adopted by consensus in 1990 at an Indigenous lesbian and gay international gathering to encourage the replacement of the outdated, and now seen as inappropriate, anthropological term ‘berdache.’

Author Brian Gilley, who wrote the book entitled, “Becoming Two-Spirit: Gay Identity and Social Acceptance in Indian Country” and anthropologist Will Roscoe, claim that over 130 Tribes had the presence of male-bodied two-spirits. However, as I said before, there were no Pan-Native terms. Not all Native Tribes ascribed to this view. The Ojibwe journalist named Mary Annette Pember argues that this depiction threatens to homogenize diverse Indigenous cultures, painting over them with an overly broad brush, potentially causing the disappearance of “distinct cultural and language differences that Native peoples hold crucial to their identity.”

Don Pedro Fages was third in command of the 1769–70 Spanish Portolà expedition, the first European land exploration of what is now the U.S. state of California. At least three diaries were kept during the expedition, but Fages wrote his account later, in 1775. Fages gave more descriptive details about the native Californians than any of the others, and he alone reported the presence of homosexuality in the native culture. The English translation reads:

“I have submitted substantial evidence that those Indian men who, both here and farther inland, are observed in the dress, clothing and character of women – there being two or three such in each village – pass as sodomites by profession…. They are called joyas, and are held in great esteem.”

Nowadays, some Zapotec natives from Mexico are born as males, but later cross dress as women and practice all activities associated to the female gender. Such people are known as muxe. Among the Iroquois, there is a single report from Bacqueville de la Potherie in his book published in 1722, Histoire de l’Amérique septentrionale, that indicates that an alternative gender identity exists among them. This may have also been the case among the Incas and the Aztecs, but sources show that the missionaries from Europe destroyed any artifacts or beliefs within these cultures, thus, allowing for Christian influences to flourish there.

The Jesuits and French explorers told stories of Native American men who had “Given to sin” and “Hunting Women” with wives and later, the British returned to England with similar accounts. George Catlin said that the Two Spirit tradition among Native Americans “Must be extinguished before it can be more fully recorded.” In keeping with European prejudices held against Natives, the Spanish Catholic monks destroyed most of the Aztec codices to eradicate traditional Native beliefs and history, including those that told of the Two Spirit tradition. In 1530, the Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca wrote in his diary of seeing “soft” Native Indian males in Florida tribes dressing and working as women. Just as with all other aspects of the European regard for Indians, gender variance was not tolerated. Europeans and eventually Euro-Americans demanded all people conform to their prescribed two gender roles.


As Europeans forced their way into North America, colonial governments eagerly formed white power structures, land grabbed from Natives and implemented the genocidal conversion tactics that has defined the relationship between Native Americans and Euro-American governments. When Christopher Columbus encountered the Two Spirit people, he and his crew threw them into pits with their war dogs and were torn limb from limb. The inhuman treatment Christians offered was only the beginning of the Native American holocaust.

As Europeans and subsequently Euro-Americans moved from east to west, they spread diseases and imposed European culture and religions onto Natives. In the 20th century, as neurotic prejudices, instigated by Christian influences, increased among Native Americans, acceptance of gender diversity and androgynous persons sharply declined. Two Spirits were commonly forced by government officials, Christian representatives or even their assimilated Native communities to conform to standardized gender roles. Those who felt they could not make this transition either went underground or committed suicide.

A Spanish Friar named Bartolome de Las Casas eventually wrote about the horrors of the white Christians inflicted upon the Natives. Here are quotes of his below from his diary :

“And never have the Indians in all the Indies committed any act against the Spanish Christians, until those Christians have first and many times committed countless cruel aggressions against them or against neighboring nations.

More than thirty other islands in the vicinity of San Juan are for the most part and for the same reason depopulated, and the land laid waste.

We can estimate very surely and truthfully that in the forty years that have passed, with the infernal actions of the Christians, there have been unjustly slain more than twelve million men, women, and children. In truth, I believe without trying to deceive myself that the number of the slain is more like fifty million.

After the wars and the killings had ended, when usually there survived only some boys, some women, and children, these survivors were distributed among the Christians to be slaves.

And of all the infinite universe of humanity, these people are the most guileless, the most devoid of wickedness and duplicity, the most obedient and faithful to their native masters and to the Spanish Christians whom they serve.

These people are the most devoid of rancors, hatreds, or desire for vengeance of any people in the world. They are the most guileless and most patient, humble and caring people you will find anywhere.

The reason for Christians killing and destroying such an infinite number of [Native] souls is that the Christians have an ultimate aim, which is to acquire gold, and to swell themselves with riches in a very brief time and thus rise to a high estate disproportionate to their merits.

It should be kept in mind that their insatiable greed and ambition, the greatest ever seen in the world, is the cause of their villainies.

With my own eyes I saw Spaniards cut off the nose and ears of Indians, male and female, without provocation, merely because it pleased them to do it. …Likewise, I saw how they summoned the caciques and the chief rulers to come, assuring them safety, and when they peacefully came, they were taken captive and burned.

They laid bets as to who, with one stroke of the sword, could split a man in two or could cut off his head or spill out his entrails with a single stroke of the pike.

They took infants from their mothers’ breasts, snatching them by the legs and pitching them headfirst against the crags or snatched them by the arms and threw them into the rivers, roaring with laughter and saying as the babies fell into the water, “Boil there, you offspring of the devil!”

They attacked the towns and spared neither the children nor the aged nor pregnant women nor women in childbed, not only stabbing them and dismembering them but cutting them to pieces as if dealing with sheep in the slaughter house.

They made some low wide gallows on which the hanged victim’s feet almost touched the ground, stringing up their victims in lots of thirteen, in memory of Our Redeemer and His twelve Apostles, then set burning wood at their feet and thus burned them alive.

With still others, all those they wanted to capture alive, they cut off their hands and hung them round the victim’s neck, saying, “Go now, carry the message,” meaning, Take the news to the Indians who have fled to the mountains.

They made a grid of rods which they placed on forked sticks, then lashed the victims to the grid and lighted a smoldering fire underneath, so that little by little, as those captives screamed in despair and torment, their souls would leave them.

The Indians were totally deprived of their freedom and were put into the harshest, fiercest, most horrible servitude and captivity which no one who has not seen it can understand. Even beasts enjoy more freedom when they are allowed to graze in the field.” (end)
– Bartolome de Las Casas

The imposition of Euro-American marriage laws invalidated the same-gender marriages that were once common among tribes across North America. The Native American cultural pride revivals that began in the 1960s / Red Power movements brought about a new awareness of the Two Spirit tradition and has since inspired a gradual increase of acceptance and respect for gender variance within tribal communities. It was out of this new tribal and self respect that encouraged the shedding of the offensive “Berdache” term that was assigned by Europeans.

I will leave the last words to the late Lakota actor, Native rights activist and American Indian Movement co-founder Russell Means: “In my culture we have people who dress half-man, half-woman. Winkte, we call them in our language. If you are Winkte, that is an honorable term and you are a special human being and among my nation and all Plains people, we consider you a teacher of our children and are proud of what and who you are.”

P.S. Here is more from the diary of Las Casas and also the diary of Christopher Columbus :

“As soon as I arrived in the Indies (they thought they were in India, but really they were in the Americas), on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn and might give me information of whatever there is in these parts, and in that way they soon understood us and we them, whether by word or by sign; and they have been very useful to us.

I still have them with me, and they still insist that I come from heaven, in spite of all the exchanges they have had with me, and they were the first to announce this wherever I went, and the others would run from house to house and to the nearby towns shouting: “come, come and see the people from heaven.” In this way they all flocked in, men and women alike, great and small, once they were confident about us; none were left behind, and they all brought something to eat and drink, which they gave with marvelous affection.
They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane. It appears to me, that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants and I am of opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion. I could conquer the whole of them with fifty men, and govern them as I pleased.
As I saw that they were very friendly to us, and perceived that they could be much more easily converted to our holy faith by gentle means than by force, I presented them with some red caps, and strings of beads to wear upon the neck, and many other trifles of small value, wherewith they were much delighted, and became wonderfully attached to us. Afterwards they came swimming to the boats, bringing parrots, balls of cotton thread, javelins, and many other things which they exchanged for articles we gave them, such as glass beads, and hawk’s bells; which trade was carried on with the utmost good will. But they seemed on the whole to me, to be a very poor people.
They knew no sect and were not idolaters, except that they all believe that power and good come from heaven, and they believed very firmly that I and these ships and crew came from heaven and in this belief they received me everywhere, once they had overcome their fear. And this is not because they are ignorant; rather, they are of subtle intelligence and can find their way around those seas, and give a marvelously good account of everything; it is only because they have never seen men clothed or ships of that kind.”

– Christopher Columbus Captain’s Log, 1492


The chief source-and, on many matters the only source-of information about what happened on the islands after Columbus came is Bartolome de las Casas, who, as a young priest, participated in the conquest of Cuba. For a time he owned a plantation on which Indian slaves worked, but he gave that up and became a vehement critic of Spanish cruelty. Las Casas transcribed Columbus’s journal and, in his fifties, began a multi-volume History of the Indies. In it, he describes the Indians. They are agile, he says, and can swim long distances, especially the women. They are not completely peaceful, because they do battle from time to time with other tribes, but their casualties seem small, and they fight when they are individually moved to do so because of some grievance, not on the orders of captains or kings.
Women in Indian society were treated so well as to startle the Spaniards. Las Casas describes sex relations:
Marriage laws are non-existent men and women alike choose their mates and leave them as they please, without offense, jealousy or anger. They multiply in great abundance; pregnant women work to the last minute and give birth almost painlessly; up the next day, they bathe in the river and are as clean and healthy as before giving birth. If they tire of their men, they give themselves abortions with herbs that force stillbirths, covering their shameful parts with leaves or cotton cloth; although on the whole, Indian men and women look upon total nakedness with as much casualness as we look upon a man’s head or at his hands.
The Indians, Las Casas says, have no religion, at least no temples. They live in large communal bell-shaped buildings, housing up to 600 people at one time … made of very strong wood and roofed with palm leaves…. They prize bird feathers of various colors, beads made of fishbones, and green and white stones with which they adorn their ears and lips, but they put no value on gold and other precious things. They lack all manner of commerce, neither buying nor selling, and rely exclusively on their natural environment for maintenance. They are extremely generous with their possessions and by the same token covet the possessions of their friends and expect the same degree of liberality. …
In Book Two of his History of the Indies, Las Casas (who at first urged replacing Indians by black slaves, thinking they were stronger and would survive, but later relented when he saw the effects on blacks) tells about the treatment of the Indians by the Spaniards. It is a unique account and deserves to be quoted at length:
Endless testimonies . .. prove the mild and pacific temperament of the natives…. But our work was to exasperate, ravage, kill, mangle and destroy; small wonder, then, if they tried to kill one of us now and then…. The admiral, it is true, was blind as those who came after him, and he was so anxious to please the King that he committed irreparable crimes against the Indians….
Las Casas tells how the Spaniards “grew more conceited every day” and after a while refused to walk any distance. They “rode the backs of Indians if they were in a hurry” or were carried on hammocks by Indians running in relays. “In this case they also had Indians carry large leaves to shade them from the sun and others to fan them with goose wings.”
Total control led to total cruelty. The Spaniards “thought nothing of knifing Indians by tens and twenties and of cutting slices off them to test the sharpness of their blades.” Las Casas tells how “two of these so-called Christians met two Indian boys one day, each carrying a parrot; they took the parrots and for fun beheaded the boys.”
The Indians’ attempts to defend themselves failed. And when they ran off into the hills they were found and killed. So, Las Casas reports, “they suffered and died in the mines and other labors in desperate silence, knowing not a soul in the world to whom they could turn for help.” He describes their work in the mines:
… mountains are stripped from top to bottom and bottom to top a thousand times; they dig, split rocks, move stones, and carry dirt on their backs to wash it in the rivers, while those who wash gold stay in the water all the time with their backs bent so constantly it breaks them; and when water invades the mines, the most arduous task of all is to dry the mines by scooping up pansful of water and throwing it up outside….
After each six or eight months’ work in the mines, which was the time required of each crew to dig enough gold for melting, up to a third of the men died.
While the men were sent many miles away to the mines, the wives remained to work the soil, forced into the excruciating job of digging and making thousands of hills for cassava plants.
Thus husbands and wives were together only once every eight or ten months and when they met they were so exhausted and depressed on both sides … they ceased to procreate. As for the newly born, they died early because their mothers, overworked and famished, had no milk to nurse them, and for this reason, while I was in Cuba, 7000 children died in three months. Some mothers even drowned their babies from sheer desperation…. in this way, husbands died in the mines, wives died at work, and children died from lack of milk . .. and in a short time this land which was so great, so powerful and fertile … was depopulated. … My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature, and now I tremble as I write. …
When he arrived on Hispaniola in 1508, Las Casas says, “there were 60,000 people living on this island, including the Indians; so that from 1494 to 1508, over three million people had perished from war, slavery, and the mines. Who in future generations will believe this? I myself writing it as a knowledgeable eyewitness can hardly believe it….”

Sources :

Link 1 : http://www.cherokee.org/AboutTheNation/Culture/General/TheOldCherokeeWedding.aspx

Link 2 :

Link 3 :

Link 4 :

Link 5 :

Link 6 :

Link 7 :

Link 8 :

Link 9 :

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Link 14 :

Link 15 :



The Greeks were a sexually promiscuous society in every way. Even their pantheon of gods and goddesses were seen engaging in every sexual act possible. We see this same thing in certain points of Roman history as well. In many Greek myths we see them transforming themselves into animals to have sex with humans or vice-versa. For example, Dionysus, God of Wine, was always accompanied by fauns, half-human, half-goat creatures famous for their sexual energy.

During the Dionysiac festivities, the high priest or Phallophoroi would wear a penis ornament while the other priests would carry milk and torches. They would go on a procession carrying a basket filled with phallic-shaped fruit that represented the God. These festivities were carried out during March and December, and during the theatrical performances, sexual rituals would be carried out, which would allude to the sacred episodes of Dionysus’ life.

Another Greek deity known for his sexual exploits was Zeus, who did the impossible to satisfy his desires. For instance, he transformed into golden rain to possess Danae, who had been locked away by her father. In one myth he even took the shape of a bull to abduct Europa (mother of King Minos of Crete, a woman with Phoenician origin of high lineage, and after whom the continent Europe was named) and in another he morphed into a swan to lie with Leda (Aetolian princess who became a Spartan queen). His shapeshifting abilities knew no bounds, he even turned into a serpent to have sex with his own daughter Persephone (daughter of Demeter and Queen of the underworld with King Hades).

Let’s start with some of the oldest Greek aspects of life, love and sexuality, which would be in Sparta (existed from 900BC to circa 300BC). Greek Historian Xenophon (4th Century BC Greek Historian) in his historical annals “Constitution of the Lacedaemonians”, on the training of Spartan women and wives. Read below :

“It was not by imitating the customs of other states, but by knowingly doing the opposite to most of them, that Lycurgus made his fatherland pre-eminently successful.

(1.3) To begin at the beginning, here is his legislation about the procreation of children. Other people raise the girls who will bear the children and who are supposed to have a good upbringing with the most limited portions of food and the smallest possible amount of delicacies. They make sure they abstain from wine completely or give it to them mixed with water.

The other Greeks think that girls ought to sit in isolation doing wool work, leading a sedentary existence like many craftsmen. How could they expect that girls raised in this way could produce significant offspring? (1.4) By contrast, Lycurgus thought that slave women could make a sufficient quantity of clothing.

But as far as free women were concerned, because he thought childbearing was their most important function, he decreed that the female sex ought to take bodily exercise no less than the male. He established competitions of running and of strength for women with one another, just as he did for the men, because he thought that stronger offspring would be born if both parents were strong.

(1.5) As for a wife’s sexual relations with her husband, Lycurgus saw that men in other cultures during the first part of the time had unlimited intercourse with their wives, but he knew that the opposite was right. He made it a disgrace for the husband to be seen approaching or leaving his wife. As a result it was inevitable that their desire for intercourse increased, and that as a result the offspring (if there were any) that were born were stronger than if the couple were tired of each other.

(1.6) In addition, he stopped men from taking a wife whenever they chose and decreed that they marry when they were in their prime, because he thought that this was better for their offspring. (1.7) He saw that in cases where it happened that an old man had a young wife, the men were particularly protective of their wives, and he knew that the opposite was right. He required that the older man bring in a man whose body and mind he admired and have him beget the children. (1.8) But in case a man did not want to cohabit with his wife, but wanted worthy children, he made a law that he could beget children from a woman who was noble and had borne good children, if he could persuade her husband.  (1.9) He agreed to allow many such arrangements, for the wives who wanted to have two households and husbands who wanted to acquire brothers for their children, who had blood and powers in common, but did not inherit their property.

Thus Lycurgus had different ideas about the begetting of children, and anyone who wishes to may judge whether or not he succeeded in producing in Sparta men who were superior in height and strength from the men in other states!”


Plutarch (2nd Century AD Roman Historian and Biographer) in his historical annals “Life of Lycurgus” (Lycurgus was the lawgiver in Sparta, living circa 9th Century BC), further explaining how women in Sparta should be, as well as the marriage life between men and women.

“As for education, he considered it to be a lawgiver’s most significant and noblest work. For that reason he began first off by considering legislation about marriage and childbirth. For Aristotle is wrong when he says that it was because he tried and failed to make the women chaste that he gave up the idea of controlling the freedom and dominance the women had acquired because they were compelled to be in charge because of their husbands left them behind [while they were on campaign] and so were more considerate of them than was appropriate, and addressed them as ladies.

Rather it was that Lycurgus took particular care about the women as well as the men. (14.2) He made the young women exercise their bodies by running and wrestling and throwing the discus and the javelin, so that their offspring would have a sound start by taking root in sound bodies and grow stronger, and the women themselves would be able to use their strength to withstand childbearing and wrestle with labour pains. He freed them from softness and sitting in the shade and all female habits, and made it customary for girls no less than boys to go naked in processions and to dance naked at certain festivals and to sing naked while young men were present and looking on.

(14.3) On occasion the girls made good-natured jokes about young men who had done something wrong, and again sang encomia set to music to the young men who deserved them, so as to inspire in the young men a desire for glory and emulation of their deeds. The man who was praised for his courage and was celebrated by the girls went away proud because of their praise. But the sting of their jokes and mockery was as sharp as serious admonition, because along with the other citizens the kings and the senators attended the spectacle. (14.4) There was nothing shameful in the girls’ nakedness, because it was accompanied by modesty and self-control. It produced in them simple habits and an intense desire for good health, and gave the female sex a taste for noble sentiments, since they shared with the males virtue and desire for glory. As a result they tended to speak and think the kind of thing that Gorgo, the wife of king Leonidas, is reported to have said. When (as it seems) a foreigner said to her, ‘You Spartans are the only women who rule over their men’, she replied, ‘Because only we are the mothers of men’.

(15.1) These customs also provided an incentive for marriage. I mean the naked processions of maidens and competitions in full view of the young men, who were attracted to them not (as Plato says) ‘by sexual rather than logical inevitability’.  In addition, Lycurgus attached disgrace to bachelorhood; bachelors were forbidden to watch the naked processions (15.3) Men married the girls by kidnapping them, not when they were small and immature, but when they had reached their full prime. Once the girl had been kidnapped a so-called bridesmaid cropped her hair close to her head, clothed her in a man’s cloak and sandals, and left her lying on a pallet in the dark. The bridegroom, not drunk or debauched, but sober, and after having dined as usual at the common table, came in and undid her belt and carried her off to the marriage bed.

(15.4) After spending a short time with his wife he went off in a dignified way to his usual quarters, in order to sleep with the other young men. He kept on doing like this from then on: he would spend his days and sleep at night with his comrades, go to his wife secretly and cautiously, because he was ashamed and afraid that someone would discover him in her room, and meanwhile his wife was devising and planning with him how they might devise opportunities for secret meetings. (15.5) They carried on like this for some time, so long that some of them had children before they saw their wives in the daylight.

Such interviews not only provided opportunity to practise self-control and moderation, but kept their bodies fertile and always fresh for loving and eager for intercourse, because they were not satisfied and worn out by continual intercourse, but had always some remnant of an incentive for their mutual passion and pleasure.

(15.6) By endowing marriage with such restraint and order, he was equally able to dispel empty and womanish jealousy, by ensuring that although they removed unworthy offences from marriage, they could share the begetting of children with their fellows, and they made fun of anyone who turned to murder or war on the grounds that they could not share or participate in such practices. It was possible for an older man with a younger wife, if he was pleased with and thought highly of one of the virtuous young men, to bring him to his wife and having filled her with noble seed, to adopt the child as his own. Similarly it was possible for a good man, who admired the chaste wife of another man, to persuade her husband to let him sleep with her, so that he could plant his seed in a good garden plot and beget good children, to be brothers and kin to the best families … (15.9) His physical and political program at that time was very far from the laxity among the women that was said to have developed later, and there was no thought of adultery among them.

(16.1) Fathers did not have authority over raising their offspring.

Instead, the father took his child and brought it to a place called Lesche, [26] where sat the elders of the tribe. They examined the child, and if it were well-formed and strong, ordered it to be raised, and gave it one of the nine-thousand lots.

But if the child were ill-born and maimed, they discarded it in the so-called Apothetae, a kind of pit near Mt. Taygetus, (16.2) on the grounds that it was not profitable for it to live, either for itself or for the state, if it were not well-framed and strong right from the start. This is why [Spartan] women washed infants not in water but in wine, in order to test their strength. For it is said that undiluted wine causes convulsions in babies who are epileptic or weak, and that healthy babies are tempered by it and their frames strengthened.

(16.3) Their nurses took special care in their craft, so that they were able to raise infants without swaddling cloths around their limbs, and left their figures free, and the babies were contented with their regime, and not fussy about food, and not scared of the dark or afraid to be left alone, and free of ignoble irritability and whining. For this reason certain foreigners purchased Spartan nurses for their children. They say that Amycla, the nurse of the Athenian Alcibiades, was a Spartan.” (end)

So you see, they engaged in many abnormalities according to today’s standards. From homosexuality, bisexuality, polyamory, wife sharing, and even played games where the man would have to ‘sneak’ in to have sex with his wife (thinking this would keep the passion strong between the couple over the long haul). The men also shared wives with the strongest, most virile males available. We see depictions of some of these practices through their artifacts and pottery, such as these below:





The 2nd Greek pot above, was painted around 500 BC. It is actually a wine-cooler designed to be used at an elite Athenian drinking party. The “symposium” as it was called, enabled men to leave their wives at home and let their hair down together. But it also offered opportunities for them to drink too much and end the evening in the arms of a prostitute. The half-man, half-horse creatures depicted here warn against the loss of dignity (humanity even) that too much fun can bring, and underline why the god of wine, Dionysus, had to be worshiped. Their antics proved so shocking that at the end of the nineteenth, beginning of the twentieth century the erection of the kneeling satyr was painted out by museum curators leaving his drinking cup hovering.

Both in Greece and Rome, we see erotica all over the place, from art, artifacts, statues, coins, monuments, even lamps or streetlights with sexual insignia (after the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum were excavated, from being completely inundated with ash when Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79AD, there were nothing but these sexual relics and sites found). Pompeii had highly explicit mosaics and paintings, from nude sculptures to figurines of penises and vaginas. You can watch a short clip on the archaeological finds in Pompeii in the link below :

As a matter of fact, several phallic necklaces were used as a sign of manhood, virility, and power. They were passed from soldier to soldier as a token of good luck during battle. Phallic statuettes were also displayed in infant burials to protect the deceased on their way to the underworld. It’s said that Romans believed in some sort of demonic figures who haunted men, so they would put a phallic artifact with strange shapes and motifs to scare those evil spirits trying to harm them. Here is a picture of those artifacts below


We like to think that the sexual feature of human nature has always been seen the same way as we understand it today.  Each society and culture, with their own world views, looks back at the past and constructs their own interpretation of it. A sculpture such as that of Pan making love to a goat plunges us back into darkness and uncertainty, and makes the chasm of two millennia feel as abyss-like as ever. We will never be able fully to comprehend what the sculpture meant to the Romans who first saw it. Where we see smut or rape, perhaps they saw comedy or even tenderness. All we can say with certainty is that their attitudes towards sex and violence differed radically from ours. Understanding the past is an elusive, ever-changing quest.

(The god Pan having sex with a goat, found in Herculaneum ; shown in picture below) :


The Etruscans were an early, wealthy Italian (later Roman ; beginning around 3rd Century BC) tribe, who lasted from 800 BC to circa 260 BC. They were said to be very open sexually as well. Greek Historian Theopompus (4th Century BC) wrote in his historical annals ‘Histories’ about Etruscan family life. Several features of the libertine conduct attributed by Theopompus to the Etruscans occur also in Plato’s ideal State and in Xenophon’s (4th Century BC Greek Historian) description of Sparta. Read below :

“Sharing wives is an established Etruscan custom. Etruscan women take particular care of their bodies and exercise often, sometimes along with the men, and sometimes by themselves. It is not a disgrace for them to be seen naked. They do not share their couches with their husbands but with the other men who happen to be present, and they propose toasts to anyone they choose. They are expert drinkers and very attractive.

The Etruscans raise all the children that are born, without knowing who their fathers are. The children live the way their parents live, often attending drinking parties and having sexual relations with all the women. It is no disgrace for them to do anything in the open, or to be seen having it done to them, for they consider it a native custom. So far from thinking it disgraceful, they say when someone ask to see the master of the house, and he is making love, that he is doing so-and-so, calling the indecent action by its name.

When they are having sexual relations either with courtesans or within their family, they do as follows: after they have stopped drinking and are about to go to bed, while the lamps are still lit, servants bring in courtesans, or boys, or sometimes even their wives. And when they have enjoyed these they bring in boys, and make love to them. They sometimes make love and have intercourse while people are watching them, but most of the time they put screens woven of sticks around the beds, and throw cloths on top of them.

They are keen on making love to women, but they particularly enjoy boys and youths. The youths in Etruria are very good-looking, because they live in luxury and keep their bodies smooth. In fact all the barbarians in the West use pitch to pull out and shave off the hair on their bodies.” (end)

We also find that many of the laws in ancient Italy, were very different from our own as well. For example, Gortyn was a municipality on the island of Crete. It amalgamated into Rome in the 1st Century BC, but before then, it had a Code of Law of its own. Here are excerpts from the Gortyn Law Code circa 450 BC (inscr. Creticae 4.72, cols. ii.3-27, ii. 45-iv.54, v. 1-9. vi.31-46, vi.56-vii.2, vii.15-viii.19, xi. 18-9. G)

“The various laws recorded on this long and beautifully incised inscription differ in many respects from Athenian practice (cf. nos. 80 and 81). In Gortyn women appear to have somewhat more independence: instead of a dowry, daughters have a specific portion of the inheritance equal to half of that of a son; under certain (perhaps only remotely possible circumstances) even an heiress might be able to choose her husband; a women can keep her own property (rather than having her dowry returned to her father or kyrios) and half of the cloth she has woven during the course of the marriage.

Sexual offences

(ii.3-27) If a person rapes a free person, male or female, he shall pay 100 staters, and if [the victim] is from the house of an apetairos,[2] 10 staters; and if a slave rapes a free person, male or female, he shall pay double. If a free man rapes a serf, male or female, he shall pay 5 drachmas. If a male serf rapes a serf, male or female, he shall pay five staters.

If a person deflowers a female household serf, he shall pay 2 staters. If she has already been deflowered, 1 obol if in day-time, 2 obols if at night. The female slave’s oath takes precedence.[3]

If anyone makes an attempt to rape a free woman under the guardianship of a relative, he shall pay 10 staters, if a witness testifies.

If someone is taken in adultery with a free woman in her father’s house, or her brother’s or her husband’s, he is to pay 10 staters; if in another man’s house, 50 staters; if with the wife of an apetairos, 10 staters. But if a slave is taken in adultery with a free woman, he must pay double. If a slave is taken in adultery with a slave, 5 staters.

Disposition of property in divorce

(ii.45-iii.16) If a husband and wife divorce, she is to keep her property, whatever she brought to the marriage, and one-half the produce (if there is any) from her own property, and half of whatever she has woven within the house; also she is to have 5 staters if her husband is the cause of the divorce. If the husband swears that he is not the cause of the divorce, the judge is to take an oath and decide. If the wife carries away anything else belonging to the husband, she must pay five staters and whatever she carries away from him, and whatever she has stolen she must return to him. About what she denies [having taken], the judge is to order that she must sear by Artemis before the statue of [Artemis] Archeress in the Amyclean temple. If anyone takes anything from her after she has made her denial, he is to pay 5 staters and return the thing itself. If a stranger helps her to carry anything away, he must pay 10 staters and double the amount of whatever the judge swears that he helped her to take away.


(iii.17-44) If a man dies and leaves children behind, if the wife wishes, she may marry, keeping her own property and whatever her husband gave her according to an agreement written in the presence of three adult free witnesses. If she should take anything away that belongs to her children, that is grounds for a trial. If the husband leaves her without issue, she is to have her own property and half of whatever she has woven within the house, and she is to get her portion of the produce in the house along with the lawful heirs, and whatever her husband may have given her according to written agreement. But if she should take away anything else, it is grounds for a trial.

If a woman dies without issue the husband is to give her property back to her lawful heirs and half of what she has woven within and half of the produce if it comes from her property. If the husband or wife wishes to pay for its transport, it is to be in clothing or twelve staters or something worth 12 staters, but not more.

If a female serf is separated from a male serf while he is alive or if he dies, she is to keep what she has. If she takes anything else away, it is grounds for a trial.

Provisions for children in case of death or divorce

(iii.45-iv. 54) If a wife who is separated from her husband should bear a child, it is to be brought to the husband in his house in the presence of three witnesses, If he does not receive it, it is up to the mother to raise or expose the child. The oath of relatives and witnesses is to have preference, if they brought it.

If a female serf should bear a child while separated [from her husband], she is to bring it to the master of the man who married her, in the presence of two witnesses. If he does not received the child, it is to be long to the master of the female serf. but if she marries the same man again before the end of the year, the child shall belong to the master of the male serf. The oaths of person who brought the child and of the witnesses shall have preference.

If a divorced woman should expose her child before presenting it according to the law, she shall pay 50 staters for a free child, and 5 for a slave, if she is convicted. If the man to whom she brings the child has no house, or she does not see him, she shall not pay a penalty if she exposes the child.

If a female serf who is not married conceives and bears a child, the child shall belong to the master of her father. If the father is not alive then to the masters of her brothers.

The father has power over the children and division of property, and the mother over her own possessions. So long as [the father and mother] are alive, the property is not to be divided. But if one of them is fined, the person who is fined shall have his share reduced proportionately according to the law.

If a father dies, the city dwellings and whatever is inside the houses in which a serf who lives in the country does not reside, and the cattle which do not belong to a serf, shall belong to the sons. The other possessions shall be divided fairly, and the sons shall each get two parts, however many they are, and the daughters each get one part, however many they are.

The mother’s property shall also be divided if she dies, in the same way as prescribed for the father’s. But if there is no property other than the house, the daughters shall receive their share as prescribed. If the father during his lifetime should give to a married daughter, let him give her share as prescribed, but not more. The daughter to whom he gave or promised her share shall have it, but no additional possessions from her father’s property.

(v.1-9) If any woman does not have property either from a gift by her father or brother or from a pledge or from an inheritance given when the Aithalian clan consisting of Cyllus and his colleagues [where in power], these women are to have a portion, but it will not be lawful to take away gifts given previously.

(vi.31-46) If a mother dies leaving children, the father has power over the mother’s estate, but he should not sell or mortgage it, unless the children are of age and give their consent. If he marries another wife, the children are to have power over their mother’s estate.

Determination of social status

(vi.56-vii.2) If a slave goes to a free woman and marries her, the children shall be free. If a free woman goes to a slave, the children shall be slaves.

Heiresses [4]

(vii.15-viii.19) The heiress is to marry the oldest of her father’s living brothers. If her father has no living brothers but there are sons of the brothers, she is to marry the oldest brother’s son. If there are more heiresses and sons of brothers, the [additional heiress] is to marry the next son after the son of the oldest. The groom-elect is to have one heiress, and not more.

If the heiress is too young to marry, she is to have the house, if there is one, and the groom-elect is to have half of the revenue from everything.

If he does not wish to marry her as prescribed by law, the heiress is to take all the property and marry the next one in succession, if there is one. If there is no one, she may marry whomever she wishes to of those who ask her from the same phratry. [5] If the heiress is of age and does not wish to marry the intended bridegroom, or the intended groom is too young and the heiress is unwilling to wait, she is to have the house, if there is one in the city, and whatever is in the house, and talking half of the remaining property she is to marry another of those from the phratry who ask her, but she is to give a share of the property to the groom [whom she rejected].

If there are no kinsmen as defined for the heiress, she is to take all the property and marry from the phratry whomever she wishes.

If no one from the phratry wishes to marry her, her relations should announce to the tribe ‘does anyone want to marry her?’ If someone wants to, it should be within thirty days of the announcement. If not, she is free to marry another man, whomever she can.

Restrictions concerning adoption

(xi. 18-19) A woman is not to adopt [a child] nor a man under age.” (end)

Since the Jews and then the Christians were both under the auspices of Greece and then later, Rome, we should also include that many Jews and even some Christians, believed that polygyny was acceptable within the confines of their religious beliefs. It was the Greek utopian reformer Solon who instituted strict marital monogamy in Greek culture in 600 B.C., the first prohibition of polygamy in world history. Economists like David D. Friedman, (Price Theory, Ch. 21) can show mathematically that polygamy by itself benefits females, assuming voluntary marriages to benefit from increased choice. But there is no evidence that Solon created strict monogamy to reduce women’s choices, instead it was for the opposite side, to reduce competition among men. In order to facilitate the change, several cultural conditions were created or solidified, such as state sponsored prostitution, support for homosexuality, belief that marriage was only for procreation, as well as a cultural belief that romantic love was only between men (inferring that only men had the capacity for romantic “love” and women did not).

By the time of Christ, pagan Greek culture had practiced centuries of strict marital monogamy, as well as did the pagan Roman culture they influenced. The first six Roman emperors had 25 wives between them, but all by serial monogamy of divorcing one to marry the next. So even the Roman emperors were bound by the power of their pagan cultural taboos. Even Napoleon divorced his wife Josephine and married another, despite continued mutual affection, only because she could not bare him a child. The Solonic taboo continued from pagan Greece, to pagan Rome, to Catholic Rome, to atheist France, where even leaders dared not break it.

So what of Jews under the rule of Greeks and then Romans? I’ll let George Joyce provide the answer in his “Christian Marriage: An Historical and Doctrinal Study”  (1933):

“When the Christian Church came into being, polygamy was still practiced by the Jews. It is true that we find no references to it in the New Testament; and from this some have inferred that it must have fallen into disuse, and that at the time of our Lord the Jewish people had become monogamous. But the conclusion appears to be unwarranted. Josephus in two places speaks of polygamy as a recognized institution: and Justin Martyr makes it a matter of reproach to Trypho that the Jewish teachers permitted a man to have several wives. Indeed when in 212 A.D. the lex Antoniana de civitate gave the rights of Roman Citizenship to great numbers of Jews, it was found necessary to tolerate polygamy among them, even when though it was against Roman law for a citizen to have more than one wife. In 285 A.D. a constitution of Diocletian and Maximian interdicted polygamy to all subjects of the empire without exception. But with the Jews, at least, the enactment failed of its effect; and in 393 A.D. a special law was issued by Theodosius to compel the Jews to relinquish this national custom. Even so they were not induced to conform.”

Here we see the interesting case that pagan Rome restricted and persecuted polygamy and the Jews for practicing it, including Diocletian, an equally infamous persecutor of Christians. And then this pattern even continued with the Christian emperor Theodosius. After this period, Christian Roman Emperors would continue the pagan Roman pattern of increasing the punishment for polygamy so that Emperor Justinian outlawed polygamy to the degree that only a few of the wealthiest Jews were able to avoid coerced divorce and keep their wives by paying a fine of ten pounds of gold in 535 A.D. By the ninth century, polygamy brought the death penalty. In order to end over eight centuries of persecution, Judaism in Europe under Rabbi Gershom decided to self-monitor among European Judaism and prohibit it among their own in the 11th Century.

[Note that Sephardic Jews, those who were not under the governments influenced by pagan Greco-Roman taboos never gave up polygamy and still practice polygamy to this day.]

This is similar to what happened to Mormons in America. The persecution of them became so great they would become the first religion to claim to receive a message from God suspending polygamy. They likewise began rigorous self-policing and persecution of their own fundamentalist sub-sects who refused to give up polygamy and divorce their wives.

But this does not address the New Testament for Christians, and how Christians came to generally oppose polygamy. Many centrally influential Christian writers admitted that the New Testament did not prohibit polygamy, including Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Martin Luther, who wrote:

“I confess that I cannot forbid a person to marry several wives, for it does not contradict the Scripture. If a man wishes to marry more than one wife he should be asked whether he is satisfied in his conscience that he may do so in accordance with the word of God. In such a case the civil authority has nothing to do in the matter.”
De Wette II, 459, ibid., pp. 329–330

But still others made and still make a claim that it is prohibited by a few different Biblical arguments. First is a claim already disproven by the history above, that polygamy was already not practiced by Jews of the first century, and so didn’t require specific opposition. Next is an argument based on the parallels in Paul’s phrase, “Let each man have his own wife and each woman her own husband.” However, the English of this phrase hides a detail from the Greek that proves and defends polygamy was assumed and allowed. The phrase uses two different words for “own”: heautou and idios. The difference is to clarify that a husband has a wife exclusively that he cannot share. The wife has a husband using a collective “own”, such as in the phrase “Every one return to his own city”. (Luke 2:3)  In this case, a man does not exclusively own the city in opposition to other citizens as co-owners, just as a wife’s ownership of her husband does not prohibit other wives co-owning him as husband.

The argument that Adam had only one wife, as if prohibitive of polygamy, was not a true in Biblical times, or Biblical examples, or Biblical interpretation, and so to try to reinterpret it so now requires intellectual dishonesty. At the least, intellectual negligent ignorance, but the more intelligent the person is, the more dishonest the argument becomes. Further, this type of “judicial activist” reinterpretation is what put Germany on the course of theological liberalism, allowed them to argue that Jesus was an Aryan, and all the Nazi evils that naturally followed from the theologically liberal authority to change hermeneutical methods of interpretation.

The final argument is the phrase used for a qualification for elders, “husband of one wife” in most English translations. However, the Greek is mias gunaikos andra. The word mias can mean either “one” or “first”. Context should decide, but in church history, a cultural bias colored the interpretation from the beginning. Gentile converts to Christianity, coming from Greco-Roman opposition to polygamy would assume it mean “one”. But Jewish converts to Christianity would assume this is requiring a man who would keep and not divorce his first wife. Indeed, even though John Calvin opposed polygamy, he acknowledged that the early Jewish Christians continued in polygamy.

Consider Abimelech. “When God reproved Abimelech, king of Gerar, for his intended adultery with, Sarah, wife of Abraham, he did, at the time, approve of his polygamy; for Abimelech said, “In the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have I done this.” “Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and she, even she herself, said, He is my brother.” And God said, “I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart:” “now, therefore, restore the man his wife.” “And God healed Abimelech and his wife and his maid-servants.” God could allow him to live in open polygamy, without reproof, and “in the integrity of his heart,” but could not allow him to commit adultery, even ignorantly.” (The History And Philosophy of Marriage; James Campbell, 1869).

Whether one accepts the Jewish or pagan Greek method of interpretation of mias gunaikos andra depends on if one contemplates Jesus statement, “Until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law.” In other words, the Old Testament’s concepts and definitions of marriage are used with Jesus correcting misinterpretation. Jesus is not creating replacement definitions.. In contrast to this is the gnostic approach which tries to argue that the Law was evil and materialistic, as was God in the Old Testament, and Jesus was trying to oppose the Old Testament God. In this, official Gentile Christianity orthodoxy, at least through Imperial decrees and laws, chose, perhaps partly by accident, partly by excessive anti-Jewish bias, to follow the gnostic approach to argue against polygamy, even if it was generally critical of gnosticism.

Another issue is an attempt to reinterpret Old Testament texts claiming support for monogamy, such as Adam having only one wife, or Abraham’s second wife causing conflict. But yet, if these did not imply a strict monogamy then, then they can’t be correctly interpreted later to do so. Take the example of Abraham, the example of faith, lived with at least a third wife and unnamed concubines without any implied wrongness.

Genesis 4:19 And Lamech took two wives. The name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.
Genesis 26:34 When Esau was forty years old, he took to wife Judith the daughter of Be-e′ri the Hittite, and Bas′emath the daughter of Elon the Hittite;
Genesis 28:8-9 So when Esau saw that the Canaanite women did not please Isaac his father, Esau went to Ish′mael and took to wife, besides the wives he had, Ma′halath the daughter of Ish′mael Abraham’s son, the sister of Neba′ioth.
Genesis 30 Jacob mates with Rachel, Leah and their two handmaidens named Zilpah (Leah’s) and Bilhah (Rachel’s), and from these four women, came the 12 Children of Jacob (Israel).
Exodus 21:10 If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights.
Numbers 31:15-18 “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Deuteronomy 21:10-11 When you go to war against your enemies and the Lord your God delivers them into your hands and you take captives, if you notice among the captives a beautiful woman and are attracted to her, you may take her as your wife.
Deuteronomy 21:15-17 “If a man has two wives, the one loved and the other unloved, and both the loved and the unloved have borne him children, and if the firstborn son belongs to the unloved, then on the day when he assigns his possessions as an inheritance to his sons, he may not treat the son of the loved as the firstborn in preference to the son of the unloved, who is the firstborn, but he shall acknowledge the firstborn, the son of the unloved, by giving him a double portion of all that he has, for he is the firstfruits of his strength. The right of the firstborn is his.
Deuteronomy 25:5-10 “If brothers dwell together, and one of them dies and has no son, the wife of the dead man shall not be married outside the family to a stranger. Her husband’s brother shall go in to her and take her as his wife and perform the duty of a husband’s brother to her. And the first son whom she bears shall succeed to the name of his dead brother, that his name may not be blotted out of Israel. And if the man does not wish to take his brother’s wife, then his brother’s wife shall go up to the gate to the elders and say, ‘My husband’s brother refuses to perpetuate his brother’s name in Israel; he will not perform the duty of a husband’s brother to me.’ Then the elders of his city shall call him and speak to him, and if he persists, saying, ‘I do not wish to take her,’ then his brother’s wife shall go up to him in the presence of the elders and pull his sandal off his foot and spit in his face. And she shall answer and say, ‘So shall it be done to the man who does not build up his brother’s house.’
Judges 8:30 Now Gideon had seventy sons, his own offspring, for he had many wives.
1 Samuel 1:1-2 There was a certain man of Ramathaim-zophim of the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephrathite. He had two wives. The name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other, Peninnah. And Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.
2 Samuel 5:13 After he left Hebron, [King] David took more concubines and wives in Jerusalem, and more sons and daughters were born to him.
2 Samuel 12:8 (Nathan the Prophet speaking on behalf of God to King David) I gave your master’s house (King Saul) to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you all Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more.
NOTE : The Hebrew god here says that it was he himself who gave all those wives and concubines to David and had David asked for more wives and concubines, god said he would’ve given David even MORE.
1 Kings 11 says that King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. And while this turned his heart away (according to the ‘story’), it shows that the people were not condemning the practice of polygamy and were quite used to kings especially having more than one wife and more than one concubine.
1 Chronicles 3:1-9 These were the sons of David born to him in Hebron: The firstborn was Amnon the son of Ahinoam of Jezreel; the second, Daniel the son of Abigail of Carmel; the third, Absalom the son of Maakah daughter of Talmai king of Geshur; the fourth, Adonijah the son of Haggith; the fifth, Shephatiah the son of Abital; and the sixth, Ithream, by his wife Eglah. These six were born to David in Hebron, where he reigned seven years and six months. David reigned in Jerusalem thirty-three years, and these were the children born to him there: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan and Solomon. These four were by Bathsheba daughter of Ammiel. There were also Ibhar, Elishua, Eliphelet, Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia, Elishama, Eliada and Eliphelet—nine in all. All these were the sons of David, besides his sons by his concubines. And Tamar was their sister.
1 Chronicles 4:5 Ashhur, the father of Tekoa, had two wives, Helah and Naarah
2 Chronicles 11:21 Rehoboam loved Maacah the daughter of Absalom above all his wives and concubines (he took eighteen wives and sixty concubines, and fathered twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters).
2 Chronicles 13:21 But Abijah grew mighty. And he took fourteen wives and had twenty-two sons and sixteen daughters.
2 Chronicles 24:1-3 Joash was seven years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem forty years. His mother’s name was Zibiah; she was from Beersheba. Joash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all the years of Jehoiada the priest. Jehoiada chose two wives for him, and he had sons and daughters.
Isaiah 4:1 And seven women shall take hold of one man in that day, saying, “We will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name; take away our reproach.”

Although many women enjoyed certain perks in society, they were not always well thought of by Greco-Roman society. Here are a few examples. Hesiod (Greek Poet, living around 700BC), has two extant works, one of which is entitled, “Works and Days” and the other is entitled, “Theogony.” He writes in the latter, that after humans received the stolen gift of fire from Prometheus, an angry Zeus decides to give humanity a punishing gift to compensate for the boon they had been given. He commands Hephaestus to mold from earth the first woman, a “beautiful evil” whose descendants would torment the human race. After Hephaestus does so, Athena dresses her in a silvery gown, an embroidered veil, garlands and an ornate crown of silver. This woman goes unnamed in the Theogony, but is presumably Pandora, whose myth Hesiod revisited in Works and Days. When she first appears before gods and mortals, “wonder seized them” as they looked upon her. But she was “sheer guile, not to be withstood by men.” Hesiod elaborates (590–93):

“From her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no helpmates in hateful poverty, but only in wealth.”

Hesiod goes on to lament that men who try to avoid the evil of women by avoiding marriage will fare no better (604–607):

“He reaches deadly old age without anyone to tend his years, and though he at least has no lack of livelihood while he lives, yet, when he is dead, his kinsfolk divide his possessions amongst them.”

Hesiod concedes that occasionally a man finds a good wife, but still (609) “evil contends with good.”

In the ‘Works and Days’ version of the myth (lines 60–105), Hesiod expands upon her origin, and moreover widens the scope of the misery she inflicts on humanity. As before, she is created by Hephaestus, but now more gods contribute to her completion (63–82): Athena taught her needlework and weaving (63–4); Aphrodite “shed grace upon her head and cruel longing and cares that weary the limbs” (65–6); Hermes gave her “a shameful mind and deceitful nature” (67–8); Hermes also gave her the power of speech, putting in her “lies and crafty words” (77–80) ; Athena then clothed her; next Persuasion and the Charites adorned her with necklaces and other finery (72–4); the Horae adorned her with a garland crown. Finally, Hermes gives this woman a name: Pandora – “All-gifted” – “because all the Olympians gave her a gift”. In this retelling of her story, Pandora’s deceitful feminine nature becomes the least of humanity’s worries. For she brings with her a jar (which, due to textual corruption in the sixteenth century, came to be called a box)[9][10] containing[11] “burdensome toil and sickness that brings death to men” (91–2), diseases (102) and “a myriad other pains” (100). Prometheus had (fearing further reprisals) warned his brother Epimetheus not to accept any gifts from Zeus. But Epimetheus did not listen; he accepted Pandora, who promptly scattered the contents of her jar. As a result, Hesiod tells us, “the earth and sea are full of evils” (101). One item, however, did not escape the jar (96–9):

“Only Hope was left within her unbreakable house, she [hope] remained under the lip of the jar, and did not fly away. Before [she could], Pandora replaced the lid of the jar. This was the will of aegis-bearing Zeus the Cloudgatherer.”

Hesiod does not say why hope (elpis) remained in the jar.

Hesiod closes with this moral (105): “Thus it is not possible to escape the mind of Zeus.”

Hesiod also outlines how the end of man’s Golden Age, (an all-male society of immortals who were reverent to the gods, worked hard, and ate from abundant groves of fruit) was brought on by Prometheus, when he stole Fire from Mt. Olympus and gave it to mortal man, Zeus punished the technologically advanced society by creating woman. Thus, Pandora was created as the first woman and given the jar (mistranslated as ‘box’) which releases all evils upon man. The opening of the jar serves as the beginning of the Silver Age, in which man is now subject to death, and with the introduction of woman to birth as well, giving rise to the cycle of death and rebirth.” (end)


The next example comes from Semonides of Amorgos (Greek Poet : Lived in 7th Century BC). His poem is entitled, ‘WOMEN’ is based on the idea that Zeus created men and women differently, and that he specifically created ten types of women based on different models from the natural world. Of the ten types of women in the poem, nine are delineated as destructive: the dirty woman comes from a pig; the cunning woman originates from a fox, the incessantly curious and high-maintenance woman comes from a dog, the lazy or apathetic woman comes from earth or soil, the capricious woman of mood swings comes from seawater, the stubborn woman comes from an ass, the untrustworthy and uncontrollable woman comes from a weasel or skunk (depending on the translation), the overly proud woman comes from a mare, and the worst and ugliest type of woman comes from an ape or monkey. Only the “Bee Woman” (who is dismissed as an impossible ideal) is regarded as virtuous. The bee reference is considered homage to the earlier poem of Hesiod entitled Theogony, which uses the metaphor of women and men as bees in one part.

Here is his poem ‘WOMEN’ in its entirety below :

1 From the start, the gods made women different.
One type is from a pig–a hairy sow
whose house is like a rolling heap of filth;
and she herself, unbathed, in unwashed clothes,

5 reposes on the shit-pile, growing fat.
Another type the gods made from a fox:
pure evil, and aware of everything.
This woman misses nothing: good or bad,
she notices, considers, and declares

10 that good is bad and bad is good. Her mood
changes from one moment to the next.
One type is from a dog–a no-good bitch,
a mother through and through; she wants to hear
everything, know everything, go everywhere,

15 and stick her nose in everything, and bark
whether she sees anyone or not.
A man can’t stop her barking; not with threats,
not (when he’s had enough) by knocking out
her teeth with a stone, and not with sweet talk either;

20 even among guests, she’ll sit and yap;
the onslaught of her voice cannot be stopped.
One type the gods of Mount Olympus crafted
out of Earth–their gift to man! She’s lame
and has no sense of either good or bad.

25 She knows no useful skill, except to eat
–and, when the gods make winter cold and hard
to drag her chair up closer to the fire.
Another type is from the Sea; she’s two-faced.
One day she’s calm and smiling–any guest

30 who sees her in your home will praise her then:
“This woman is the best in all the world
and also the most beautiful.” The next day
she’s wild and unapproachable, unbearable
even to look at, filled with snapping hate,

35 ferocious, like a bitch with pups, enraged
at loved ones and at enemies alike.
Just as the smooth unrippled sea at times
stands still, a joy to mariners in summer,
and then at times is wild with pounding waves–

40 This woman’s temperament is just like that.
The ocean has its own perplexing ways.
Another type is from a drab, gray ass;
she’s used to getting smacked, and won’t give in
until you threaten her and really force her.

45 She’ll do her work all right, and won’t complain;
but then she eats all day, all night–she eats
everything in sight, in every room.
And when it comes to sex, she’s just as bad;
she welcomes any man that passes by.

50 Another loathsome, miserable type
is from a weasel: undesirable
in every way–un-charming, un-alluring.
She’s sex-crazed, too; but any man who climbs
aboard her will get seasick. And she steals

55 from neighbors, and from sacrificial feasts.
Another type a horse with flowing mane
gave birth to. She avoids all kinds of work
and hardship; she would never touch a mill
or lift a sieve, or throw the shit outside,

60 or sit beside the oven (all that soot!).
She’ll touch her husband only when she has to.
She washes off her body every day
twice, sometimes three times! then rubs herself
with perfumed oil. She always wears her hair

65 combed-out, and dressed with overhanging flowers.
Such a wife is beautiful to look at
for others; for her keeper, she’s a pain
–unless he is a king, or head of state
who can afford extravagant delights.

70 Another type is from an ape. I’d say
that Zeus made her the greatest pain of all–
his gift to man! Her face is hideous.
This woman is a total laughingstock
when she walks through the town. She has no neck,

75 no butt–she’s all legs. You should see the way
she moves around. I pity the poor man
who holds this horrid woman in his arms.
She’s well-versed in every kind of trick
just like an ape; what’s more, she has no shame

80 and doesn’t care if people laugh at her.
She’d never think of doing something kind
to anyone; she plots the whole day long
to see how she can do the greatest harm.
Another type is from a bee. Good luck

85 in finding such a woman! Only she
deserves to be exempt from stinging blame.
The household that she manages will thrive;
a loving wife beside her loving man,
she’ll grow old, having borne illustrious

90 and handsome children; she herself shines bright
among all women. Grace envelops her.
She doesn’t like to sit with other women
discussing sex. Zeus gratifies mankind
with these most excellent and thoughtful wives.

95 But by the grim contrivances of Zeus
all these other types are here to stay
side by side with man forever. Yes,
Zeus made this the greatest pain of all:
Woman, If she seems to want to help

100 that’s when she does her keeper the most harm.
A man who’s with a woman can’t get through
a single day without a troubled mind.
He’ll never banish Hunger from his house:
unwelcome, hateful lodger, hostile god.

105 Just when a man seems most content at home
and ready for enjoyment, by the grace
of god or man, that’s when she’ll pick a fight,
her battle-helmet flashing, full of blame.
A household with a woman is at a loss

110 to give a decent welcome to a guest.
The wife who seems the most restrained and good,
she’s the most disastrous of them all;
for while her slack-jawed husband gapes at her
the neighbors laugh at how he’s been deceived.

115 Each man will diligently praise his own
and blame the next man’s wife; we just don’t see that we all share alike in this hard luck. For Zeus made this the greatest pain of all
and locked us in a shackle hard as iron

120 and never to be broken, ever since
the day that Hades opened up his gates
for all the men who fought that woman’s war.” (end)


The last example is from Juvenal (55AD-138AD), who was a Roman Satirist. In his 6th Satirical Work “Satire VI” (“Satura VI”) is a verse satire, written around 115 CE. The poem laments what Juvenal sees as the decay of feminine virtue, and uses a series of acidic vignettes on the degraded state of female morality (some would say a misogynistic rant), purportedly to dissuade his friend Postumius from marriage. It is the longest and one of the most famous (or infamous) of his sixteen satires.

The poem opens with a parody of the golden age myths and of the Ages of Man (in the Golden Age no one feared a thief, the Silver Age marked the first adulterers, and the remaining crimes arrived in the Iron Age). The goddesses Pudicitia (Chastity) and Astraea (Justice) then withdrew from the earth in disgust. He questions his friend Postumius’ plans for marriage when there are alternatives, such as committing suicide or just sleeping with a boy.

Juvenal then relates a series of examples of why women and marriage should be avoided. He describes the notorious adulterer, Ursidius, who wants a wife of old-fashioned virtue, but is insane to think he will actually get one. He then gives examples of lustful wives, such as Eppia, a senator’s wife, who ran off to Egypt with a gladiator, and Messalina, wife of Claudius, who used to sneak out of the palace to work at a brothel. Although lust may be the least of their sins, many greedy husbands are willing to overlook such offences for the dowries they can receive. He argues that men love a pretty face not the woman herself, and when she gets old, they can just kick her out.

Juvenal then discusses pretentious women, and claims he would prefer a prostitute for a wife over someone like Scipio’s daughter, Cornelia Africana (widely remembered as a perfect example of a virtuous Roman woman), since he says virtuous women are often arrogant. He suggests that dressing and speaking Greek is not at all attractive, especially in an older woman.

He then accuses women of being quarrelsome and of tormenting the men they love in their desire to rule the home, and then they just move on to another man. He says that a man will never be happy while his mother-in-law still lives, as she teaches her daughter evil habits. Women cause lawsuits and love to wrangle, covering their own transgressions with accusations of their husbands’ (although if a husband catches them at this, they are even more indignant).

In days gone by, it was poverty and constant work that kept women chaste, and it is the excessive wealth that came with conquest that has destroyed Roman morality with luxury. Homosexuals and effeminate men are a moral contamination, especially because women listen to their advice. If eunuchs guard your wife, you should be sure they really are eunuchs (“who will guard the guards themselves?”). Both high- and low-born women are equally profligate and lacking in foresight and self-restraint.

Juvenal then turns to women who intrude into matters that pertain to men, and are constantly blathering gossip and rumours. He says that they make terrible neighbours and hostesses, keeping their guests waiting, and then drinking and vomiting like a snake that has fallen into a vat of wine. Educated women who fancy themselves as orators and grammarians, disputing literary points and noting every grammatical slip of their husbands, are likewise repulsive.

Rich women are uncontrollable, only making any attempt to look presentable for their lovers and spending their time at home with their husbands covered in their beauty concoctions. They rule their households like bloody tyrants, and employ an army of maids to get them ready for the public, while they live with their husbands as though they were complete strangers.

Women are by their nature superstitious, and give complete credence to the words of the eunuch priests of Bellona (the war goddess) and Cybele (the mother of the gods). Others are fanatic adherents of the cult of Isis and its charlatan priests, or listen to Jewish or Armenian soothsayers or Chaldaean astrologers, and get their fortunes told down by the Circus Maximus. Even worse, though, is a woman who is herself so skilled at astrology that others seek her out for advice.

Although poor women are at least willing to bear children, rich women just get abortions to avoid the bother (although at least that prevents the husbands from being saddled with illegitimate, half-Ethiopian children). Juvenal contends that half of the Roman elite is made up of abandoned children whom women pass off as those of their husbands. Women will even stoop to drugging and poisoning their husbands to get their way, like Caligula’s wife, who drove him insane with a potion, and Agrippina the Younger who poisoned Claudius.

As an epilogue, Juvenal asks whether his audience thinks he has slipped into the hyperbole of tragedy. But he points out that Pontia admitted to murdering her two children and that she would have killed seven if there had been seven, and that we should believe everything the poets tell us about Medea and Procne. However, these women of ancient tragedy were arguably less evil than modern Roman women, because at least they did what they did out of rage, not just for money. He concludes that today there is a Clytemnestra on every street.

Although frequently decried as a misogynistic rant, the poem is also an all-out invective against marriage, which Rome’s decaying social and moral standards at that time had made into a tool of greed and corruption (Juvenal presents the options available to the Roman male as marriage, suicide or a boy lover), and equally as an invective against the men who have permitted this pervasive degradation of the Roman world (Juvenal casts men as agents and enablers of the feminine proclivity toward vice).

The poem contains the famous phrase, “Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” (“But who will guard the guards themselves” or “But who watches the watchmen?”), which has been used as an epigraph to numerous later works, and refers to the impossibility of enforcing moral behaviour when the enforcers themselves are corruptible.” (end)

Many high ranking Roman Politicians had similar sentiments and tried to oppress or suppress all of these openly loose ideas about emancipating women, love, romance and free sexuality. Read this quote by Cato The Elder below :

“Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal… If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters….. All mankind rules its women, and we rule all mankind, yet our women rule us.”
– Cato The Elder (around 195BC ; Rome)

During the second Punic War in 215BC, Rome passed a law called ‘Lex Oppia.’ Cato argued that the law removed the shame of poverty because it made all women dress in an equal fashion. Cato insisted that if women could engage in a clothes-contest, they would either feel shame in the presence of other women, or on the contrary, they would delight in a rather base victory as a result of extending themselves beyond their means. He also declared that a woman’s desire to spend money was a disease that could not be cured, but only restrained. Cato said that the removal of Lex Oppia would render society helpless in limiting the expenditures of women. Cato pronounced that Roman women, already corrupted by luxury, were like wild animals, who have once tasted blood, in the sense that they can no longer be trusted to restrain themselves from rushing into an orgy of extravagance. The law was repealed in 195BC, but this just goes to show that everything we’re dealing with right now is not something brand new. When society becomes more gentrified, women gain more power, gynocracy takes hold and then the nation either collapses from within (providing too many services for women and children, at the expense of the family unit and men), OR they are taken over by more patriarchal nations.

Strabo (the Greek Historian, Geographer and Philosopher ; living from 64BC – 24AD) said this:
“The multitude are restrained from vice by the punishments that the gods are said to inflict upon offenders, and by those terrors and threatenings which certain dreadful words and monstrous forms imprint upon their minds. For it is impossible to govern the crowd of women, and all the common rabble, by philosophical reasoning, and lead them to piety, holiness and virtue – but this must be done by superstition, or the fear of the gods, by means of fables and wonders; for the thunder, the aegis, the trident, the torches (of the Furies), the dragons, etc.. are all fables. These things the legislators used as scarecrows to terrify the childish multitude.”

Essentially, they used religion as a way to terrify people (mainly women), so that society would be held in check. It’s important to note that just reading the history of the Roman Empire brings such glaring similarities with our own civilization, it is as if human social dynamics are literally stuck in a cycle that repeats every couple thousand years. But moving on here.

Augustus Caesar reigned as Emperor in Rome from 27 BC to 14 AD. He declared that unmarried men were worse than robbers and murderers. Most men in Rome were denied the right to vote, had no realistic opportunity to hold public office, and owned little or no property. In addition, men were conscripted into military service. The exploitation of ordinary men, common throughout history, was not just a feature of Roman public life. Roman men also evidently found their family obligations toward women to be oppressive. By about 18 BC, a large share of Roman men were reluctant to marry. To encourage men to marry, Roman Emperor Augustus passed a series of laws penalizing unmarried men and rewarding men who married and had at least three children.

The disabilities imposed on unmarried men included social devaluations. Unmarried men were forbidden to attend public games and banquets. Unmarried men were also forced to sit in less desirable seats in the theatre. These sorts of laws point to broader processes of social control. Social strategies of shaming and dishonoring have powerfully affected men’s lives throughout history. The status of men in any society cannot be adequately understood merely by literal reading of formal law and simple demographic analysis of office-holding.

Coercing men into marrying is not a historical aberration. In his ideal state, Cicero had state magistrates prohibit men from remaining unmarried. According to Plutarch’s Parallel Lives, Lycurgus, the famous law-giver of the Spartans, penalized bachelors:

“Lycurgus also put a kind of public stigma upon confirmed bachelors. They were excluded from the sight of the young men and maidens at their exercises, and in winter the magistrates ordered them to march round the market-place in their tunics only, and as they marched, they sang a certain song about themselves, and its burden was that they were justly punished for disobeying the laws. Besides this, they were deprived of the honour and gracious attentions which the young men habitually paid to their elders.”

In his Roman History, Cassius Dio wrote of Emperor Augustus Caesar, separating the Roman aristocracy into married men and unmarried men. The married men were “much fewer in number.” Augustus praised the married men for following the examples of their fathers and perpetuating their class. Augustus demeaned the unmarried men:

“O — what shall I call you? Men? But you are not performing any of the offices of men. Citizens? But for all that you are doing, the city is perishing. Romans? But you are undertaking to blot out this name altogether.”

Unmarried men, according to Augustus, were immoral beasts:

“You talk, indeed, about this ‘free’ and ‘untrammelled’ life that you have adopted, without wives and without children; but you are not a whit better than brigands or the most savage of beasts. For surely it is not your delight in a solitary existence that leads you to live without wives, nor is there one of you who either eats alone or sleeps alone; no, what you want is to have full liberty for wantonness and licentiousness.”

Under Augustus, the Leges Juliae Law of 18–17 BC attempted to elevate both the morals and the numbers of the upper classes in Rome and to increase the population by encouraging marriage and having children (Lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus). They also established adultery as a private and public crime (Lex Julia de adulteriis). To encourage population expansion, the Leges Juliae offered inducements to marriage and imposed disabilities upon the celibate. Augustus instituted the “Law of the three sons” which held those in high regard who produced three male offspring. Marrying-age celibates and young widows who wouldn’t marry were prohibited from receiving inheritances and from attending public games.

The Lex Iulia de Adulteriis Coercendis Law (17 BC) punished adultery with banishment. The two guilty parties were sent to different islands (“dummodo in diversas insulas relegentur”), and part of their property was confiscated. Fathers were permitted to kill daughters and their partners in adultery. Husbands could kill the partners under certain circumstances and were required to divorce adulterous wives. Augustus himself was obliged to invoke the law against his own daughter, Julia (relegated to the island of Pandateria) and against her eldest daughter (Julia the Younger). Tacitus adds the reproach that Augustus was stricter for his own relatives than the law actually required (Annals III 24).

The Lex Papia was a Roman law introduced in 9 AD to encourage and strengthen marriage. It included provisions against adultery and celibacy and complemented and supplemented Augustus’ Lex Julia de Maritandis Ordinibus of 18 BC and the Lex Iulia de Adulteriis Coercendis of 17 BC. The law was introduced by the suffect consuls of that year, Marcus Papius Mutilus and Quintus Poppaeus Secundus, although they themselves were unmarried. In order to promote marriage, various penalties were imposed on those who lived in a state of celibacy after a certain age. Caelibes could not take an hereditas or a legacy (legatum); but if a person was celibate at the time of the testator’s death, and was not otherwise disqualified (jure civili), he might take the hereditas or legatum, if he obeyed the law within one hundred days, that is, if he married within that time (Ulp. Frag. xvii.1).

If he did not comply with the law, the gift became caducum (subject to escheat). The Lex Julia allowed widows a term of one year (vacatio) from the death of a husband, and divorced women a term (vacatio) of six months from the time of the divorce, within which periods they were not subject to the penalties of the lex: the Lex Papia extended these periods respectively to two years, and a year and six months (Ulp. Frag. xiv). A man, when he attained the age of sixty, and a woman, when she attained the age of fifty, were not included within certain penalties of the law (Ulp. Frag. xvi); but if they had not obeyed the law before attaining those respective ages, they were perpetually bound by its penalties by a Senatus-consultum Pernicianum. A Senatus-consultum Claudianum so far modified the strictness of the new rule as to give a man who married above sixty the same advantage that he would have had if had married under sixty, provided he married a woman who was under fifty; the ground of which rule was the legal notion that a woman under fifty was still capable of having children (Ulpian, Frag. xvi; Sueton. Claud. 23). If the woman was above fifty and the man under sixty, this was called Impar Matrimonium, and by a Senatus-consultum Calvitianum it was entirely without effect as to releasing from incapacity to take legata and dotes. On the death of the woman, therefore, the dos became caduca.

The law also imposed penalties on orbi, that is, married persons who had no children (qui liberos non habent, Gaius, ii.111) from the age of twenty-five to sixty in a man, and from the age of twenty to fifty in a woman. By the Lex Papia, orbi could only take one half of an hereditas or legatum which was left to them (Gaius, ii.286). It seems that an attempt had been made to evade this part of the law by adoptions, which a Senatus-consultum Neronianum declared to be ineffectual for the purpose of relieving a person from the penalties of the law (Tacit. Ann. xv.19).
Sources :

Link 1 :

Link 2 :

Link 3 :

5 Artifacts Show How You’ve Woven Sex And Sexuality Into Your World View

Link 4 :

Link 5 :

Link 6 :

Link 7 :

why were men reluctant to marry in ancient Rome?

Link 8 :

Link 9 :

Polygamy in Nature and Religion

Link 10 (Justin Martyr Dialogue to Trypho chapter 134) :


OTHER EXAMPLES : They range from ancient Mesopotamia, Assyria, Egypt, India, Nepal, to 18th and 19th Century China, and more all have differing ideas about dating, relationships, marriage and sex. Here are a few of those in a little more detail.

The Zou hun or “walking marriage” is a common practice with the Mosuo ethnic group, in the Yunnan province of China. Instead of traditional marriages, the Mosuo indicate interest, and a woman may give a man permission to visit her after dark. While sexual activities may happen with many partners, couples do not usually live together even when their relationships become longer-term; women remain with their family. Rather than caring for their specific offspring, men share responsibility for any children born to women in their own family.
The Deer Horn Muria, an animist tribe who dwell in the forests of Central India’s Chhattisgarh state, take Sex Education to a whole new level. During their ceremonial Ghotul ritual, teenage boys and girls are taught songs, folklore, tribal dance, and the ins and outs of getting it on. Girls drink a natural liquor that acts as a “contraceptive” and then choose a different partner every night. (FYI ladies, booze doesn’t kill sperm and you can get pregnant if you’re on top.) Should this “contraceptive” fail and the girl becomes pregnant, the entire village raises the child because no one knows who the father is.
In the Himalayas, the Nepalese share wives. Apparently in this polyandrous society, it is custom for men to receive a plot of land whenever they wife up. But seeing as there is a shortage of cultivable land, this seemed to be the most convenient solution.
On the Island of Mangaia, off the south Pacific Ocean, boys start having sex at around aged 13, right after their circumcision (ouch!). The island has a lot interesting sexual practices and sex is stressed as an important part of society. Older women are brought in to teach the young men sex and how to pleasure women. This is important because in Mangaia, a man’s social standing depends on how many orgasms he can have in a night. The female orgasm is also considered a thing of great importance here, and couples are pretty much required by the culture to have sex at least once a week until they are physically incapable.
The Trobriander tribe of Papua Guinea start having sex very early. Boys begin around age 10 to 12 and girls begin around age 6 to 8. Women in the tribe are extremely aggressive about seeking out sex, revealing clothing is common and lots of sex is strongly encouraged. In fact, a wedding in the tribe entails just staying over at a man’s house after you have sex instead of leaving before sunrise. When you finish the meal you’re married. Imagine how that might work out in the U.S.!
The Marquesas Islands are Polynesian islands with some odd sexual mores. Not only do they encourage the simulation of sex between children and adults, but they also initiate children into sexual practices at around 11 or 12. The strangest part is that children share rooms with their parents when they’re growing up, during which time they’re expected to watch as their parents have sex.
An ancient Egyptian tribe called The Siwa allowed gay marriage long before the never-ending fight over the subject began in the U.S. That’s not the weird part, though. The weird part is that, while being openly gay was completely accepted, what wasn’t openly accepted was any gay man that didn’t “act gay.” Men who didn’t portray the accepted characteristics of a gay man were outcast by the Siwa society.
Sexuality in ancient Egypt was open, untainted by guilt. Sex was an important part of life – from birth to death and rebirth. Singles and married couples made love. Virginity was not something ‘special’ to them, it was actually the opposite. Fertility and sexuality were held in high regard. The gods themselves were earthy enough to copulate. The Egyptians even believed in sex in the afterlife. Sex was not taboo. Even the Egyptian religion was filled with tales of adultery, incest, homosexuality and masturbation…,with hints of necrophillia! Masculinity and femininity itself were strongly linked with the ability to conceive and bear children.
…Revel in pleasure while your life endures
And deck your head with myrrh. Be richly clad
In white and perfumed linen; like the gods
Anointed be; and never weary grow
In eager quest of what your heart desires –
Do as it prompts you…

Lay of the Harpist

In Talmudic literature, the ancient Egyptians are known for their liberal sexual lifestyles and are often used as the prime example of sexual debauchery. Rashi (1040-1105AD – medieval French rabbi and author of a comprehensive commentary on the Talmud and commentary on the Tanakh) describe an Egyptian practice for women to have multiple husbands. Maimonides (1135-1204AD – was a medieval Sephardic Jewish philosopher who became one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages. In his time, he was also a preeminent astronomer and physician), refers to lesbianism as “the acts of Egypt”.

The Egyptians had their own ways and means of getting around the fact that sex produced children as well. They had both contraceptives and abortions, mostly these were prescriptions that were filled with unpleasant ingredients such as crocodile dung. Here is one of the nicer ones: Prescription to make a woman cease to become pregnant for one, two or three years: Grind together finely a measure of acacia dates with some honey. Moisten seed-wool with the mixture and insert it in the vagina.
— Ebers Medical Papyrus (Tyldesley, J.A. 1995, Daughters of Isis: Women of Ancient Egypt, p. 62)

The Egyptian sacred ‘prostitute’ (who was probably a highly regarded as a member of Egyptian society because of her association with different gods or goddesses (such as Bes and Hathor), rather than the street walker that the modern mind imagines) advertised herself through her clothing and make up. Some of these women wore blue faience beaded fish-net dresses. They painted their lips red, and tattooed themselves on the breasts or thighs and even went around totally nude. There is no evidence that these women were paid for these fertility-related acts, so some believe that word ‘prostitute’ is probably an incorrect term for these women. In fact, the Victorian era theory that these women were prostitutes is not backed up by evidence at all. All archaeological evidence for women with such tattoos shows them to have been New Kingdom female musicians or dancers.

Another idea pointed out to me by Daniel Kolos, an Egyptologist academically trained at the University of Toronto, is that this premarital sexual activity might be a prerequisite for marriage. One of the theories that disassociates these women from being prostitutes, is that their sexual activity could be part of a “coming-of-age ritual”, just as circumcision was one for males. With Egypt’s heavy emphasis on fertility as the defining nature of a man or a woman, this idea is a highly likely probability.

Other theories could be that the young virgin girls joined itinerant performing groups – dancers, singers and the like – and during their time with these groups they experienced their first sexual encounters. If a girl became pregnant, she would probably leave the troupe to head home to her family with proof of her fertility. (Motherhood was venerated, giving a woman a much higher status in society, so pregnancy was something to be proud of in ancient Egypt.)

These travelling groups of women were strongly linked with midwifery and childbirth-related deities. The goddesses Isis, Nephthys, Meskhenet and Heqet disguised themselves as itinerant performers, travelling with the god Khnum as their porter. Carrying the sistrum and menat instruments – instruments with sexual overtones – they showed it to Rawoser, the expectant father. Knowing that his wife, Raddjedet, was having a very difficult labour, he told these women – the disguised goddesses – about his wife’s troubles, and at their offer of help, he let them in to see her.

These women do not seem to be pay-for-sex prostitutes, instead they seem to be a link with the divine, a helper of expectant mothers and singers, dancers and musicians. This is not to say that there were no pay-for-sex prostitutes in ancient Egypt, it it just that there is little evidence of this found. Considering Egypt’s very different image of sexuality, the modern concept of both sexuality and prostitution do not fit this ancient society. Women operated under a totally different cultural imperative than women today, thus ancient Egyptian sexuality must be looked at without modern prejudices. It seems that these female performers, these ‘prostitutes’, were treated with courtesy and respect, and there seemed to be a well established link between these travelling performers and fertility, childbirth, religion and magic.

Also, the Egyptians had a hieroglyph of an Ankh. They highly believed this symbol represented not only the act of sex (phallus or penis going into the vagina) but that in a special procedure known as Kundalini (Egyptian Tantra or Ankhing) one could obtain eternal life through controlling the male orgasm. The ankh was a cross with a loop at the top and the Christians actually stole this iconography though they left the loop off the cross (Jesus dying on the cross, allowed people to have eternal life, just as the act of Kundalini symbolized by the ankh, was the to eternal life – GET IT?). Christianity stole and copied a bunch more from Egypt as well, which I will share upon inquiry, but that’s not the point of this post.
If you want a more in-depth explanation about Ankhing or Egyptian Sexual Kundalini, go to this link below :

Side Note :  This is no longer the case, but in ancient Egypt they believed the Nile’s flow was powered by God’s masturbation. People would ejaculate into the Nile as a ritual to bring forth a good harvest. During the festival of the god Min, men would masturbate in public. Let’s not forget how openly sexual the Egyptians were. From artifacts to hieroglyphs on walls, caves and pyramids, we get a glimpse of how open they were about things. Here are a few pictures below

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The Pon celebration in Indonesia is like their version of what we call a “hall pass” here in America, only while hall passes are usually only hypothetical here, in Indonesia it’s a requirement. During the Pon celebration people are supposed to have sex with somebody other than their wife or husband. The celebration happens seven times a year and if someone has sex with the same person all seven times in a year (not their spouse) their wishes will come true.
The Wodaabe tribe of Niger, West Africa, consider themselves the most beautiful and most vain people on Earth. Women in the tribe have all the sexual power, and single women are allowed to have sex with whoever they want whenever they want. However, women are usually married off as children by their family. No big deal, because they have a seven-day ceremony that’s kind of like a rave every year that culminates in a dance-off where men wear makeup and peacock feathers and strut their stuff for female judges. The women watch on and if a married woman taps a man on the shoulder, that means she likes what she sees and if the man likes her back, he can steal her from her husband.

The Cambodian Kreung tribe does not allow divorce, so if you’re going to get married, you must know what you’re getting into. That’s why, when girls reach their mid-teens, their parents build them a love hut. The girl then proceeds to bring men back to her love hut and have her way with them as much as possible, often more than one a night, until she finds the one she wants to marry.

Sources :

Link 1 :

Link 2 :

Link 3 :

Link 4 :

Link 5 :

Link 6 :

How The Oldest Depiction Of Sex Changed The Way We See The Ancient Egyptians

Link 7 :
http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/themestream/sexuality.html#.W42l-y2ZNAY#ixzz5Q4qo21RG © Caroline Seawright


With all of that said, I wanted to get into some of the statistics today as well as some of my own opinions. After studying science, biology, anthropology and evolution, I’ve come to the conclusion that trying to institute monogamy upon society, is the extreme of fighting human and mammalian nature. This really isn’t an opinion, this is FACT. I want to preface all of this by saying that I’m not trying to convince you of anything. YOU SHOULD ALREADY BE CONVINCED! The high divorce and high infidelity numbers are already there plainly for everyone to see! Over 90% of monogamous relationships fail. What I want to do is explain WHY it happens from a biological and anthropological angle. Anyone who is predisposed to seeing things from a logistical or analytical viewpoint will have an easy time comprehending this. We oftentimes hear that you should get into a relationship with or marry a ‘good’ person. But this isn’t about a person being good or bad, it’s about them (and YOU) being uneducated about your biological imperatives as a mammalian species. People are heavily conditioned to go against their biology and when it backfires, they can be seen as a terrible person, when it really has nothing to do with the credibility of their character.

Now that I’ve got that out of the way, I believe that the entire institution of LIFELONG MONOGAMY is one of the biggest SCAMS ever perpetuated upon humanity (aside from religion). Push your ‘feelings’ to the side and become a ‘Statistician’ and ‘Anthropologist’ on this entire issue with me for a second. Here are the raw numbers. Over a 40 year period, 67% of FIRST marriages end in divorce, with most not reaching their 10th year anniversary. This doesn’t include the couples still together in misery, living like roommates with no sex life, fucking other people on the side, wanting to get a divorce, but can’t, because kids are involved or divorce is too expensive (among other circumstances such as fearing being shamed by family and friends). Look at the cartoons, movies, media, religion (fearing punishment for sex outside of marriage) and music (99% of songs are all about monogamous relationships and ‘romantic love’). They’ve gone to extreme lengths to condition us to be this way.

The famous propagandist known as Edward Bernays (uncle was Sigmund Freud) said this below :

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons, who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
– Edward L. Bernays – 1928 (Propagandist and nephew of Sigmund Freud)

I remember the movie ‘THEY LIVE’ from the 1980s with Roddy Piper. He puts on the glasses and sees things for how they really are. In one scene he looks at a sexy beautiful woman in a bikini on a beach. He puts the glasses on and it says ‘GET MARRIED AND REPRODUCE.’ We are completely brainwashed with this whole idea of lifelong monogamy as the quintessential relationship between people. But the numbers just do not bear this out. That’s why we OOOOOO and AHHHHH when we hear of a couple making it to a 50 year anniversary. It’s always been rare.

Divorce isn’t just an American phenomena either! Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, and Hungary are the worst off with divorce rates higher than 60%. Belgium has the highest rate of divorce at a staggering 70%. These are more Westernized nations, where people are freely given a choice to stay or leave their partners. Other places with lower divorce rates may have religious stigmas tied to divorce, where a woman can be stoned to death if she commits adultery or wants to divorce. I think looking at the Western cultures alone should be the only way to really gauge how people naturally are with one another.

If given the choice, most couples WILL separate. The only way you can keep a monogamous relationship alive for most couples,  is to terrify them whether through acts of violence against them in this life, or threatening hell-fire in the next life. But most couples will separate when given a chance to, because monogamy is not natural for us. Most people are SERIAL monogamists, not true monogamists. They will have monogamy with one partner for a few years and then move on to the next and have a new monogamous relationship with another. There are only a slim few who can actually maintain a monogamous relationship with one person for life. The MAJORITY will simply not be able to stick to a code of true monogamy. I hope for a day to come when we will all realize all this.

Also, we have this idea that people who fail at relationships or marriages (or fail to even get into a relationship) are basement dwellers, who are TFL (True Forced Loneliness) types, who are unattractive, have no career, no status, no money, etc.. but it’s actually the opposite. The highest divorce rates are among those in the public eye. Celebrities divorce at 2 TIMES the rate than the common citizen divorces at (and they get divorced much quicker than the average person too!). So relying on looks, status, fame or money as a gauge on how successful your relationship or marriage will be, is counter-productive in this scenario as well! Here is the biggest problem I have with monogamy (and so should YOU) is that it leaves no room for GROWTH. You may be compatible with your partner right now, but in 5, 10, 15+ years, you don’t know if you will be! Most people will evolve and grow apart. I’m not the same person I was even just a couple years ago, due to new information.

If you read the book ‘SEX AT DAWN’ by Cacilda Jetha and Christopher Ryan, they give heavy, in-depth research that prove before the Agricultural Age over 10,000 years ago, people were more polyamorous and this makes the most sense from a biological standpoint. Our closest animal relatives are the chimps and bonobos (who share around 98% the same DNA as humans). They are highly polyamorous and masturbate a lot as well. While there are even some stark differences between chimps and bonobos, this one thing (being poly) is not only a consistency between these two mammalians but over 97% of ALL mammals are polyamorous ! Humans are proving to be not much different in this regard! Another study was done on testosterone levels of males. It showed that when a man was introduced to a new female and had a conversation with her, his testosterone levels went up by 30% ! It also showed that while single men have higher testosterone levels than men in monogamous relationships, the men who were in polyamorous relationships had higher testosterone than BOTH single men and men in relationships / marriage!

Here’s a little tidbit on our evolution as males, which is the smoking gun proof of all this. When a man has an orgasm, he will shoot 5 to 7 shots. The first shot is filled with antigens and chemical compounds that are designed to kill sperm inside the vagina that are NOT HIS. The last shot is filled with antigens and chemical compounds to protect his own sperm. The penis head is shaped in such a way to create suction and pull other sperm out as well. If you’ve had enough sex, you’ll have run into a female who PUSSY FARTS. This suction is like a vacuum taking sperm out that are not your own. So our human male bodies evolved with the presumption that women would have MANY SEX PARTNERS and it was giving your own sperm a chance to propagate your own progeny!When we try to force ourselves to be monogamous, we are fighting evolution and biology on a magnificent scale!

The ASHLEY MADISON hack of millions upon millions of people sleeping around behind their spouse’s back, was just one example of how we (after a certain period with only one mate) have a propensity to seek other mates. When the fairytale, fable, myth of monogamy wears off (i.e. bonding chemicals such as oxytocin, which are only there to trick us into mating and propagating the species), people are unable to handle the reality of it, so they feel trapped and they eventually break under the pressure by having a side fling and/or getting divorced.

Look at the lengths by which they’ve had to brainwash people into a ‘monogamous box’ because it’s so unnatural for us as a species! Through media, movies, cartoons, music and even religion! The controllers of society know anthropology and human dynamics. It’s to the Elite’s advantage to keep people in disarray with monogamy. They knew it would fail on a grand scale. The old adage, “It’s a village that raises the child’ comes to mind. They want people broken up into these little units of one man with one woman, so they are segregated from their friends and community. And when the relationship breaks down, now the man is a wage slave to the state and the woman is dependent upon the state for her sustenance in MOST cases. It all works in the favor of the Elites.

I hear people all the time claiming how despicable it is for folks to sleep around without being in a ‘loving relationship.’ But really, you should be MORE worried and disgusted by the masses of people who are able to stand up in front of a priest, before their family, friends and loved ones and make a VOW to the LIVING GOD (which is ironic in and of itself if you’re a Christian, read Matthew 5:33-37) that they’ll stay together forever (in sickness and health, for better or for WORSE, until death do them part), but within a few years, are able to nonchalantly divorce and move on like they never knew each other (and in most cases it’s worse, with the two hating each other). Not only that, but even have no qualms of doing it all over again and make those same wedding vows with someone new! It’s like listening to one of your favorite songs and having it on repeat. Eventually, that song wears on you and it doesn’t stimulate you as much as it did when you first heard it, so you go listen to another new favorite song. This is an example of how ‘VARIETY’ is coded and deeply embedded into our DNA as humans and primate mammalians!

This is complete MADNESS! And since we’re on the topic of religion and God here, I’d like to give a friendly reminder to you Jews and Christians that many of your Biblical HEROES such as Abraham, Moses, Jacob (Israel), Solomon, David, etc.. were all poly (polygyny in their case) where they not only had more than one wife, but they also had CONCUBINES (women on the side used for sexual purposes). And in King David’s case, it was GOD HIMSELF (according to your Bible) who gave him those wives and concubines. When David had sex with Bathsheba and then killed Uriah (her husband), God (speaking through Nathan the prophet) asked David why he did that, when, all David had to do was ask God for more (in context, more wives or concubines) and God would’ve given them to him!

I started breaking free from all the manipulation and mind control within the last few years through extensive research. Look up MK-Ultra and the Monarch Butterfly Project. Look up Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke. Look up Edward Bernays. Look up how Nazis perfected propaganda. Then research how after WW2 we had Operation Paperclip and brought the brightest Nazi scientists and propagandists over here to America to continue those mind control programs. I started looking at the raw data and numbers, and realized that many things did not add up!

Someone once told that you can’t get anymore special or ‘high’ than sex with that one lifelong partner. I responded saying, “Right, because meaningful sex with that one ‘special’ person was the golden key to unlock eternal bliss and ‘security’ within the framework of all these relationships and marriages that have failed. If the sex was so ‘special’ and gave such a ‘high’ then why are all these marriages and relationships failing more OFT than naught? It’s because it’s not special. That’s the fairytale you’ve been taught, but eventually, biology will win the battle and that sex will be just as dull as it would’ve been with anyone else. Most couples end up not having sex anymore (or they’re screwing other people on the side too), so how is sex more sacrosanct with one than multiple? Sex with one person for life is not natural. That’s not me saying that, the statistics already say that. I’m just the weatherman here reporting it to you! Why? So you don’t end up getting pelted with golf-ball sized hail-stones in a Tropical Storm  like MOST couples have (or eventually will)!”

At every wedding their should be Advisory Billboards up everywhere saying, ‘This Marriage has a 67% of failure of the next 8 years!” Studies also show that the less you spend on a wedding, the longer it tends to last. So much for ‘getting what you pay for!’ Now-a-days, pregnancy lasts longer than the relationship with the baby’s daddy! Some of you may squeak through the cracks and make it, but not many. Folks can spend thousands on a ring, they can get their family and friends to travel from all over the world to come to their $100,000+ wedding, paying for all the accoutrements for the reception, the expensive honeymoon, etc.. and you’d THINK with all that investment (even making a VOW to the BIG GUY upstairs that they’ll stay with each other until death) this would be enough to push through any difficulty, yet, around 70% of them will divorce before their 8th year anniversary. And even worse many will marry AGAIN, yet the divorce rate is HIGHER on 2nd, 3rd, 4th marriages than the first try

They’ve turned us into robots with monogamy! We were meant to be parts of whole tribes of people, loving each other, having sex with each other, growing food together, taking care of each other’s kids, etc.. Instead, they split us up into these small nuclear family units of one man and one woman KNOWING IT WOULD FAIL (they know anthropology and how humans weren’t evolved to be monogamous!), to separate us from our tribe and community.

One of the biggest issues of all was this topic on relationships and why they fail so often. I studied history and saw how Tyrants and Elites had everything to gain by segmenting the populace into these small family units. This goes all the way back to Ancient Rome for example. They placed bachelor taxes on single men as well as penalizing and shaming them in every way possible for being unmarried. They are still trying hard to corral us all like cattle.

To end this, the biggest issue I have with monogamy is GROWTH. After you’ve lived a good while on earth, you realize that you won’t be the same person you were in the past. And how rapidly you are prone to change after learning and studying more (not only scholastically, but also, through experience). Most people will not grow at the same speed. The likelihood of people growing together is the biggest hardship I can think of in any given relationship. I’m not Anti-Monogamy, you can believe and do whatever you want. But I feel it necessary to show you what you’re facing. You’re going against biology, evolution, science and nature. The biggest of all is you’re going against Personal Development. Every person will change and most of the time, the person you’re with will change at a different speed and in a different way than you will. If you’re up to the challenge of facing all those uphill battles, then be my guest, but the numbers don’t lie. MOST COUPLES will fail at all these things and the majority won’t last to their 10th Anniversary (8 years is the average).

One must also keep in mind how much money is made off of ignorance on the topic of relationships. From Viagra to couples therapy, you have no idea how nefarious it is. Mentors, gurus and therapists will usually never tell you the TRUTH about this. Eventually, biology will win the battle in MOST of your relationships. Only a few can weather the storm of fighting their evolutionary imperatives. That lizard part of the brain is stronger than we give it credit for! I know that ‘outside-the-box-thinkers’ like me are fighting against a lifetime of SOCIETAL INDOCTRINATION. Things don’t filter through a person overnight, but eventually, they’ll say to themselves, ‘YOU KNOW SOMETHING…, HE IS RIGHT!’

Before the White man came with their Bibles and their form of puritanical Christianity, the Native tribes were highly Polyamorous (as I showed), and many of the cultures from the ancient world, such as the Indians (from India), Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Aztecs, Babylonians, etc.. were highly sexual. They had no taboos and engaged in everything from homosexuality, bisexuality, orgies, etc.. They left us with many statues, hieroglyphs and monuments (including ancient sex toys), showing how sexual they were (which I also showed).

So you see, it wasn’t natural for us to be monogamous or sexually repressed in the ancient world either. I just love how people use a solipsistic appeal to themselves or their surroundings when discussing these topics. They think just because it’s not the case for THEM or people THEY KNOW, that they’ve refuted my claim. But there is a bigger world out there than YOU. Exceptions never negate any rules, the exceptions only confirm the RULE! And that fact is, MOST couples will not see their 10th marriage anniversary. The divorce rate doesn’t include people who are together in misery, with no sex life, living like roommates, fucking other people on the side and want a divorce but can’t because it’s too expensive and/or kids are involved. Look up the ASHLEY MADISON hack a few years ago. Millions upon Millions of married people were busted. The divorce numbers and cheating numbers are high enough as it is, but the infidelity rate would be even higher if we knew the many who are able to hide their cheating. You ignore all of this at your own peril.


1. Every 13 seconds, there is one divorce in America.

2. That equates to 277 divorces per hour, 6,646 divorces per day, 46,523 divorces per week, and 2,419,196 divorces per year. That means:

3. There are 9 divorces in the time it takes for a couple to recite their wedding vows (2 minutes).

4. More than 554 divorces occur during your typical romantic comedy movie (2 hours).

5. 1,385 divorces happen during the average wedding reception (5 hours).

6. There are 19,353,568 divorces over the course of an average first marriage that ends in divorce (8 years).

7. Over a 40 year period, 67 percent of first marriages terminate.

8. Among all Americans 18 years of age or older, whether they have been married or not, 25 percent have gone through a marital split.

9. 15 percent of adult women in the United States are divorced or separated today, compared with less than one percent in 1920.

10. The average first marriage that ends in divorce lasts about 8 years.

Median duration of first marriages that end in divorce:
Males: 7.8 years
Females: 7.9 years

Median duration of second marriages:
Males: 7.3 years
Females: 6.8 years

11. People wait an average of three years after a divorce to remarry (if they remarry at all).

12. In 2011, only 29 out of every 1000 of divorced or widowed women remarried.

( Source : https://www.wf-lawyers.com/divorce-statistics-and-facts/ )

*(Christians making wedding *VOWS* is fantastic irony! Their Master Jesus told them not to make ANY VOWS / OATHS / PROMISES! Not by heaven, earth or the city of the great king! But they non-chalantly make these vows to be with each other until death and most of them won’t keep their vow for more than a few years! Apparently Christians didn’t get the memo about what Jesus said to the Pharisees for following and teaching the “Traditions of Men.”)*

One final thought. 

The good thing about what I’m sharing here in regard to human evolution is that when you realize we are polyamorous creatures by default, you’ll let all that envy and jealously flee your heart and mind. Also, how many times have you heard parents ‘sigh’ out of exhaustion because of the demands of their children??!! Two parents (let alone single parents) are just not enough to take care of them, which is why poly relations are pretty much NECESSARY to raise them. 

This one ex of mine cheated on me, and I took her back. She was so paranoid after that because she thought I would do it back to her, even though I never did. She went through my phone, she would drive by my house at random times, etc. It eventually ended thankfully, but the whole thing just seems so petty and childish to me now. Had I known back then, what I know now, I would’ve sat her down and used it as an opportunity to talk about opening our relationship up to more than one person.

Ironically and paradoxically, when you’re open about this stuff and even open to the idea of casually being with other people, you can strengthen the bond between you and your MAIN partner. Nothing will ever be hidden between the both of you and you can share secrets that you otherwise wouldn’t. I’m seriously free of all jealousy.

No matter who I’m with or how much love I have for a woman, nothing she can tell me would surprise me or make me hate her. This type of freedom doesn’t have a price tag on it. These seeds I’ve been tossing out there have been planted in your heart and mind for a reason. Maybe one day, you’ll enjoy the fruit from this tree of freedom as I do. That’s really the original intent of all these posts lately. But because 99.9% of people out there are ‘programmed’ against their nature and evolutionary imperatives, you’ve gotta take precautions and protect yourself.

Mysterious Connection Between Donald Trump + #58 + #88 + Time Travel




1. Before I get started, you’ll see that almost every TV Show, movie or cartoon that deals with “Time Travel” somehow corresponds to Donald Trump (Back to the Future, Donnie Darko, Quantum Leap, Outlander, Highlander, etc.)

2. The 1997 movie “Devil’s Advocate” was mainly filmed in Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue (1997 was the 5758 Hebrew Year too btw). The only one in the movie to mention Donald Trump was a woman named Pam who was played by Debra Monk who was born on February 27th which is the 58th day of the year. The movie came out October 17th which is the 290th day of the year. 58×5=290

3. Trump wins the 58th Presidential Election in 2016

4. Trump married Melania when he was 58

5. Trump Tower has 58 stories / levels

6. Trump’s Mara-lago Resort has 58 rooms

7. Biff in Back to the Future wins millions betting on horse races in 1958 (Biff Tannen character is based on Donald Trump)

8. Marty McFly in BTTF, plays “Johnny B. Goode” by Chuck Berry which came out in 1958 with a Gibson Guitar that was manufactured in 1958.

9. Character portraying Donald Trump makes a cameo in a Quantum Leap episode set on May 10, 1958 (Donald’s mother was born on May 10th also)

10. Melania’s birthday is 58 days after the 58th day of the year (April 26th which is the 116th day of the year and if you flip 116 upside down, you get ‘911’)

11. Trump wins the election, 58 years after 1958.

12. Trump’s mother was born on the 58th parallel in the Isle of Lewis in Scotland (which just so happens to be near ancient ruins and stones that are said to be for ‘Time Travel’. I’m not joking).

13. A 1958 Trackdown episode called “End of the World” has a man named Trump (Dr. Walter Trump) coming to town to build a WALL to save the town from meteor / comet strike.

14. May 8, 1997 (or 5/8 << May 8th which would be 58) Trump appears on Suddenly Susan, where she unveils a Magazine for him and on the lower left hand corner it reads, “OUR NEXT PRESIDENT?”

There are others, I’m very sure, and Trump also ties into the number “88” on many occasions as well, such as in Donnie Darko (28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds to end of the world = 88) and Back to the Future (88 mph speed to time travel in DeLorean), as well as this 1988 Grammys.

“Art of the Comeback” = 88

88 Generals endorsed Trump

2016 GOP Convention, Trump came out to We Are The Champions, by Queen, 88 days after Queen Elizabeth’s birthday.

Elizabeth = 88

Bill and Hillary conceded defeat wearing purple on November 9th (45 is the 9th triangular number Trump was the 45th POTUS)

Purple = 88

Poison = 88

Program = 88

What the 58 means, I don’t fully know yet. But it’s prevalent everywhere you look surrounding Trump.

“Back to the Future 2” (1985) and “Donnie Darko” (2001) have a ton of predictive programming about Donald Trump but this also includes Predictive programming from “Gremlins 2” (1990), “The LEGO Movie” (2014) and a few others including commercials. :


1. Donnie is obviously short for Donald. And there is a lot of predictive programming about Donald Trump and what would happen during his presidency. There’s a scene where they arrest a guy named Jim Cunningham (played by Patrick Swayze) for a child s3x p0rn ring (this is right after a scene where there are young girls dancing at a school event). Go to 1 hour and 10 minutes in Donnie Darko. Which means, this whole narrative of “arresting pedos” was a ruse and was scripted long ago.

2. Donnie Darko sees a bunny rabbit who tells him the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds (Donnie writes this down in black marker on his arm). So it says, 28 days to the end of the world starting on October 2nd, 1988. Well, instead of days, look at it in years. 28 years after 1988 is 2016 which was the year Donald Trump won the Election to become POTUS!

3. Also, the number 88 could be seen as a twin number, and here we are in 2020 (a ‘twin number’) when all this sh!t is going down. 28 days = 28 years from 1988 which is 2016 when Trump is elected POTUS The next numbers on Donnie Darko’s arm are 42 and 6 (add those is 48) = 48 months after 2016 is 2020…” :

4. “…The last 9/11 was an attack on the TWIN TOWERS. This 9/11 is an attack on the Twin Numbers (2020). Also, 9+11 = 20 (hinting at 2020)…

5. They released Donnie Darko on January 19, 2001 (which is 1/19 and if you reverse that it’s 911). :

6. Then you have the number 88 prevalent (i.e. 1988, etc..), even in Donald Trump’s name (which I will share with you after you read all this). 8+8=16 (2016 is when Trump is elected POTUS).

7. Then you have the bunny rabbit suit dude telling him 28 days and 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds = The Bunny Rabbit represents EASTER (Trump recently said this lock down should be ‘over’ by Easter, was he hinting at something else?).

8. Donnie Darko was supposed to be set on October 2nd leading up to Halloween. After 28 on his arm is 6, if you add 6 months to October you get April, and Easter is 4/12 this year. Well on his arm the last two numbers are 42 and 12 (if you leave out that the first 2 in 42, you have 412 = the exact date of Easter this year 2020 = 4/12/2020). It could also be that Easter 2020 would be the start of something for 12 months (the last number on his arm equals 12 months or 1 whole year) until the next Easter 2021.

9. Donnie Darko << notice the last name is Darko (Trump has had the lights go out in some of his speeches, rallies and meetings in the White House and in one rally event he even told the people to turn off the lights, turn them off!!!).

10. Also, go to 19 minutes in Donnie Darko and watch to 21 minutes, the teacher is reading about a book which talks about kids who burn down a house with MONEY INSIDE. The teacher asks Donnie what he thinks it means, and listen to Donnie Darko’s answer.

11. Donnie Darko falls in love with a girl named Gretchen, and she asks him why his name is that because it sounds like a Superhero name. What are all the Trumpers and Q sycophants saying about Trump? That he was here to save the day and arrest the Deep State, like a Superhero!

12. In another scene, Donnie Darko is talking to his counselor and he has a shirt on it that says ‘TRIUMPH.’ The short version of Triumph in the dictionary is TRUMP and his name is Donnie (Donald) << hinting at DONALD TRUMP!

13. At the end of Donnie Darko, a STORM (Tornado it looks like?) appears while his mom and younger sister are on a plane and it causes one of their fuselages to come off and goes through a time warp portal. The fuselage that appears in the alternate universe from the plane in the future (October 30) with the mom and sister on the flight, ends up smashing into their house in the past (October 2) with the mom, sister and rest of Darko’s family in the house (but Darko sleepwalking that night out onto a golf course where he falls asleep, which saves his life from the fuselage slamming into Darko’s house and specifically his room). And in this 2nd timeline, Donnie Darko ends up dying from the fuselage at the beginning (October 2), instead of Donnie Darko living until the end and shooting Frank (the bunny) in the right eye and killing him , for running over Gretchen and killing her with his car on October 30.

The timelines were reversed and switched!


I also found another connection to the Donnie Darko movie.

The Poltergeist Movie aired in 1982, yet there is a scene with a poster of Super Bowl XXII in 1988.

Heather O’Rourke (Carol Anne) in real life, ended up getting sick on that Super Bowl 22 (6 years later) and dying a few hours afterwards. Heather was from San Diego and that’s where Super Bowl XXII took place. The third Poltergeist movie came out in “1988”. She was also close friends with Drew Barrymore through Steven Spielberg. Drew Barrymore played the teacher of Donnie Darko (2001), which was set in the year “1988” and there is a scene in that movie showing the Washington Redskins on TV.

Donnie Darko was alluding to Trump (which equals “88” in Gematria), and the amount of time Frank the Rabbit gave to Donnie (28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds until the end of the world) all sums to “88”. Donnie Darko is about time travel and references “Back to the Future” which is also predictive programming for Donald Trump. Biff Tannen character was based on Trump and when he comes to power, there is anarchy, chaos and lawlessness in the streets, and the DeLorean would time travel at “88 mph” and what was left after the first time travel attempt, was skid marks of fire and the license plate that said “OUTATIME” (Out of Time).

So in both Donnie Darko and Back to the Future, it was clearly stating that “88” would refer to a point when the “END OF THE WORLD” and being “OUT OF TIME” would occur.

There are so many references of “88” that correspond to Donald Trump it would take too long to list them all.

That Super Bowl in 1988 was significant because the first Black QB won the Super Bowl (Doug Williams #17) with the score of 42 to 10 (Washington Redskins beat John Elway and Denver Broncos) and oddly enough, the very first ever Black QB had played for the other team (Denver Broncos), Marlin Oliver Briscoe, nicknamed “The Magician” (September 10, 1945 – June 27, 2022). During his career he played both QB and WR. He wore the numbers 15 – 27 – 86 and “88”.

On September 29, 1968, starter Steve Tensi suffered a broken collarbone, and backup Joe DiVito was spotty. Head coach Lou Saban summoned Briscoe from the sidelines in the fourth quarter against the Boston Patriots to give him a try. His first completion was for “22” yards. He played one year with the Broncos and then went to the Buffalo Bills (1967-1969) – Miami Dolphins (1972-1974) – San Diego Chargers (1975) – Detroit Lions (1975) and finished his career in 1976 with the New England Patriots.

Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home raided by FBI on “8/8/22”

and his text line was “88022”

Same week, they hit Alex Jones with a lawsuit for defamation of the families at Sandy Hook.

All this took place during the “Lion’s Gate Portal” (which many say peaks on 8/8)



1. Even going back to the late 1800s and early 1900s with the Baron Trump adventure books, with one book called THE LAST PRESIDENT.

2. Then you had the 1950s Old Western movie “Trackdown” where a con-artist named “Trump” comes to town saying he must build a WALL to protect against the end of the world. But it was a scam.

3. Then you have Back to the Future where it shows Biff Tannen being the supreme iconic person on the planet, while there is Martial Law and chaos with tanks rolling through the streets (Marty McFly is in the year 2015 when he sees all this). The creator of Back to the Future said Biff Tannen was indeed based on Donald Trump. The speed at which they were able to make the DeLorean car time travel was 88 miles per hour (mph). If you add up the name Trump it equals 88 by putting the numeric value of each letter of his name.

4. In the 1980s a dude named Stephen Jackson created an “ILLUMINATI CARD GAME”. One card in the deck was the “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” card. It shows a man with his mouth open. It just so happens Trump does the same thing purposely with his mouth and in numerous speeches since 2016 campaign trail he has said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Many parts of his inaugural speech was stolen from Bane in Batman : Dark Knight Rises.

5. In 1990, there was a Heavy Metal Magazine with a cartoon in it about Donald Trump and a Populist rising to power who ‘build a wall’ around New York City.

*6. (THIS ONE IS KEY) In Donnie Darko the movie which was first released on 1/19/2001 (notice if you turn that around, it’s 9/11 instead of 1/19), there are numerous references to Donald Trump, including Donnie which is a variant of Donald. The movie is supposed to be set in 1988. The Bunny Rabbit character tells Donnie (on a golf course which we know Donald Trump is known for owning tons of golf courses and playing golf) that the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. If you add those numbers up it comes out to be ’88’. As we saw before, Trump adds up to 88. If you add 28 years from 1988, you get 2016 and if you add up the other two numbers (42+6 = 48) you come up with 48 months which equals 4 years, which would be 2020.

I believe the last number 12 on Donnie Darko’s arm is representing one year (12 months) from 2020 everything would begin to unwind and sure enough, that’s what’s happening. Donnie Darko is also told by his girlfriend Gretchen that his name is odd because it sounds like a Superhero name. Trump is seen as this superhero by his fan-base who is coming to take out the deep state swamp. He even is selling a poster on his Facebook where it shows a cartoon of him flying through the sky like Superman. Another part of the movie shows a man named Jim Cunningham (played by Patrick Swayze) being arrested for s3x kiddie p0rn. This means that this whole ‘ARRESTING PEDOS’ was scripted long ago too. It’s all a fake ruse to divert your attention away from Trump’s own crimes.

7. In 1997, they had an episode of SUDDENLY SUSAN with Kathy Griffin. Donald Trump is on this episode and Kathy Griffin is trying to sell Trump on financing their new Magazine called SKAZZY. She unveils the first cover of the magazine to Donald Trump and on the cover it shows a picture of Trump and it says “OUR NEXT PRESIDENT?”. This was in 1997!

8. In the 1997 movie “Devil’s Advocate”, Lomax and Milton attend a Boxing event with Roy Jones Jr. This was an actual real fight that took place on October 4, 1996. And as I’ve shown in the past, October 4th leaves “88” days left in the year. We see the same thing with the Tower Clock in Back to the Future which was stuck on 10:04 (or 10/4 like October 4th).

9. On October 5, 2017, Trump made comment that this was THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM. If you count 888 days after that, you come to March 11, 2020 which was the day that W.H.O. declared the coronavirus a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. This was all planned out to the DAY! Also, if you look at the four corners of the Illuminati Card “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” like I showed you in number 4 above, you’ll see that it looks like some ‘virus’ or ‘bacteria’ floating around. Donald Trump has been part of the plan for a long time now. They’ve been showing us in numerous ways!


Trump’s a GEMINI, which played into the George Floyd death too, which happened during the Gemini Zodiac time frame (May 25, 2020)

  • George Floyd and Stephen Jackson looked like Twins
  • It was in the TWIN Cities, Minnesota
  • The baseball team there is the Minnesota TWINS
  • Gemini Man with Will Smith just came out in 2019
  • All took place in the year of the TWIN NUMBERS (2020 = New TWIN Towers event with pandemic)
  • George Floyd and Kobe Bryant’s daughters had TWIN (same) names (Gianna)



Dylann “Storm” Roof church shooting happened at “9:11” PM, on June 17,
2015, a day after Trump declared his run for Presidency (June 16, 2015)
Roof was obsessed with the number “88” and the media said it was
Pro-Aryan / White Supremacist which stood for “HH” (double H) and meant
“Heil Hitler”

Trump = “88”

Of course his middle name “Storm” plays into the Trump Script, Q / Qanon
said that the “STORM was coming” and on October 5, 2017, Trump had a
Photo-op with the top military brass where Trump said this is the “CALM

From the day Trump made that comment up to the day WHO declared global
Scam-demic (March 11, 2020), there are “888” days in between.

A year before 2015, we had the “Kingsman” movie in 2014, where Harry
Hart (another Double H name) shot up the CHURCH. Harry Hart was under
mind control, via the wireless cell signal, controlled by Valentine
(played by Samuel L. Jackson). BTW, Valentine’s Day is on February
“14”th, another “14” reference.

They were showing their technology in the real world, to be able to
wirelessly mind hack people and turn them into mass shooters and
Manchurian Candidates like Dylann Roof, Aaron Alexis, Myron May,
Salvador Ramos (Uvalde), Payton Gendron (TOPS Buffalo), etc.. etc..

In particular, Harry Hart shot up the “CHURCH” and a year later, Dylann
Storm Roof shot up the All-Black “CHURCH”. Harry Hart was a double H reference clue for “88” and Pre-programming for Dylann Storm Roof’s obsession with the number “88” in real life. Here’s the scene from “Kingsman” (2014) of Harry Hart shooting up church.

Just like Roof shooting, the TOPS shooting killed two birds with one
stone, by trying to instigate negative connotations surrounding the 2nd
Amendment, and to incite Racial Division.



In 1988, Trump sponsored Wrestle-Mania IV at his Atlantic City Casino Convention Hall, in New Jersey, with “19,199” people in attendance. Notice what Hulk Hogan says here in this 1 Minute clip (Double H name is “88” because “H” is the “8th” letter and Trump = “88”).
Hulk Hogan’s birthday is 8/11 and 11×8 = “88”

Hulk Hogan’s theme song “Voodoo Child” by Jimi Hendrix was also Pre-programming for Donald Trump.

See the video below on that




1. Both show what would occur during his presidency including “SAVING THE CHILDREN” and the “CHRISTIAN” connection as well as the “STORM COMING”. 

2. The Donnie Darko movie plot is set in “1988” and Trump = “88”. Specifically from October 2 – October 30. Remember, Trump got CV-19 on October 2, 2020 and went to Walter Reed Hospital. He then makes his first appearance out of the hospital (tomb) on the “third day” October 4, 2020 (leaving “88” days in the year), then fully recovers 3 days and 3 nights later on October 5. (supposed to look like Christ death and resurrection after 3 days mockery) 

3. Frank the bunny rabbit tells Donnie Darko that the world will end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. When you add those up it equals “88” 

4. Back to the Future they time travel at “88 mph”. and at the end of BTTF 1 Doc travels 30 years into the future which would be “2015” the year that Trump declared he would run for POTUS (June 16, 2015). It was also the day before the Dylann “STORM” Roof shooooting on June 17th 2015. And Dylann Storm Roof was obsessed with the number “88”. They even did an expose’ of Roof on Entertainment Tonight explaining the significance of “88” and it stood for DOUBLE H (because H is the “8th” number) and it meant Heil Hitler. 

5. Also remember a year prior to the Roof shoooting was the movie “Kingsman” (2014) where a guy named HARRY HART (another “double H” name) is being mind controlled by a cell signal and he shooots up the “CHURCH” which was clearly predictive programming for the Dylann Storm Roof shoooting up a Black CHURCH the very next year. That movie also included genocide pre-programming. Samuel L. Jackson’s character named “VALENTINE” said that the world was overpopulated and that humans are a “v!rus” and global warming was the earth’s way of ridding itself of the disease, so he decides to get rid of the population himself to save the planet.



1. He said he’d reopen the 9/11 investigation, instead, he hires one of the masterminds behind 9/11, JOHN BOLTON (part of PNAC who wrote “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” from 1997-2000 which called for a NEW PEARL HARBOR for justification to go into the Middle East starting with Iraq and restructure it). Wasn’t by accident he fired John Bolton on the Eve of 9/11 in 2019 (wink wink)

2. He said this Obama economy was FAKE due to low interest rates. Now, Trump is not only leaving interest rates low, but he was even pushing for NEGATIVE RATES (where you get paid for borrowing money). This guy is the epitome of a CON.

3. He said to stop tampering in foreign nations, especially in the Middle East and focus on Making ‘murca Great Again, yet, here he is staging attacks in Syria and Iran to provoke them into a conflagration.

4. He said he’d put Hillary in jail in 2016, then in 2017 at his Inaugural Luncheon, he not only honors Hillary but also Bill Clinton, having them stand and applauding them for the job they’ve done. I’m not even joking.

5. He said he’d drain the swamp, yet, all he did was add one swamp monster after another to his cabinet. You can get Trump on record speaking with a bifurcated FORKED-TONGUE, as he pushes both sides of every issue. It’s incredible.

6. He was anti-vax in 2016, saying they cause autism, and now he’s the HEAD LEADER of Operation Warp Speed (by his own admission!) and pushing companies like Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Who is he fooling?! His fan-base is leaving comments under his vids saying they back him 1,000% but then they turn around and say they don’t trust this vax. MAJOR COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!

7. He’s here pushing 5 – Jee and the IOT (Internet of Things), and we know that this is the method by which they will gain full control. This IS the New World Order (via Technocracy). We also know that these frequencies such as 60 GHz and 95 GHz can easily be weaponized. All of this will be possible when Five – Jee is fully operational.

8. He said he’d reduce the debt to 0 within 8 years, so far he’s only added to it by Trillions and Trillions of dollars! He’s one of the biggest spending POTUS we’ve ever had! I guess Communism and Statism are OK when big daddy Drumpf does it!

9. He said he would repeal Obamacare, that never happened.

10. He said he’d have no time to golf like Obama if he were to be elected and here he is golfing more in 4 years than Obama did in 8!

11. He said he’d cut taxes for the lower classes, instead, he did the OPPOSITE, and by 2027 the richest 1% will have received 83% of it and the richest .1% will have received 60% of it. But more than half of the lower class will pay MORE in tax.

12. He promised to help the average worker during the pandemic, but instead, 80% of the CV-19 stimulus package went to millionaires and billionaires on Wall Street.

13. He said he’d release his tax returns and he never did.

14. Trump infringed on the 2nd Amendment with bumpstock ban, he considered banning silencers and he was in favor of Red Flag Laws. He was also shown on the news saying to TAKE GUNS FIRST AND THEN WORRY ABOUT DUE PROCESS LATER.

15. He flip-flopped on Wikileaks (he hasn’t pardoned Julian Assange)

16. Passed anti-1st Amendment laws with FOSTA / SESTA and Anti-Semitism hate speech.

17. In 8 years, Bush Jr. dropped 70,000 bombs – in 8 years Obama dropped 100,000 bombs – in Trump’s FIRST YEAR he dropped 44,000+ bombs!

18. He re-signed the NDAA which allows for indefinite detention of American citizens without a Warrant or Trial

19. He re-signed the Patriot Act

20. He’s in favor of the Communist idea “Eminent Domain.”

I could go on and on, and still his sycophant fan-boys will support him even with all of this evidence placed before their faces! These types will get no sympathy from me as to what happens to them next.

Watch more at these links below :



Donald Trump was born “3 years and 22 weeks” after Nikola Tesla died, and was inaugurated president “888 months” after Tesla’s death. Tesla’s technology sparked theories that he figured out how to “time travel”.
 It was Donald Trump’s uncle, John Trump, who looked over Tesla’s patents after his death. This “time travel” + Trump connection made it’s way into mainstream with the “Back to the Future” movies where Biff Tannen was based on Donald Trump. Trump = “88” in gematria and it was “88 mph” when the DeLorean time traveled.
  There was also the Donnie Darko movie based on Trump from 2001, where Frank the rabbit tells Donnie (short for Donald) that the world would end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds (which all equal “88”). This movie was also about “time travel”. There was a lot of predictive programming in those movies about Trump’s presidency as well.
 Bob Gale’s (the guy who co-wrote Back to the Future with Robert Zemeckis) father was born on November 5th, 1922. November 5, 1955, the day Doc Brown hit his head and discovered the flux capacitor and the day Marty initially went back to, was his 33rd birthday.  “November 5th” is this year’s (2024) next election day where Trump will most likely win a 2nd time.
 Another “time travel” element to this mix is Ingersoll Lockwood’s book from the 1880s “Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey”. This was followed by his book “The Last President.” Could Trump be the “last president” of the USA?

Super Bowl 58 + Joaquin Phoenix “Joker” + Matthew Perry + Batman + Lakewood Church Shooting

The scripts “they” play on the masses, usually intertwine with each other (Sports, Media, Music, Movies, Cartoons, Politics, etc.. it’s all scripted together). By the end of this you’ll understand how Super Bowl 58, between the Kansas City Chiefs vs. San Francisco 49ers connects, not only to many other things that are current and/or recent, but also, those that seem old to us now.

This current Super Bowl was played in Las Vegas. This corresponds to two things. First, we have a coach and player for the 49ers (Kyle Shanahan and Christian McCaffrey), who are the sons of an ex-coach and ex-player (Mike Shanahan and Ed McCaffrey) for the Denver Broncos. Secondly, we had a recent Vegas shooting in 2017 at Mandalay Bay.

During the first half of this Super Bowl 58, the only Touchdown came from a pass by a Wide Receiver, Jauan Jennings to Christian McCaffrey. This is the first time a WR has thrown a TD pass in the Super Bowl, since the Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl 40, where Pittsburgh Steelers WR Antwaan Randle El threw a TD pass to HINES WARD.

This is where we find the Batman and Colorado shooting connection with the Las Vegas shooting. In “Batman : Dark Knight Rises” (2012), there’s a scene where Bane blows up a football stadium while HINES WARD (playing a fake football character in the movie) is running a kickoff back for a touchdown. While the stadium is blowing up, it shows suite “322” exploding, and this is significant because we’re in the “322nd” year of Yale (the college of Skull and Bones 322).

Reminder that “CHRISTIAN” Bale played Batman in Dark Knight Rises and it was “CHRISTIAN” McCaffrey who caught the TD pass from Juaun Jennings, the first WR to throw a TD pass since the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl 40 when WR Antwaan Randle El threw one to “HINES WARD” (who was the kick returner in Batman : Dark Knight Rises, this is a clear connection).

Reminder that we are currently in the “322nd” year of Yale (which is the Skull and Bones 322 college).

The 33rd episode of Batman in 1966, which was titled (Fine Finny Fiends or FFF and F is the 6th letter so “666”) shows Bruce Wayne’s (aka Batman’s) Grandfather as being the FOUNDER of Skull and Bones, so it would make sense that we’d have all these references to BATMAN during this 322nd year of Yale. Also, Batman went to Yale. Batman’s Yale education didn’t show up in the comics until his diploma appeared in the 1974 story “Night of the Stalker.” You can see that in the link below


Christian Bale’s connection to Super Bowl “58” is also in the numbers.
In Gematria,

Christian Bale = “58”
Bat = “58”

Also, Dark Knight Rises shows the kicker with the name “Ravenstahl”. Super Bowl 47 that year (2012-2013 season) was between the San Francisco 49ers vs. Baltimore RAVENS (who beat the 49ers). During halftime of that Super Bowl, the lights went out. This blackout during halftime of that Super Bowl was clearly a symbolic reference to “Dark Night Rising” (get it?). This Dark Knight Rises Batman movie came out the same year as the NFL season of Super Bowl 47 began (2012-2013).

The total score of this Super Bowl 58 was 22-25 which equals “47”, clearly giving us a reference back to that year and that Super Bowl “47”.

The “blackout” aspect also seems to correlate to last year’s Super Bowl 57 between the Kansas City Chiefs vs. Philadelphia Eagles (Chiefs winning with 38 points and 38 is significant to Colorado which I’ll explain in a minute).

This picture above was made last year in 2023.

During Super Bowl 57, we had two brother players playing each other, Travis Kelce vs. Jason Kelce.

During Super Bowl 47, we had two brother coaches playing each other, Jim Harbaugh vs. John Harbaugh.

Jason Kelce plays for another “Pennsylvania” team, the Philadelphia Eagles.

Also, when you spell out both names of the teams in Super Bowl 57 it equals “322”.

This past NFL season (2022-2023), Jason Kelce (the brother of Travis Kelce, dating Taylor Swift, who is in the Super Bowl for the Chiefs), wore a BATMAN mask on October 30th, 2022. This game was against, you guessed it, the PITTSBURGH Steelers.

Jason Kelce called himself the FAT BATMAN

Back on point, Hines Ward is significant also because his birthday is on March 8th or “3/8”. The number “38” is significant to Colorado, since that was the “38th” state added to the Union. The first TD of the game in Super Bowl 58 was from #15 Jauan Jennings to #23 Christian McCaffrey.

15+23 = “38”

This Super Bowl 58 also went to overtime tied “19-19” which equals “38”.

So it’s no surprise that at the premiere of Batman : Dark Knight Rises (on July 20th, which is the “201st” day of the year, and I’ve explained before how “201” is very special to the Jesuits), we had the Aurora, COLORADO (“38th” state) shooting at the theater by shooter James Holmes.

James Holmes connects Pennsylvania and Colorado. He was the Aurora, Colorado shooter, but ends up incarcerated in USP Allenwood in Gregg Township, Union County, Pennsylvania, just a three hour drive from Pittsburgh.

A final piece to the COLORADO + SUPER BOWL 58 connection would be this. John Elway ends up handing the Lombardi Trophy to the Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs in the Raiders Stadium? Only a script-writer could come up with something this absurd!

James Holmes had “orange” hair when standing trial. This year’s Super Bowl 58, Taylor Swift invited female rapper Ice Spice to watch with her. Taylor Swift is also from Pennsylvania (West Reading), also about a 3 to 4 hour drive from Pittsburgh. Ice Spice’s real name “Isis Gaston” when included with Ice Spice = “201”. You can’t see it, but she is wearing an upside down cross. Also notice Ice Spice has similar orange hair as James Holmes.

Here is another connection for Super Bowl 58.

Christian Bale was in this movie “Amsterdam” with Taylor Swift from 2022.

Notice the sun behind them on the cover of the movie, it looks like the sun on the logo for the Jesuits.

As a recap so far, you can see how all this ties into each other.

1. Batman : Dark Knight Rises shows a football stadium (and suite “322”) exploding while Hines Ward is returning a kickoff for a TD.

2. The only TD in the first half of Super Bowl 58 (during the “322nd” year of Yale, which is the Skull and Bones 322 college) was from WR Jauan Jennings to Christian McCaffrey.

3. “CHRISTIAN” Bale played Batman in Dark Knight Rises and “CHRISTIAN” McCaffrey was the one who caught the pass from WR Jauan Jennings, which was the first TD thrown by a Wide Receiver (WR) since the Pittsburgh Steelers did it in Super Bowl 40, when WR Antwaan Randle El threw one to “HINES WARD”.

3. Hines Ward’s birthday is 3/8 and Colorado is the “38th” state.

4. There was a shooting by James Holmes at a theater in Aurora, COLORADO at the premiere of Batman : Dark Knight Rises.

5. Super Bowl 58 is in Las Vegas, which is connected to the Mandalay Bay shooting in 2017.

So you see the connections here, especially between Las Vegas, Colorado and Batman. Las Vegas had a shooting in 2017 and that’s where this year’s Super Bowl 58 is held. Colorado had the shooting in 2012 at the premiere of Batman : Dark Knight Rises. So it’s only fitting that we also had a shooting for Super Bowl 58, which, right on cue, we in fact had a shooting at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston Texas.

CHRISTIAN Bale and CHRISTIAN McCaffrey = shooting at a “CHRISTIAN” Church.

The halftime main performer was “USHER” like an “usher” in a CHURCH.

The game started officially at “3:30 PM” West Coast time.

The game was played at 3333 Al David Way, Las Vegas, Nevada

Patrick Mahomes ended up with “333” passing yards.

Patrick Lavon Mahomes II = “333” in gematria

In the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl, the game was tied at 16-16 and then went to overtime tied 19-19.

It could be said that this was the “Joe Montana Bowl”, since he not only played for both the 49ers and Chiefs, but he was #16 on the 49ers and was #19 on the Chiefs.

It’s no wonder that the Chiefs ended up winning 25-22, since the score was tied “19-19” which was his number playing for the Chiefs.

This is an election year, so no doubt, all this symbolism will inevitably correspond to who wins as the new POTUS. Donald Trump won the “58th” election. There is a ton of numeric references of 58 to Donald Trump in other ways too.

You can read that in the link below :


There are symbolic references here to Pennsylvania as pointed out, and Joe Biden is from Scranton, PA. It looks to be a rematch between Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump once again as the last election in 2020 and this Super Bowl 58 was a rematch of 2020 during Super Bowl 54 between the Chiefs vs. 49ers.

Staying with the Batman motif, this year we also have the new Joker 2 entitled, “Joker: Folie à Deux”, which means “Madness for Two” in French. Someone pointed out that a lot of the commercials during Super Bowl 58 had French words or French themes. This new Joker 2 movie connects to Donald Trump specifically. He once said “I am Batman” and they blamed COVID-19 on “bats”. The original Batman (Adam West) died at age “88” when Trump was still president (also, the original butler Alfred for Batman named Alan Napier, also died on “8/8” in 19’88’. I wish I was JOKING). A scene for this new Joker 2 movie was filmed outside Trump’s Grand Jury Courthouse.

Both Joker movies premiere on October 4th (2019 and 2024), and remember, October 4 or 10/4 leaves “88” days in the year. Lady Gaga will star as Harley Quinn in Joker 2 and Lady Gaga equals “58” to bring back the Super Bowl 58 reference.

Joaquin Phoenix, who plays Joker, was born on October 28th. Matthew Perry from the sitcom “Friends” died on October 28th and was making tons of references to “Batman” before his death. He even called himself “Mattman”. Bill Gates was also born on this day. Before Matthew Perry’s death, his last tweet on Twitter X.com was about the perfect movies which were “Back to the Future” and “Midnight Run”.

Back to the Future has the DeLorean time traveling at “88” mph. Midnight Run came out in 19’88’ on July 20th (the 201st day of the year, and “201” is the number of the Jesuits). That was also the day that the Aurora, CO shooting happened in 2012 (July 20th) during the premiere of Batman Dark Knight Rises.

Robert De Niro was in Midnight Run and he was also in the first Joker movie. He was actually the character that Joker ends up shooting in the movie on live TV for making fun of the Joker during his amateur stand-up comedy show.

So both movies that Matthew Perry put in his last tweet reference “88” and the two Joker movies both come out on Oct. 4th which leaves “88” days in the year. This last tweet on October 26, 2023, comes “38” years after Doc Brown tests time travel on “October 26, 1985” in the Back to the Future movie. Also, Joaquin Rafael Phoenix, equals “104” in gematria.

This “88” number is referenced in other places too like “Donnie Darko” (2001). In both Donnie Darko and Back to the Future, it gives this number’s meaning about an “ending”.

In Back to the Future when the DeLorean time travels at “88” mph, it leaves behind the license plate which reads “OUTATIME” (out of time).

In Donnie Darko, the rabbit Frank tells Donnie (short for Donald) that the WORLD WILL END in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. Add all those up and it equals “88”.

Last year in 2023, we saw these references play out in the real world. The “808” area code found out on “8/8” that their time was up (Hawaii Lahaina fires). We also saw them honor survivors of the Lahaina fires during the Super Bowl as well.

And on 10/4 of 2023, we had NATIONAL EMERGENCY ALERTS (leaving “88” days in the year), which was clearly meant for Gaza, that their TIME WAS UP a few days later when Israel invaded after staging an attack on their own country (an inside job just like 9/11).

After Matthew Perry’s death in a tub, we also had Nick Carter’s sister, Bobbie Jean Carter drown in a tub on December 23, 2023. Nick Carter’s Twitter default picture was of “Back to the Future” when this death occurred as well.

There was a “joke” in an episode of Friends where Chandler (played by Matthew Perry) is called a “drowning moron” by his girlfriend Monica (played by Courteney Cox).

As I said before, Matthew Perry was obsessed with Batman, especially before his death. That episode of “Friends” just so happened to air on 11/2 of 2000, and 11/2 is the mirror of 2/11 which was the date (February 11, 2024) of this year’s Super Bowl 58.

This running “JOKE” (hence “Joker”) about “drowning” seems to be a RIDDLE for us to solve. The last Batman (2022) movie had the RIDDLER as Batman’s enemy.

Spoiler, at the end of this Batman, Riddler and his friends, plant bombs in vans all around the city of Gotham. During the election of a new mayor (who is a black woman), Riddler causes explosions which FLOOD the city (drown the city) on ELECTION NIGHT. This takes place on November 5th in the movie, which seems to be a reference to our REAL ELECTION in 2024, which happens on November 5th as well (this is “33” days after October 4th when the new Joker movie comes out).

Are they planning some huge explosion in New York City (Gotham City seems to be a cloaked reference to NYC) during the election or flooding the entire east coast around that time? Leave comments if you see anything I’ve missed.


We had the Lakewood Church shooting on Super Bowl Sunday, and now another shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs parade on Valentine’s Day.

The elites stage things around major events like this for political agendas (this is obviously to further denigrate our 2nd Amendment rights).

My previous posts tied in the Batman movies and here’s why. This year (beginning on October 9th, 2023) is the “322nd” year of Yale (the Skull & Bones 322 College).

In the 33rd episode of Batman (“Fine Finny Fiends” , … btw “F” is the “6th” letter “666”), it was said that BATMAN’S great-grandfather founded Skull & Bones.


To continue the Colorado and Pennsylvania connection, the Denver Broncos released QB Russell Wilson (who was traded to the Broncos on “3/8” in 2022) and was picked up by the Pittsburgh Steelers around March 10th / March 11th, 2024.

The Broncos will pay “$38M” left on his contract while playing for the Steelers.

One more point to mention, when Russell Wilson played for the Seattle Seahawks, he beat the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl XLVIII (48), 43-8. That year was the Seahawks’ “38th” season in the NFL.

Earliest Christian Fathers Were Against “Self-Defense” and “Military Service”

In the New Testament, it’s clear as day that self-defense was not honored by Jesus nor the apostles. BTW, I’m personally an advocate for the second amendment, which is why I denounce the Bible because it clearly advocates for the opposite. But to clear up this confusion (because more oft than naught, Christians I debate with, believe that the NT gives them the ability to avenge themselves), I must play on their (Christian’s) field, their rules, their refs, and their moving goal-posts and show them what their book actually means.

Christians tell me I’m not a believer so I don’t have the holy ghost to interpret the Bible properly. The irony of that is, the earliest Christian Fathers agree with me! LOL Were the earliest Christian followers without the holy spirit too? Dismissing the messenger is what low IQ thinkers do. Focus on the MESSAGE, not the MESSENGER.

Before I get to the quotations of the earliest Christian Fathers, here is a list to start with of scriptures which even a kindergartner can understand (yet somehow are twisted all to hell by adults).

1. Jesus said, “Turn the other cheek”

2. Bless those that curse you

3. Be harmless as doves

4. Be Sheep among wolves

5. No more eye for eye, tooth for tooth (slap for slap, life for life, etc..)

6. Do not take revenge and don’t repay evil with evil, but repay evil with good.

7. Pray for those who despitefully use you

8. If they steal your jacket, give them your shirt too

9. Don’t forgive 7 times only, forgive 7 times 70 !

10. The Lord’s Prayer “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”

11. Those who live by the sword (gun) shall die by the sword (gun).
(Matthew 26:52 ; Revelation 13:10 KJV: He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints)

12. Only the merciful shall receive mercy


14. If your enemy is hungry and thirsty, give him food and drink.

15. When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he prayed for his enemies, “FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO”

1 Peter 2:21-23 << Jesus was an example to follow, he suffered, did not retaliate to insults and didn’t avenge himself.

Who followed this example?

Acts 7 << Stephen was being stoned to death and he did not retaliate, instead, he followed Jesus’s example on the cross by PRAYING for his MURDERERS (Forgive them Father) !

According to YOU, Stephen had every right to pick up those rocks and throw them back. Instead, he followed Jesus’s example by praying for them and allowed them to murder him!

In Luke 22 Jesus tells his disciples to take swords, they find two swords and ask Jesus if that is enough and he says it is sufficient. If this was for ‘self-defense’, why only two? Wouldn’t Jesus want them all to be well equipped and ready to defend all of themselves? There are 12 disciples (and they weren’t always together), so why only two swords?

These “two” swords were to serve two purposes (one to fulfill a prophecy and the other to teach the disciples a lesson). Jesus says in the verse before it that this prophecy must be fulfilled that he was “counted amongst the transgressors” (as if to say that transgressors carried weapons). Later when Jesus is taken into custody and Peter tries to use one of those swords, Jesus tells Peter to put the sword away, “…for those who live by the sword shall die by the sword…” He had them get those two swords to teach them this lesson, not to use them!

Peter and Paul both said, “Do not repay evil for evil, but repay evil with good and don’t take vengeance for yourself, for vengeance is the Lord’s.”

They can’t even love their NEIGHBOR let alone their ENEMY. They haven’t even learned the basic tenets of the “faith” yet. Ain’t no one more “ANTI-CHRIST” than many of those who claim to be CHRISTIAN. They HATE Christ’s words and disobey them on a daily basis. Their actions betray their speech. They’d be better off burning their suits, ties, fancy garb and Bibles on an altar than to continue preaching it out there while they disobey it in their own lives.


 – Romans 12:14 Bless those who persecute you. Bless and do not curse.

Proverbs 25:21 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.

- Matthew 5:43-48 and Luke 6:27-36 if you only love those who love you, what reward will you get? Even the non-believers do that, but I say to LOVE YOUR ENEMY that you may be called children of the Most High.

Matthew 22:36-40 << read what Jesus said in summary of the Law and Prophets, LOVE GOD AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR (And he already clarified in Matt 5 that this includes loving your ENEMY too).

1 Thessalonians 5:15 Make sure that no one repays evil for evil.

1 Peter 2:21-23 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone. ****When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats.**** Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.

1 Peter 3:9 Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing.

 – Romans 12:17;19-20 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. Do not take revenge, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”


The earliest Christian Forefathers were also against self-defense and even said that no Christian Believer should be a part of the Military. So not only should they not use self-defense in personal altercations but not even self-defense on a national scale! Just another area where Christianity has ‘EVOLVED’ from one generation to the next, proving something profound. I’ll let you ponder on that.

More on the anti-violent stance of the early Christians. Amidst the contemporary discussion, one important set of voices is often unwittingly silenced: the ante-Nicene Church Fathers, who, as the first New Testament exegetes and inhabitants of a Roman imperial climate continuous with the atmosphere experienced by the apostles, arguably stand in a better position to correctly interpret the message of Jesus as pertaining to violence than their early modern and modern successors. From the accumulated literature of the ante-Nicene church, three facts emerge as relatively noncontroversial.

First, from the close of the New Testament era until 174 C.E., no Christians served in the military or assumed government offices.

Second, from 174 until the Edict of Milan (313), the ancient church treated those Christians who played such roles, including previous office-holders who converted, with great suspicion.

Third, underlying this ecclesiastical antipathy [extreme aversion or dislike] to state positions exerting compulsion stood a theory of nonviolence hermeneutically derived from Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom of God.

According to the ante-Nicene Fathers, the kerygma necessitated that Jesus constituted the Christian’s only commander, such that placing oneself under any other commander would spell treason.

Here is a representative depiction of the prevailing sentiments among ante-Nicene church leaders below :

“[T]he conviction that Christianity was incompatible with the shedding of blood, either in war or in the administration of justice, was not only maintained and vigorously defended by eminent individuals like Tertullian of Carthage, Hippolytus of Rome and Origen of Palestine and Egypt, but was widely held and acted on in the Churches up and down Christendom.”

The early Christian father Tertullian articulated a position in Apologeticum, identified by Edward A. Ryan as “pacifism” when he said :

“We are equally forbidden to wish evil, to do evil, to speak evil, and to think evil toward all people. . . . So if we are commanded to love our enemies, whom have we to hate? If injured, we are forbidden to retaliate, lest we become as evil as our attackers. No one can suffer injury at our hands . . . since we do not bear arms nor raise any banner of insurrection.”

Athenagoras’ (early Christian Father of 2nd Century AD) work called “Plea” (or “Embassy”), was presented to Roman Emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, in what he noted in regard to the non-violent stance of the Christian community. According to him, it was this key feature of Jesus (loving your enemy and not retaliating when hit or attacked) that separated him from all other philosophers. Read below :

“What, then, are those teachings in which we are brought up? “I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you,” etc. Who of them [teachers of philosophy] have so purged their souls that, instead of hating their enemies, they love them; and instead of speaking ill of those who have reviled them – to abstain from which is, of itself, an evidence of no mean forbearance – they bless them; and instead of cursing those who plot against their lives, they pray for them? They do not rehearse speeches, but exhibit good works; when struck, they do not strike again; when robbed, they do not go to law; they give to those that ask of them, and love their neighbors as themselves. Not even the governors of the provinces, sent by you, suffice for the hearing of the complaints against those [the Christians] for whom it even is unlawful, when struck, not to offer themselves for more blows, nor when defamed, not to bless. It is not enough to be just, justice being to return like for like, it is incumbent upon us to be good and patient of evil.”


In refutation to your Psalm 144 verse, the early Christian Father Tertullian said this below :

“Love your enemies, bless those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute you.” These commands of Christ are included in one precept of his prophet Isaiah: “Say, ‘You are our brethren,’ to those who hate you.” For if those who are our enemies, hate us, and persecute us are to be called our brethren, surely he did in effect bid us to bless those who hate us and pray for those who persecute us. Moreover, Christ plainly teaches a new kind of patience when he actually prohibits the reprisals that the Creator permitted in requiring “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” He bids us, on the contrary, “to him who strikes us on the one cheek to offer the other also, and to give up our coat to him who takes away our cloak.” No doubt these are supplementary additions by Christ, but they are quite in keeping with the teaching of the Creator. And therefore this question must at once be determined: was the discipline of patience enjoined by the Creator?

When by Zechariah he commanded, “Let none of you imagine evil against his brother,” he did not expressly include his neighbor; but then, he does say in another passage, “Let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor.” He who counseled that an injury should be forgotten, was still more likely to counsel the patient endurance of it. But then, when he said, “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,” he thereby teaches that patience calmly waits for the infliction of [divine] vengeance. It is incredible that the same God should seem to require “a tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an eye” in return for an injury, and also forbid, not only all reprisals, but even a vengeful thought or recollection of an injury. Therefore, it becomes plain to us in what sense he required “an eye for an eye” – not, indeed, for the purpose of permitting the repetition of the injury by retaliation, which he virtually prohibited when he forbade vengeance. His purpose was to restrain the injury in the first instance, which he had forbidden on pain of retaliation or reciprocity. Every man, in view of the permission to inflict a second [or retaliatory] injury, might abstain from the commission of the first [or provocative] wrong…

Thus, whatever [new provision] Christ introduced, he did it, not in opposition to the law, but rather in furtherance of it, without at all impairing the prescription of the Creator. If, therefore, one looks carefully into the very grounds for which patience is enjoined to such a full and complete extent, one finds that it cannot stand if it is not the precept of the Creator, who promises vengeance and presents himself as the judge in the case. You suppose that he is prophesied as a military and armed warrior, instead of one who, in a figurative and allegorical sense, was to wage a spiritual warfare against spiritual enemies, in spiritual campaigns, and with spiritual weapons. When in one man alone you discover a multitude of demons, calling itself Legion and comprised of spirits, you should learn that Christ also must be understood to he an exterminator of spiritual foes, who wields spiritual arms and fights in spiritual strife. It was none other than he who now had to contend with even a legion of demons. Therefore, it is of such a war as this that the psalm may evidently have spoken: “The Lord is strong and mighty in battle.” He fought with the last enemy, death, and triumphed through the trophy of the cross.”

Commentary :
Now, as Christ in the flesh forbade any defense of himself by carnal weapons, manifesting to the world that his defenses and conquests must be accomplished be by spiritual means, so must his followers faithfully accept that example, while recognizing in its truthfulness the cautionary declaration, “The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.” At the same time that Christ uttered this saying, he forewarned his disciples that persecutions and death were to be their portion. Yet, as followers of him, and therefore Christians, their souls being saved through his grace, they did not need to fear “those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul.” Pleaders for an inherent right of self-defense (including Christians) will nowhere discover in the sacred record of Christ’s sayings any countenance for such a belief as they assume. On the contrary, they will find that, while constant attention to the defense of their souls from the wiles of the devil is enjoined, the preservation of the body is a matter of secondary importance. As in Christ’s time, in Tertullian’s time, and even today, this saying must continue to be equally truthful: “He who finds his life shall lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake shall find it. If a man does not hate his father, mother, brother, sister, etc.. and even his own life, he is not worthy of me.

Christian Historian Lactantius (4th Century AD) says this about taking revenge :

“If anyone is reviled, he must answer with a blessing. He himself must never revile, so that no evil word may proceed out of the mouth of a man who reverences the good Word [i.e. Jesus Christ, the Word of God]. Moreover, he must also diligently take care, lest by any fault of his he should at any time make an enemy. And if anyone should be so shameless as to inflict injury on a good and just man, the latter [the good man] must bear it with calmness and moderation, and not take upon himself his revenge, but reserve it for the judgment of God.

This precept is not limited to simply inflicting injury in the first place; one should not avenge it when inflicted on himself, for there sits on the judgment-seat a very great and impartial Judge, the observer and witness of all. Let that Judge prefer him to the other; let Him rather choose that He should pronounce judgment respecting his cause, whose sentence no one can escape, either by the advocacy of anyone or by favor. Thus it comes to pass that a just man is an object of contempt to all: because it will be thought that he is unable to defend himself, he will be regarded as slothful and inactive. But if anyone shall have avenged himself upon his enemy, men judge him as a man of spirit and activity, and all will honor and reverence him.” (end quote)

Lactantius has something to say regarding the following declaration of Cicero, that “He is a good man who profits those whom he can, and injures no one unless provoked by injury.” Since this plea of self-defense is the only one that well-inclined men can possibly advance in extenuation of carnal strife, the rejoinder of Lactantius to the words of the great orator [Cicero] is given pretty fully, so that we may recognize the golden line in the Gospel rule that places it far above the excellent Roman maxim of the renowned Cicero [essentially that, self-defense, even when carnally justified, is inferior to Christ’s teaching of “loving your enemy” and “turning the other cheek”] :

“Oh, how he marred a simple and true statement, by the addition of a few words! What need was there of adding the words “unless provoked by injury” so that he might append vice as a most disgraceful tail to a good man, and might represent him as without patience, which is the greatest of all virtues? He said that a good man would inflict injury if he were provoked, but he must necessarily lose the name of a good man from the very circumstance of inflicting injury. It is not less the part of a bad man to return an injury than to inflict it, for from what source do contests, fighting, and contentions arise among men, except that impatience opposed to injustice often excites great tempests? But if you meet injustice with patience (nothing can be found more true than this virtue, and nothing is more worthy of a man), it will immediately be extinguished as though you poured water upon a fire. But, if that injunction which provokes opposition has met with impatience equal to itself, as though overspread with oil, it will excite so great a conflagration that nothing can extinguish it except the shedding of blood. Great, therefore, is the advantage of patience, of which this wise man [Cicero] would deprive the good man.

Patience alone causes no evil to happen, and if it were given to all, there would be no wickedness and no fraud in the affairs of men. What, therefore, can be so calamitous to a good man, and so opposed to his character, as to let loose the reins of anger. To do so would deprive him not only of the title of a good man, but even of the title of a man, since to injure another, as he himself most truly says, is not in accordance with the nature of man! If you provoke cattle or horses, they turn against you either with their hoof or their horn. Serpents and wild beasts, unless you pursue them so that you may kill them, give no trouble. And to return to examples of men, even the inexperienced and the foolish respond with blind and irrational fury if they receive an injury, and retaliate upon those who injure them. In what respect, then, does the wise and good man differ from the evil and foolish, except that he has invincible patience, of which the foolish are destitute? How does the good man differ, except that he knows how to govern himself and mitigate his anger, which those who are without virtue are unable to curb?

This circumstance manifestly deceived him [Cicero] because, when he inquired with respect to virtue, he thought that it is the part of virtue to conquer in every situation. Nor was he able to see that a man who gives way to grief and anger, who indulges these affections against which he ought rather to struggle, and who rushes wherever injustice shall have called him, does not fulfill the duty of virtue. He who endeavors to return an injury desires to imitate that very person by whom he has been injured. Thus, he who imitates a bad man can by no means be good… And to show how pernicious this repayment of insult is, and what carnage it produces, there is no more fitting example than the most melancholy disaster of the teacher himself, who, while he desired to obey these precepts, destroyed himself. Therefore, it is not the part of a wise and good man to wish to contend, since to conquer is not in our power, and every contest is doubtful. Instead, it is the part of a wise and excellent man not to wish to remove his adversary, which cannot be done without guilt and danger, but to put an end to the contest itself, which may be done with advantage and justice.”

I had to get this in writing, so I don’t have to keep repeating myself. I’m constantly having to educate “Christians” on their OWN book, even these basic 101 tenets of their faith.





Testimonium Flavianum (TF) Forgery in Josephus, and James, The Brother of Jesus, Son of Damneus (Not Jesus Christ)

In Josephus’s “Against Apion” Josephus makes the case against the Greek writers, that their historians were not writing the same things. He also criticized famous Greek Historians such as Ephorus and Herodotus for not writing about the Galls (Gauls) or Rome or the fullest power of the Spaniards. He is using all this to make the point that it’s not surprising to him that the Greeks never really wrote much about the Jews or The history of the Jews, because the Greco historical annals had omitted even greater aspects of history.

If Josephus was so particular in vilifying the Greeks for their contradictions and omitting important parts of history, one would think Josephus would choose not to make the same mistake. He would’ve written down everything phenomenal going around in Rome and Judea / Israel. He was the governor of Galilee until 66AD before being captured by Vespasian during the Jewish-Roman War. He would’ve certainly not failed to write down a group of evangelists like Jesus, Peter and Paul doing signs, miracles and wonders. He surely would’ve included them when he wrote about the different sects of the Jews of that first century time period. The Apostle Peter would’ve been well known in his parts, as the Bishop of the Christians (mainly in Rome). Yet, no mention of Peter or the other apostles / disciples either. And why does no one ever mention the Apostles’ progeny (children)?

The Apostle Paul said this in 1 Corinthians 9 “Don’t we have the right to take a believing wife along with us, as do the other apostles and the Lord’s brothers and Cephas?”… Essentially there were indeed Apostles with wives. You’d think the Bishop-ship of the Church would’ve been passed down to Peter’s (or some of the other Apostles’) children, yet, outside of the Bible, there is no account of any of this. There’s nothing about their children PERIOD. Just something to ponder.

MOST scholars (including CHRISTIAN scholars) concluded long ago that the Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery. The only other one in the Josephus (Jewish Historian ; 37-100AD) account that Christians use as proof for Jesus was a nebulous, obscure passage about a Jesus who was the brother of James the High Priest. There were tons of Jews named “JESUS'” back then and several who fit the bill of James’ brother. Nothing other than that shows anything about Jesus or Christians in Josephus, yet, Josephus spends whole chapters on petty thieves and small time prophets.

The ‘Testimonium Flavianum’ (purportedly written by Josephus) is nothing more than an interpolated, Christian forgery (most likely by Eusebius)! Even many CHRISTIAN SCHOLARS acknowledged it as a forgery. The smoking gun for this is that not one Christian apologist mentions the T.F. until the 4th century.

1. Justin Martyr (c. 100-c. 165), who obviously pored over Josephus’s works, makes no mention of the TF.

2. Theophilus (d. 180), Bishop of Antioch–no mention of the TF.

3. Irenaeus (c. 120/140-c. 200/203), saint and compiler of the New Testament, has not a word about the TF.

4. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-211/215), influential Greek theologian and prolific Christian writer, head of the Alexandrian school, says nothing about the TF.

5. Origen (c. 185-c. 254), no mention of the TF and specifically states that Josephus did not believe Jesus was “the Christ.”

6. Hippolytus (c. 170-c. 235), saint and martyr, nothing about the TF.The author of the ancient Syriac text, “History of Armenia,” refers to Josephus but not the TF.

7. Minucius Felix (d. c. 250), lawyer and Christian convert–no mention of the TF.

8. Anatolius (230-c. 270/280)–no mention of TF.

9. Chrysostom (c. 347-407), saint and Syrian prelate, not a word about the TF.

10. Methodius, saint of the 9th century–even at this late date there were apparently copies of Josephus without the TF, as Methodius makes no mention of it.

11. Photius (c. 820-891), Patriarch of Constantinople, not a word about the TF, again indicating copies of Josephus devoid of the passage, or, perhaps, a rejection of it because it was understood to be fraudulent. 

The TF only came on the scene during the late 4th century AD, when Eusebius made mention of it.  Joseph Atwill (author of “Caesars Messiah”) argues that the Testimonium Flavianum (Josephus’s Antiquities 18.3) is the introduction to a literary triptych (a work of art divided into three parts that can be folded up or displayed wide open). Immediately following the Testimonium Flavianum is the story of Decius Mundus, who pretends to be the god Anubis (Egyptian god of death and mummification), to trick a woman named Paulina into having sex.

 Atwill sees Decius’ name as a pun on Publius Decius Mus (340 BC ; Roman Official who sacrificed his life to allow his army to win a war). As the story continues, Paulina’s husband Saturninus agrees that it would be no sin for Paulina to have sex with a god. So Paulina and Decius Mundus sleep together, but Mundus returns on the third day to boast that he is not a god. Atwill argues that Mundus’ return is a parody of Jesus’ resurrection, and that his worshippers Paulina and Saturninus have obviously been swindled. 

Albert Bell, in his paper “Josephus the Satirist?”, speculated that the satirical nature of the Decius Mundus story was understood in the 4th century. According to Bell, the author of pseudo-Hegesippus may have elaborated on the joke by making Paulina become possibly pregnant by Anubis, thus making her parody of the Virgin Mary.


“The three references found in Book 18 and Book 20 of the Antiquities do not appear in any other versions of Josephus’ “The Jewish War”, except for a Slavonic version of the Testimonium Flavianum (at times called Testimonium Slavonium) which surfaced in the west at the beginning of the 20th century, after its discovery in Russia at the end of the 19th century.

Although originally hailed as authentic (notably by Robert Eisler), it is now almost universally acknowledged by scholars to have been the product of an 11th-century creation as part of a larger ideological struggle against the Khazars. As a result, it has little place in the ongoing debate over the authenticity and nature of the references to Jesus in the Antiquities.

 Craig A. Evans states that although some scholars had in the past supported the Slavonic Josephus, “to my knowledge no one today believes that they contain anything of value for Jesus research.”

When addressing the purported “evidence” of Jesus’ existence, many look to the writings of Flavius Josephus, the famed Jewish general and historian who lived from about 37 to 100 CE. In Josephus’s Antiquities of the Jews appears the notorious passage regarding Christ called the “Testimonium Flavianum” (“TF”):
“Now, there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works,–a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.”
(Whitson, 379)

This surprisingly brief and simplistic passage constitutes the “best proof” of Jesus’ existence in the entire ancient non-Christian library comprising the works of dozens of historians, writers, philosophers, politicians and others who never mentioned the great sage and wonderworker Jesus Christ, even though they lived contemporaneously with or shortly after the Christian savior’s purported advent. Not one writer mentions Jesus or his disciples in the entire first century.

Despite the best wishes of sincere believers and the erroneous claims of truculent apologists, the Testimonium Flavianum has been demonstrated continually over the centuries to be a forgery, likely interpolated by Catholic Church historian Eusebius in the fourth century. So thorough and universal has been this debunking that very few scholars of repute continued to cite the passage after the turn of the 19th century. Indeed, the TF was rarely mentioned, except to note that it was a forgery, and numerous books by a variety of authorities over a period of 200 or so years basically took it for granted that the Testimonium Flavianum in its entirety was spurious, an interpolation and a forgery. As Dr. Gordon Stein relates:

“…the vast majority of scholars since the early 1800s have said that this quotation is not by Josephus, but rather is a later Christian insertion in his works. In other words, it is a forgery, rejected by scholars.”

So well understood was this fact of forgery that these numerous authorities did not spend their precious time and space rehashing the arguments against the TF’s authenticity. Nevertheless, in the past few decades apologists of questionable integrity and credibility have glommed onto the TF, because this short and dubious passage represents the most “concrete” secular, non-biblical reference to a man who purportedly shook up the world. In spite of the past debunking, the debate is currently confined to those who think the TF was original to Josephus but was Christianized, and those who credulously and self-servingly accept it as “genuine” in its entirety.

To repeat, this passage was so completely dissected by scholars of high repute and standing–the majority of them pious Christians–that it was for decades understood by subsequent scholars as having been proved a forgery, such that these succeeding scholars did not even mention it, unless to acknowledge it as false. (In addition to being repetitious, numerous quotes will be presented here, because a strong show of rational consensus is desperately needed when it comes to matters of blind, unscientific and irrational faith.) The scholars who so conclusively proved the TF a forgery made their mark at the end of the 18th century and into the 20th, when a sudden reversal was implemented, with popular opinion hemming and hawing its way back first to the “partial interpolation theory” and in recent times, among the third-rate apologists, to the notion that the whole TF is “genuine.” As Earl Doherty says, in “Josephus Unbound”:

“Now, it is a curious fact that older generations of scholars had no trouble dismissing this entire passage as a Christian construction. Charles Guignebert, for example, in his Jesus (1956, p.17), calls it ‘a pure Christian forgery.’ Before him, Lardner, Harnack and Schurer, along with others, declared it entirely spurious. Today, most serious scholars have decided the passage is a mix: original parts rubbing shoulders with later Christian additions.”

The earlier scholarship that proved the entire TF to be fraudulent was determined by intense scrutiny by some of the most erudite, and mainly Christian (yes, even Christian scholars saw it as a forgery), writers of the time, in a number of countries, their works written in a variety of languages, but particularly German, French and English. Their general conclusions, as elucidated by Christian authority Dr. Lardner, and related here by the author of Christian Mythology Unveiled (c. 1842), include the following reasons for doubting the authenticity of the TF as a whole:
“Mattathias, the father of Josephus, must have been a witness to the miracles which are said to have been performed by Jesus, and Josephus was born within two years after the crucifixion, yet in all the works he says nothing whatever about the life or death of Jesus Christ; as for the interpolated passage it is now universally acknowledged to be a forgery. The arguments of the ‘Christian Ajax,’ even Lardner himself, against it are these: ‘It was never quoted by any of our Christian ancestors before Eusebius. It disturbs the narrative. The language is quite Christian. It is not quoted by Chrysostom, though he often refers to Josephus, and could not have omitted quoting it had it been then in the text. It is not quoted by Photius [9th century], though he has three articles concerning Josephus; and this author expressly states that this historian has not taken the least notice of Christ. Neither Justin Martyr, in his dialogue with Trypho the Jew; nor Clemens Alexandrinus, who made so many extracts from ancient authors; nor Origen against Celsus, have ever mentioned this testimony. But, on the contrary, in chap. 25th of the first book of that work, Origen openly affirms that Josephus, who had mentioned John the Baptist, did not acknowledge Christ. That this passage is a false fabrication is admitted by Ittigius, Blondel, Le Clerc, Vandale, Bishop Warburton, and Tanaquil Faber.'”
(CMU, 47)

Hence, by the 1840’s, when the anonymous author of Christian Mythology Unveiled wrote, the Testimonium Flavanium was already “universally acknowledged to be a forgery.”

The pertinent remarks by the highly significant Church father Origen (c. 185-c.254) appear in his Contra Celsus, Book I, Chapter XLVII:
“For in the 18th book of his Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus bears witness to John as having been a Baptist, and as promising purification to those who underwent the rite. Now this writer, although not believing in Jesus as the Christ, in seeking after the cause of the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple, whereas he ought to have said that the conspiracy against Jesus was the cause of these calamities befalling the people, since they put to death Christ, who was a prophet, says nevertheless–being, although against his will, not far from the truth–that these disasters happened to the Jews as a punishment for the death of James the Just, who was a brother of Jesus (called Christ)–the Jews having put him to death, although he was a man most distinguished for his justice” (Emphasis added)

Here, in Origen’s words, is the assertion that Josephus, who discusses more than a dozen Jesuses, did not consider any of them to be “the Christ.” This fact proves that the same phrase in the TF is spurious. Furthermore, Origen does not even intimate the presence of the rest of the TF. Concerning Origen and the TF, Arthur Drews relates in Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesus:
“In the edition of Origen published by the Benedictines it is said that there was no mention of Jesus at all in Josephus before the time of Eusebius [c. 300 ce]. Moreover, in the sixteenth century Vossius had a manuscript of the text of Josephus in which there was not a word about Jesus. It seems, therefore, that the passage must have been an interpolation, whether it was subsequently modified or not.”
(Drews, 9; emph. added)

According to the author of Christian Mythology Unveiled (“CMU”), this Vossius mentioned by a number of writers as having possessed a copy of Josephus’s Antiquities lacking the TF is “I. Vossius,” whose works appeared in Latin. Unfortunately, none of these writers includes a citation as to where exactly the assertion may be found in Vossius’s works. Moreover, the Vossius in question seems to be Gerardus, rather than his son, Isaac, who was born in the seventeenth century.

In any event, as G.A. Wells points out in The Jesus Myth, not only do several Church fathers from the second, third and early fourth centuries have no apparent knowledge of the TF, but even after Eusebius suddenly “found” it in the first half of the fourth century, several other fathers into the fifth “often cite Josephus, but not this passage.” (Wells, JM, 202) In the 5th century, Church father Jerome (c. 347-c.419) cited the TF once, with obvious disinterest, as if he knew it was fraudulent. In addition to his reference to the TF, in his Letter XXII. to Eustochium, Jerome made the following audacious claim:

“Josephus, himself a Jewish writer, asserts that at the Lord’s crucifixion there broke from the temple voices of heavenly powers, saying: ‘Let us depart hence.'”

Either Jerome fabricated this alleged Josephus quote, or he possessed a unique copy of the Jewish historian’s works, in which this assertion had earlier been interpolated. In any case, Jerome’s claim constitutes “pious fraud,” one of many committed by Christian proponents over the centuries, a rampant practice, in fact, that must be kept in mind when considering the authenticity of the TF.

I find it very disturbing that there is very little (if any) mention of Jesus by historians of his contemporaneous time, since the NT says (John 20:30 and John 21:25) that Jesus performed so many miraculous things, the world couldn’t contain all of the books that could be written about them all. Then of course, all of the apostles and disciples afterwards, doing miraculous works (which Jesus said, they’d be doing even GREATER THINGS than He did – John 14:12-14) up until 70AD.

Someone would have noticed all of these miracles taking place. Someone would’ve noticed how widespread Christianity was becoming, when you have the Bible claiming that thousands of people were saved in one day. You’d think we wouldn’t have to search so hard in antiquated historical writings, to find even just a ‘sliver of evidence’ that all of these things happened.



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James is one of those names that the Bible reuses with alarming frequency (let’s not forget Mary has a sister called Mary!*). The result is confused and confusing. At least five (and possibly eight!) New Testament characters are called James. Thankfully, they are almost all phantoms. The characterless “James, son of Aphaeus” is merely listed as one of the twelve disciples, he has no part to play in the pageant. Nor does a “James, brother of Judas” who gets a couple of mentions, not because he is listed as a disciple but because he has a brother who is. There is a “James, son of Mary”, who perhaps is the same actor as “James, one of the four brothers of Jesus” – and surely the most important?

Not at all, pride of place goes to “James the son of Zebedee, brother of John” (aka ‘James the Greater’). This guy is on stage for several key scenes: when JC “raises” Jairus’s daughter; when JC “transfigures” into a glowing figure on a mountain top and is addressed by a speaking cloud; and when a rather less radiant JC gets himself arrested in Gethsemane. The son of old Zebedee is also present in that famous “upper room” at Pentecost and gets his share of fiery holy spirit. He also has a remarkable posthumous career in far off Spain!

We also have to factor in “James the Just”, “James the Righteous”, “James of Jerusalem”, “James Protepiscopus” (first bishop of Jerusalem) and “James the Less”, all of whom turn up in diverse Christian testimonies.

Choose your James here:

1. James was Jesus’s blood brother, born of the Virgin Mary.
[If Protestant, choose this option]

2. James was one of Joseph’s children by an earlier marriage.
[If Orthodox, choose this option]

3. James was Jesus’s “cousin”.
[if Catholic, choose this option]

4. James was a leader of a radical Jewish sect, such as the Essenes or Nazarenes, whose biography was cannibalised into at least two persona – a “saintly” companion of the god-man and a “bishop” for Jerusalem.
[If you think for yourself, choose this option]

Now this is curious: the James who, it seems, leads the Mother Church of Christianity for thirty years and who is nothing less than a blood-relation of the god-man himself has no part to play in the gospel story – but then lands up running the whole show! Even more curious, is that, having headed up the Church for so long – during its crucial, formative years – the James’ story is so thinly reported. Centre stage is taken by the dynamic duo Peter and Paul. We learn more about Paul’s vacation in Cyprus than about James’ evangelizing in Jerusalem!This issue is surprisingly important because, with the collapse of just about every other “evidence” for the god-man, the faithful now cling to our old friend Josephus and, not to the long discredited Testimonium Flavianum, but to the “Jamesian reference” in Josephus’ Antiquities (20.9).

They would have us believe that James, belatedly became a Christian after an encounter with the resurrected god-man, led a peaceable, spiritual movement until he met a glorious martyr’s death. He died as quietly as he lived, it seems. Yet the truth is rather different from this fanciful legend – a truth which accords with the real politic of Palestine of the mid-1st century.When we remove Christian interpolation from the “Jamesian” reference in Josephus, it becomes clear that James was the brother, not of a non-existent ‘Jesus Christ’, but of Jesus bar Damneus, high priest briefly in the year 63. In the increasingly violent rivalry between the two major families that had controlled the high priesthood for a century, James was the brother of one contender. Together with his supporters, he was eliminated by the boss of the rival faction. Briefly, the ‘aggrieved’ family gained control of the Temple. But once the new Roman procurator was installed he put pressure on Agrippa II to replace Jesus bar Damneus with a more pro-Roman candidate – and Jesus, son of Gamaliel became high priest.

In this passage Josephus is talking about machinations to secure the high priesthood. Ananus comes from a dynasty of high priests. We have a passing, almost blasé, reference to someone called James, whom Joseph obviously considers a minor character:

“… when, therefore, Ananus was of this disposition, he thought he had now a proper opportunity. Festus was dead, and Albinus was but upon the road; so he assembled the Sanhedrin of judges and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others; and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned.”

Some translations, to preserve a more ‘authentic’ tone, have Josephus write “the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ”. But if we read on, in the same paragraph, Josephus tells us that there were appeals to the new procurator (not over the stoning of James but because of the calling of the Sanhedrin by Ananus!) and:

“… Albinus complied with what they said, and wrote in anger to Ananus, and threatened that he would bring him to punishment for what he had done; on which king Agrippa took the high priesthood from him, when he had ruled but three months, and made Jesus, the son of Damneus, high priest.”

Josephus tells us precisely who James is the brother of – Jesus bar Damneus!If you drop the spurious clause about “being called the Christ”, doubtless inserted by a Christian editor, then this James would have been the brother of the guy who eventually made high priest because of James’ execution! Moreover, the reference to “Christ” here relies on the thoroughly discredited “explanation” of the term inserted in chapter 18! (Testimonium Flavianum)

In Josephus’ text, Jesus son of Damneus is the more important of the two, that’s why he puts his name first. James may well have led a zealous faction of “law breakers”, and he clearly had a brother in high places, but that’s about all we learn from Josephus.

It is worth noting that Josephus does not bother mentioning the death of James in his Jewish Wars. Instead, it is Ananus who gets Josephus’ sympathy:

“I should not mistake if I said that the death of Ananus was the beginning of the destruction of the city (Jerusalem), and that from this very day may be dated the overthrow of her wall, and the ruin of her affairs, whereon they saw their high priest, and the procurer of their preservation, slain in the midst of their city.”

A little later, at 20.9.4 in Antiquities, Josephus explains how the “Ananus faction” regained the high priesthood but also how the two feuding sects continued their enmity:

“And now Jesus, the son of Gamaliel, became the successor of Jesus, the son of Damneus, in the high priesthood, which the king had taken from the other; on which account a sedition arose between the high priests, with regard to one another; for they got together bodies of the boldest sort of the people, and frequently came, from reproaches, to throwing of stones at each other.”

Control of the high priesthood became more volatile as the clouds of war gathered. Hegesippus brings us “James the Just” – Head of the Jerusalem Church. 2nd century Christian ‘historian’ Hegesippus and 3rd century theorist Origen between them massaged the whole story of James into a pious nonsense. In their hands the Jewish “opposition chief priest” metamorphoses into a Christian Bishop – about a century before such a position existed.We now have a fanciful version of his life and death. “James the Just”, it seems, was a holy man who “didn’t drink wine and strong drink, didn’t eat meat, and never used a razor on his head.” After the crucifixion of his brother Jesus, he saw the light, and led the small community of Judeo-Christians in Jerusalem. Under his leadership, the Jerusalem “church” tried to preserve the Jewishness of the group, and opposed attempts to convert the goyim, the uncircumcised.

By the 60s AD he had managed to attract many to believe in Jesus. This alarmed the “scribes and the Pharisees” who demanded that he “restrain the people”, and for this purpose, stood him on the wall of the Temple Mount. But James refused to deny the gospel of his brother, and therefore he was thrown off the wall.

When it turned out that he hadn’t been killed by the fall, “they started to stone him,” and one person among the crowd, a laundryman as it happened, beat James on the head with a club. His death became a ‘glorious martyrdom’ – and audaciously is made into the catalyst for the whole war against Rome! Another example of the Christians stealing Jewish history for their own purposes. It is Hegesippus who first refers to a monument being set up for James in Jerusalem.


37 BC Ananel “obscure priest out of Babylon” of the line of Zadok appointed by Herod the Great

36 Aristobulus III (17 yr. old Hasmonaean – murdered)

35 Ananel (re-appointed)

25 Jesus, son of Phiabi 

23 Simon, son of Boethus (Boethusians, pro-Herodian sect of Sadducees)

5 Matthias, son of Theophilus (5 Joseph, son of Ellem (1 day)

4 Joazar, son of Boethus

4 Death of Herod; Archelaus ethnarch of Judaea; Antipas tetrarch of Galilee

4 Eleazar, son of Boethus (appointed by Archelaus)

1 BC Jesus, son of Sic

6 AD Roman Prefecture of Judaea: Coponius

6 Joazar re-appointed

6 Ananus elder son of Seth (appointed by Quirinius, Roman Legate of Syria)

9 Prefect Marcus Ambibulus

12 Prefect Annius Rufus 

15 Prefect Valerius Gratus

15 Ismael, son of Phiabi (Appointed by Gratus)

16 Eleazar, son of Ananus 

16 Simon, son of Camithus 

18-36 Joseph Caiaphas, son in law of Ananus the elder (removed by Vitellius)

26 Prefect Pontius Pilate

32 Pomponius Flaccus legate Syria

35 L. Vitellius legate of Syria

36 Prefect Marcellus

36 Jonathan, son of Ananus (Acts 4.6) (removed by Vitellius)

37 Prefect Marullus

37 Theophilus, son of Ananus (removed by Claudius, Emp. 41-54) 

39 Publius Petronius legate of Syria

41 Simon (Cantheras?) son of Boethus (removed by Agrippa)

41 King Herod Agrippa I

41 Vibius Marcus legate of Syria

42 Matthias, son of Ananus, brother of Jonathan (removed by Agrippa)

43 Aljoneus (Elioneus) son of Cantheras 

44 Herod Agrippa I dies; Roman Procuratorship: Cuspius Fadus

45 Josephus, son of Camydus (removed by Agrippa)

45 Cassius Longinus legate of Syria

46 Procurator Tiberius Alexander

47 Ananias, son of Nebedus (Acts 24)

48 Procurator Ventidius Cumanus

50 Ummidius Quadratus legate of Syria

52 Ananias sent for trial in Rome (acquitted? returned?)

52 Procurator Antonius Felix

53 Herod Agrippa II King in Galilee

53 Jonathan re-appointed (assassinated by instigation of Felix)

58 Ismael son of Phiabi (taken hostage by Poppea, wife of Nero, Emp. 54-68)

60 Domitius Corbulo legate of Syria

60 Procurator Porcius Festus62 Procurator Albinus

61-62 Joeseph Cabi, son of Simon (removed by Agrippa II)

63 Cestius Callus legate of Syria

63 Ananus, son of Ananus (removed by Agrippa II)

63 Jesus, son of Damneus (removed by Agrippa II)

63 Jesus, son of Gamaliel (a protégé of Ananus)

64 Procurator Gessius Florus (his sequestering of Temple gold precipitates riot & then the war)

65 Matthias, son of Theophilus 

66 Phanias son of Samuel (appointed during the war) 

69 Licinius Mucianus legate of Syria 

70 – 135 Roman Legates

135 Emperor Hadrian abolishes the province of Judaea. Henceforth, it is part of Syria-Palestina.

Also, in his historical annals, Josephus wrote about the three sects of Judaism (Sadducees, Pharisees and Essenes). Christianity (according to the Bible accounts) was supposedly gaining ground in the Roman empire (Paul said Christianity had been preached to every creature under heaven ; Colossians 1:6 ; 1:23). Thousands were supposedly being saved and were witnessing amazing miracles at the hands of the Disciples and Apostles in the book of Acts. Yet, Josephus fails to mention them in his annals when he talks about the different sects of Jews.




Connection Between Cincinnati Bengals (Agent “ORANGE”) + “2023” + Ohio Train Derailment + New “9/11”

For those unfamiliar with the United States Geography, Cincinnati is in “Ohio”. As I’ve shared before, those in power have been showing us “their hand” before they make their big moves. They do this through

1. Cartoons
2. Movies
3. Media
4. Music
5. And even “Sporting Events”

Before September 11th, 2001, for example, there were loads of pre-programming. Someone put together a 2 hour long video about all of that, and I see where you could’ve even added more! Watch this video, even just the first 30 minutes to get the gist of what I’m referring to, in the link below

As it applies to the recent train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, we also had similar pre-programming avenues before that took place as well. Someone clearly knew “the script”. I’m going to also highlight an element that I’ve not seen anyone else point out, which is in regard to the Cincinnati Bengals.

1. Super Bowl 56 was between Cincinnati Bengals vs. LA Rams the Bengals lose “20-23” (this was also foreshadowing Ukraine Russian War at the beginning of the “YEAR OF THE TIGER”. LA Rams have same colors as Ukraine 🇺🇦 and the Coach Sean McVay’s fiancée’ was from “Ukraine”. Obviously the Bengals symbolized the YEAR OF THE “TIGER”).

Also, there was PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING in “I, Pet Goat 2” (2012) about the Russia-Ukraine War coming.

This meme below was made a whole year before the Russia-Ukraine War (which started at the beginning for the “Year of the Tiger”).

We knew a war would happen because of Pre-programming like this. It shows a guy drowning in sludge, with a “Hammer and Sickle” (clearly symbolizing Russia or the Soviet Union). That scene was just before the next where a girl is waving a white flag, protesting against “war”. in front of tanks in “winter”. She also has a “Tiger” on the back of her jacket.

You don’t see it in the meme, but it is Skull-Duggery who taps her on the shoulder, and when she turns around to look at him, there are “fireworks” going off behind him (which would symbolize a “New Year”). The Tiger on her back would suggest this was the beginning of the YEAR OF THE “TIGER” which took place just as the Russia-Ukraine War started off (around end of February 2022). She also has a “nuclear” symbol on the back of her cheek, which would symbolize a “nuclear threat”.

2. Bengals then start 2022-23 season on “9/11” against Pittsburgh Steelers and again lose “20-23”.

East Palestine is right on the border of Pennsylvania which is the state of the Steelers.

3. Bengals lose the AFC Championship against Kansas City Chiefs again “20-23” and it comes just days before the Train Derailment in Ohio.

Notice they played on “9/11” to start the season and lost to Pittsburgh Steelers (which is in Pennsylvania) “20-23”. The East Palestine, OH train derailment happened on the border of “PA”.

Were they foreshadowing this train derailment as the next “9/11” attack in “2023”, which would happen just after they lost the AFC Championship game “20-23”?

Also the movie “White Noise” (2022) about a train derailment spilling toxic chemicals in Ohio was predictive programming.

Same with the 2011 movie “Super 8”.

If you can stomach the religious propaganda in this video below, it’s pretty decent

I find all this to be too much to call it a “Coincidence.” I also want to remind you that if you think it’s far-fetched your government would poison you with toxic chemicals or inject harmful substances and even STDs into your body, then you simply haven’t studied enough history yet.

1. On October 3, 1995 (same day as the O.J. Simpson verdict), Bill Clinton apologizes for the Radiation Experiments during the Manhattan Project. Your government used vaccine syringes full of radioactive materials (uranium, plutonium, americium, polonium) and injected them into the arms of unwitting victims. This link below is a documentary on all that and more


2. On May 16. 1997, Bill Clinton apologizes for Tuskegee Syphilis experiment.

3. On December 1, 2010, Barak Obama apologizes for Guatemala STD experiments



The governments of the UK and US were spraying the skies with various chemicals and bacteria from 1953 to 1975. They used agents, chemicals, stimulants and bacteria ranging from Zinc Cadmium Sulfide (cancer-causing agent) to phenol to Bacillus globigii (which was used to simulate biological warfare agents such as anthrax, because it was then considered a contaminant with little health consequence to humans; however, BG is now considered a human pathogen).

In one experiment, they sprayed zinc cadmium sulfide over Minnesota to see how far it would go, and it reached 1,000 miles away to New York! During the DICE Trials from 1971-1975, they found that just ONE PLANE could spray enough to reach a target 100 miles away, and cover 10,000 square miles of air with biological chemical spraying. Operation LAC was used to test the geographical range and dispersal patterns of biological and/or chemical weapons in the atmosphere. Again, none of the people they were testing on, had any idea what was happening.



In the 1950s, the government used mosquitoes over urban populated areas. They dropped the mosquitoes out of airplanes as EW (Entomological Weapons) to see how insects (in this case, mosquitoes) would interrupt supply lines by damaging crops or direct harm by biting human civilians as well as combatants and enemies. Again, the people in these areas they dropped the mosquitoes over, such as big cities in Georgia, did not know, nor did they consent to having this done to them.



From 1963 to 1969, the government sprayed chemical and biological agents upon Military Ships, while thousands of soldiers were aboard the ships. They were dosed with VX and Sarin (both deadly nerve gases) as well as Zinc Cadmium Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide (and a variety of other biological agents). Again, none of the soldiers were forewarned this was happening and none of them were given any protective clothing.



During a 1950s Navy Experiment, they sprayed two bacteria (Serratia Marcescens and Bacillus Globigii) into the fog just off the coast of the San Francisco Bay Area. They concluded that it was just enough for all 800,000 residents to breathe in the two bacteria. People started reporting U.T.I.s and a few of them died from the UTI. Cases of pneumonia increased. Doctors also wondered if this was in connection with the heart-valve infection outbreak at the same time. Declassified that the military never told the populace of San Francisco about this experiment beforehand.



The term Operation Ranch Hand was the military code name for the spraying of herbicides from U.S. Air Force aircraft in Southeast Asia from 1962 through 1971. Ranch Hand sprayed about 19 million gallons of herbicide, 11 million of which consisted of Agent Orange.   The spray fell mostly on the forest of South Vietnam, but some was used in Laos, and some killed crops to derive Vietcong and North Vietnamese troops of food.   The military purpose for using herbicides on non-cropland was to remove the vegetation cover used by Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces for concealment. Operation Popeye took place within the same period, from 1967 to 1972, to extend the monsoon season over Laos, specifically areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail during the Vietnam War. The operation seeded clouds with silver iodide, resulting in the targeted areas seeing an extension of the monsoon period an average of 30 to 45 days to wash out roads and food growing areas. As the continuous rainfall slowed down the truck traffic, it was considered relatively successful.

Lebron James + “38” + UFOs + Super Bowl 57 All Connected


With all the weather warfare going on around the world,

it makes sense that he would surpass Kareem vs. the Oklahoma City “THUNDER”.

Kareem was wearing #33 black and white jacket.

1. Lebron is “38” years old
2. He broke the record initially with “38,388”
3. Ends the game with “38” points
4. On the “38th” day of the year (Feb. 7th).
5. It comes “3883” days after Lebron and his team at the time (Miami Heat) beat the OKC Thunder in the Finals
6. When Kareem set the record initially it was “38” weeks and 3 days before Lebron was born.
7. Lebron surpasses the record “38” years and “308” days after the record was initially made by Kareem (April 5, 1983 Kareem surpassed Wilt Chamberlain).
8. Lebron won his first NBA Finals (June 21, 2012) on a “Florida” team (Miami Heat) and Florida = “38” in Gematria and it was against the Oklahoma City Thunder. Finals also equals “38” in gematria.

Notice Lebron was wearing his old #6 instead of the new number “23”.
There were “203” points on the board when surpassed the record.

This game ended 130-133 = 263 which is the “56th” Prime Number (56 is important to Jesuits).

Lebron broke the record in the “3Q” scoring the “33rd” and final point of the 3rd Quarter.

Kareem Abdul Jabbar was wearing the “33” jacket.

Also, when he broke the record, there were “10.9” seconds on the clock left in the 3rd Quarter. They stopped the game to honor Lebron and Kareem in the middle of the court. The game was played in Los Angeles and in Gematria

Los Angeles = “109”.

The Lakers were playing the “Oklahoma City Thunder” and the infamous Oklahoma City Bombing happened on the “109th” day of the year, April “19th” of 1995.


Just after Lebron James breaks scoring record

1. with “38,3888”

2. at age “38”

3. with “38” total points in that game

4. on the “38th” day of the year (Feb. 7th)

5. It comes “3883” days after Lebron and Miami Heat win Finals vs. OKC Thunder

6. and “38” years and “308” days after record was set initially by Kareem

7. Now at the same time all this is happening, they’re spotting “UFOS” and “Spy Balloons” over North America. Orson Welles’ “War of the Worlds” Fake Alien UFO invasion broadcast occurred in 19”38”. “UFO Alien” written out is “83 and 38” in numerous ciphers.

BTW, in late 2022, the U.S. Intelligence Agency “accidentally” put a UFO on their logo.


Philadelphia Eagles score “24” at half to honor Kobe Bryant who wore #24 and was born and raised in “Philadelphia. First score of game was “10:09” left in 1Q and “Los Angeles” = 109 in Gematria

8. And to top off all the “38′ rituals, Jalen Hurts had “38” pass attempts, in his “38th” football game and the Kansas City Chiefs win Super Bowl 57 with “38” points.

This Super Bowl is scripted to a T.

Even the first points scored came with “10:09” left in the 1Q

And when both teams are written out together it = “322” (Skull and Bones number)

February 12th also leaves “322” days in the year.

See below

To add to the “38” rituals, the “cheap flag” against the Eagles at the end was a “3rd and 8” for the Chiefs.

This flag allowed the Chiefs to milk the clock down, to kick the winning FG in the last :10 seconds of the game.

This is very interesting, because I had a dream a couple days before the Super Bowl, where the Chiefs were initially losing (which they were at half) and then come back to win with a FG with seconds left. As I’ve shown about “Gangstalking” and “Targeted Individuals” in times past, the technology utilizes “SCRIPTS” and the scripts try to make the victim look like the perps have omnipotent control and/or foreknowledge of major events. This makes the target feel helpless, thinking the perpetrators and technology are too strong to overcome, so the victim eventually submits fully to whatever they tell the target.

Here is the dream (same night Lebron scored “38” to beat the Scoring Record ; February 7, 2023) :

I had a dream last night about the Super Bowl. The Chiefs were losing at the end but marching down the field. They were at about mid-field (50 yard line) with about :10 seconds. The dream skips to them being around the 30 yardline and then they change into the Green Bay Packers (I’m still unsure what that means). But the Kicker kicks the FG and barely makes it (it skims on the inside of the left upright). 

I’m not sure what the Green Bay part meant, but it does seem that this was indicative of the Chiefs winning since that was the team I saw marching down the field to make the winning FG. The only thing I can think of is that the very first Super Bowl was between the CHIEFS and PACKERS where the Packers won 35-10. Which could mean the Chiefs lose? I’m sure I’ll get more clues as the SB draws closer.


Here is my dream with the timestamp


Once again, before you read this blog, make sure to read this Seattle Seahawks blog I made several weeks ago to fill you on why I’m making these posts and what it all actually means. I’m not just randomly picking teams to win certain games because of random “synchronicities” so that you can sports bet on them. It goes much deeper than that.

So make sure you read this blog in the Link below FIRST


1. On 2/2 when the “Chinese Spy Balloon” went from “Montana to KC” my last delivery at work was down ARROWHEAD street.

2. Last night (2/3/23) I was sandwiched between a white truck behind me and a couple red cars in front of me (red and white = Chiefs colors). The incident stood out because one of the dudes in the White truck yelled out the window “HEY CAN WE GET IN FRONT OF YOU?”

3. Tonight (2/4/23) I was having major connectivity issues in a parking lot. As I was trying to reboot my phone, a white truck pulled up on the left of me and then a few minutes later, a red car parked on the right of me (again, Red and White colors) and the girl driving the red car looked “Native American”.

4. This one may be a stretch but, the date was “2/2” when that synchronicity happened to me with Arrowhead. The next day “2/3” the balloon indeed was spotted over Kansas City. If you followed the progression of the balloon, it was first spotted on “2/1” over “Montana”. On “2/4” it was shot down by an “F-22”. These numbers seem significant. I went back and looked at Super Bowl 21 through Super Bowl 24, starting with Super Bowl “22” (because I had the synch on 2/2 and it was an F-“22” that shot the balloon down).

5. UPDATE 2/9/23 – I had a dream last night about the Super Bowl. The Chiefs were losing at the end but marching down the field. They were at about mid-field (50 yard line) with about :10 seconds. The dream skips to them being around the 30 yardline and then they change into the Green Bay Packers (I’m still unsure what that means). But the Kicker kicks the FG and barely makes it (it skims on the inside of the left upright). I’m not sure what the Green Bay part meant, but it does seem that this was indicative of the Chiefs winning since that was the team I saw marching down the field to make the winning FG.

I had a dream lastnight about the Super Bowl. The Chiefs were losing at the end but marching down the field. They were at about mid-field (50 yard line) with about :10 seconds. The dream skips to them being around the 30 yardline and then they change into the Green Bay Packers (I’m still unsure what that means). But the Kicker kicks the FG and barely makes it (it skims on the inside of the left upright). I’m not sure what the Green Bay part meant, but it does seem that this was indicative of the Chiefs winning since that was the team I saw marching down the field to make the winning FG.

The only thing I can think of is that the very first Super Bowl was between the CHIEFS and PACKERS where the Packers won 35-10. Which could mean the Chiefs lose? I’m sure I’ll get more clues as the SB draws closer.

That Super Bowl was between the Washington Redskins vs. Denver Broncos. The Redskins were obviously another moniker for “indians” or “native Americans”, which is synonymous with the “Chiefs”. The Redskins beat the Denver Broncos 42-10, and in Gematria we know that all things relating to the black community comes back to the “42” number. This is significant because Doug Williams was the QB for the Redskins that game, and he was the first black QB to win a Super Bowl. This correlates to this Super Bowl because it is the first Super Bowl with two black QBs.

I then looked up Super Bowls 21, 23 and 24. In two of those Super Bowls 23 and 24, Joe MONTANA and the San Francisco 49ers beat the Cincinnati Bengals in one (23) and beat the Denver Broncos in the other (24). All those dates (2/1 being over “Montana” and 2/2-2/4 going over Kansas City) as well as the names and places, seem to correspond with each other and synch up with this Super Bowl 57.

P.S. and getting back to the spy balloon the same night my last delivery was down ARROWHEAD, it went from “Montana” to “Kansas City” (remember Joe Montana played out the rest of his career in Kansas City?).

That may have been a major clue. BTW I didn’t know about the spy balloon until I had gotten home that night after the ARROWHEAD street delivery being my last.

Watch this video for more clues on the “Alien / UFO” connection


UPDATE 9/11/23 (SEPTEMBER 11, 2023)

The “38” and “UFO” connection continues on into this 2023-24 NFL season “script”. On 9/11/23, Monday Night Football, two “New York” teams play each other, New York Jets vs. Buffalo Bills, with Aaron Rodgers making his debut with his new team the Jets.

  1. Kobe Bryant changed his number from 8 to 24 (Aaron Rodgers changes number from 12 to 8). Did Kobe change his number to “24” as a hint about “2024”?
  2. Kobe Bryant’s death (January 26, 2020) set off the COVID Pandemic, “11” days after the first confirmed COVID Case in the USA (Jan. 15, 2020) which was in “Seattle”, home to the “Space Needle” which looks like a UFO Saucer at the top (which also “rotates”)
  3. His last Halloween together with his family in 2019, was them as the “Wizard of Oz” characters
  4. The Wizard in “Wizard of Oz” looks like a hologram of an “Alien” head.
  5. Aaron Rodgers, in the new Hard Knocks TV series, which started on “8/8” (2022), stated that in 2005 he and his friends saw a “UFO”.
  6. New York Jets win with “22 POINTS” on the “22ND” anniversary of 9/11.
  7. New York Jets vs Buffalo Bills on “9/11” (2023) which are two New York teams, Aaron Rodgers goes down with an injury three plays into the first quarter with “11:19” seconds on the clock. The game ends 22-16 which equals “38” total points.

    In Gematria, “UFO ALIEN = “38” (and “83” the reverse of 38)
  8. 3×8 = 24
    2x2x1x6 = 24

    3+8 = 11
    2+2+1+6 = 11
  9. New York Jets’ Head Coach, Robert Saleh, is the first “Muslim” Coach ever in the NFL, to go along with the 9/11 ritual
  10. On “8/8” in 2023, the Hawaii fire started, and the color “blue” was seemingly untouched, due to the elites using a “BLUE BEAM” which would clearly be a hint about “Project BLUE BEAM” (fake alien UFO Invasion). Hawaii’s dialing area code is “808” which was established on “8/8” in 1957. Kobe may have also given the hint with his number “24” that this fake alien invasion would occur in “2024”?

Going back to last season, Damar Hamlin, who wears #3, also collapsed on the field.

Now we have Aaron Rodgers, who changed his number to #8 for this season, collapse with an achilles injury.

When you put their numbers together it is “38”


Los Angeles Rams beat the Seattle Seahawks. Stafford gets “94th” W reg season and playoffs combined (for anyone that’s having trouble finding the sync).

“Seattle” = 82.
“The Rams Win Week One” = 82.
“Eighty Two” = 39.
“Seahawks Lose” = 39.
“The Seahawks” = 39 / 177.
“The Jesuit Order = 177.
“Seattle Seahawks” = 43.
Rams win 30-13, “43” points.

  1. Aaron Rodgers goes down at “age 39” wearing number “8” and is replaced by number “2” (which is “82”).
  2. It was also “39” days after Zach Wilson’s birthday which is on “8/3” (August 3rd) which can also be written “3/8”.
  3. Zach Wilson had “22” starts before this game today and he wears “#2” and wins with “22” points.
  4. The game winning punt return was by number “82” Xavier Gipson and his birthday is “3/8” (in 2001), and he is “22” years old and scores the “22nd” game winning point for the Jets.
  5. The play before Aaron Rodgers gets hurt is on the “38” yard line.
  6. Bills have a defensive holding call which moves them up 5 yards to the 43 and then Rodgers is sacked on the “3rd” offensive play of the game for the Jets on the “33” yard line where he goes out with the injury.
  7. 1968 that infamous year when the construction of the WTC (World Trade Centers / Twin Towers) began to 2001 is 33 years and in the game, #3 for Jets has 3 INTs
  8. 82 years after pentagon construction began, Aaron Rodgers (#8) goes down on 9/11 and is replaced by Zack Wilson (#2) (8 and 2 and it’s “82” years after Pentagon construction began)
  9. Zach Wilson #2 was born the same day as Tom Brady 22 years later in 1999 (8/3).
  10. Tom Brady‘s career started with a leg injury to Drew Bledsoe (who wore #11)
  11. The day before MNF (9/10/23) Aaron Rodgers’ old team, the Green Bay Packers beat Bears with “38” points

Marcion of Sinope And The First Christian Bible Canon

When people say ‘Christian’, they have a 20th and 21st century idea of what that means. But go back to the first 300 years of Christianity’s existence, and you’ll find sects, doctrines and beliefs unheard of today, such as reincarnation, ultimate reconciliation (even of Satan) and pre-existence of the soul. Add in the element of Cento Poetry, and hundreds of gospels floating around out there at the dawning of Christendom, it was more of a mess back then than it is today with thousands of different denominations.

This Bible declares that God is not the author of confusion, yet this book has wrought more confusion than any other on the planet. Anyone can interpret the Bible any way that they want, and who is to say one interpretation is right and another is wrong? There is no standard by which you declare one doctrine true and another doctrine heresy / blasphemy. There is also no cohesion and no camaraderie amongst Christians either.

Let’s also not forget that the …

  1. St. Jerome Latin Vulgate has 76 Books,
  2. The Catholic Bible has 73 books,
  3. The Protestant Bible has 66 Books,

…which all have been heavily redacted, with many interpolations (additions and omissions).

The non-uniformity, evolution and loose development of this supposed “Word of God” should make even the most hardcore believer stop and ponder for a moment. This “god” doesn’t arbitrate or dictate in a clear, concise manner, which books are divinely inspired and which aren’t. This should be a huge red flag for any logical, clear-minded and level-headed thinker. Nothing is set in stone, it’s subjectively and loosely left to the whims of the reader or to the “creeds” and chosen books of Constantine’s Council of Nicea in 325 AD to know which books are officially “god’s word”.

Also, keep in mind that for many centuries, this “word of god” was kept out of the hands of your average Joe and could only legally be read and interpreted by sanctioned priests. It was also illegal to translate the Bible into other languages such as English. The first English Bible was written in the 14th century! Many other Bibles were translated into other languages such as German this late as well.

John Wycliffe (1329—1384AD) was the first person to oversee a translation of the entire Bible into English (NT in 1380AD, OT in 1382AD). Wycliffe was educated at Oxford and became a lecturer there. A scholar as well as a pastor, he saw the need for people to be able to read the Bible in their own language. He also spoke out against corruption in the church, drew the ire of Rome, and was forced from his post. His Middle English translation was of the Latin Vulgate, the official Bible of the church. After Wycliffe’s death, some of his associates revised the translation and were condemned by the church and burned at the stake for their efforts. At the Council of Constance (1414—1418AD), Jan Hus, one of Wycliffe’s followers, was condemned as a heretic and martyred; Wycliffe was also condemned posthumously, and his bones were exhumed and burned.

During the next 100 years, the English Bible saw tremendous advances, as scholars gained access to Hebrew and Greek versions of the Bible and the Protestant Reformation began. The printing press became commercially available. Protestant scholars saw the benefit of working from the original languages instead of Latin. William Tyndale (1494—1536AD), spurred by the Reformation, translated the New Testament from Greek manuscripts and began work on the Old Testament from Hebrew. This effort was radical enough, but Tyndale also included marginal notes that were often very critical of church practices. Eventually, Tyndale was condemned and burned at the stake.

Wouldn’t this “god” have made a way for every person on earth to have it and read it for themselves instead of being punished, fined, imprisoned or put to death for daring to do so, or daring to translate it into their own language? Even more embarrassing is that in most parts of the Ancient World, only 10% of the people were Literate (could read and write). What “god” would have “books” written about him, when 9 out of 10 people you met couldn’t even read or write yet?

None of this makes any sense whatsoever. Modern Christians think the common lay person has always been able to read, with free access to “the Word of God”, and could head to their local Starbucks with their Church group and have “Bible Study” together. Not realizing that for the first millennia or more, over 90% couldn’t read or write, and were forbidden from owning or reading the Bible on their own. Today it’s flipped with over 95% literacy rates in the West and everyone has access to the Bible. Only by seeing things from a historical lens will this Bible being considered “the word of god” look like a truly absurd concept!

Just like the Greeks and Romans had their wide array of demigods and heroes that never existed (yet were worshiped in temples, had priests, performed similar rites, etc.) the same thing was being done with this Jesus figure. Sirens should already be going off in your head from these first few paragraphs alone, when you consider these things.

Many Christian sects, for the first 300 years, didn’t even believe Jesus actually historically existed, starting with the first Christian to put a New Testament canon together. His name was Marcion. Studying the Bible canon and how it developed and was heavily altered over the last 1900 years, was one of the main reasons I walked away. There were many books written that were left out of the canon we have today. Marcion, who lived in the 2nd Century, compiled the first NT canon around 140AD. His canon only consisted of 2/3rds of Luke and 10 Pauline Epistles, THAT WAS IT! Nothing else (OT removed completely).

Marcion accepted the following Christian writings in this order, which he called the Apostolikon:

Marcion was known as a Docetist, and the Docetists were Gnostic Christians. The Docetists did not believe that God could inhabit the physical body, because the physical was evil to them. They believed Jesus never historically existed and took a more allegorical view of the scriptures. They believed Jesus was a phantasm that was crucified in another spiritual plane or spiritual realm.

Marcion saw the god of Jesus as an entirely new being, a higher god who provided escape from the judgment of this world. Most importantly, Marcionites had something no other Christians had: a canon of their own scriptures.

Critics of Marcion like Tertullian and Epiphanius complained that Marcion cut and edited scripture to fit his beliefs. Biblical scholar Adolf von Harnack accepted this claim in his definitive text on Marcion, Marcion: The Gospel of an Alien God (1920). However, Tertullian and Epiphanius lived several generations after Marcion, and they assumed the New Testament they read already existed in Marcion’s era. It didn’t. Marcion’s critics were reading history backward instead of forward: there was no New Testament yet.

Ancient critics thought Marcion cut out texts he didn’t like from an already existing canon, but this is not true.

When we leave aside these assumptions, we can realize that Marcion’s text is a valuable witness to the development of texts

Westar Institute (October 24, 2013)

It wasn’t until later when Rome took over Christianity, that they adopted a more literal view of the Bible and of this Jesus figure. That’s when the real corruption began. Bruce Metzger (1914-2007 ; was an American biblical scholar, Bible translator and textual critic who was a longtime professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and Bible editor) who said this below :

“[Bishop Marcion is] Perhaps the most dangerous foe Christianity has ever known.” 
– Metzger, Bruce; (Canon of the New Testament, The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913.)

I agree with Bruce Metzger about him being the biggest obstacle to the Christian faith. He put the first NT canon together. Many have put ‘Christianity’ into a confined ‘Roman Catholic Box’! There are 40,000+ denominations within Christianity today. And if you go back into early Christianity, you find even MORE denominations and sects than that. The Christian creeds were enacted by Roman Emperors and then, whoever they denounced as heretical, would have their teachings burnt and laws were legislated, which would prevent people from reading or teaching them.

Many early Christians believed in things that would be anathemas today. For example, they denounced Arius as a heretic for believing in the Divinization Process at the Council of Nicea, which corresponded to Origen’s theories that we all had to become perfect and divine like Christ, which he declared may take several lifetimes, thus, he believed heavily in reincarnation (as did many of these early Christian Forefathers).

Origen had spoken out in unmistakable terms on the question of the repeated incarnations of the soul:

“Each soul enters the world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defects of its past lives. Its place in this world is determined by past virtues and shortcomings.”
– De Principalis.

“Is it not more in accordance with common sense that every soul for reasons unknown — I speak in accordance with the opinions of Pythagoras, Plato and Empedokles — enters the body influenced by its past deeds? The soul has a body at its disposal for a certain period of time which, due to its changeable condition, eventually is no longer suitable for the soul, whereupon it changes that body for another.” 
– Contra Celsum

It wasn’t until the 6th Century when in 553 AD the Emperor Justinian had teachings on reincarnation banned (especially those of Origen – The Three Chapters). The Pope Vigilius declined the decree but he eventually died and the decree went through, banning Origen’s teachings and any teachings on reincarnation. If Christians knew how much Christianity has evolved to get where it’s at today, with all the decrees, the councils (headed by Roman Emperors), the interpolations, the omissions, additions, forgeries, lies, deceptions, people (including Christians) being burnt at the stake for not agreeing with Roman Emperors and Roman Popes, etc.. they’d pause for a second and really question what their book teaches them.


Before Marcion there was no documented history of Christianity as we know it. For example, there are no reliable historical contemporary accounts of Paul, Peter, Luke, Mark or even the Jesus that we think of today. Likewise archaeological New Testament fragments have been dated starting around 190 AD, again consistent with the first New Testament being written 140 AD. In addition, Bible scholars who actually question things have come to the conclusion that some of the Pauline epistles were added later than whoever wrote the first ones. Their conclusions are consistent with Marcion’s Bible being the original text (Marcion could potentially be a writer of some portions of the Pauline Epistles at the very least).

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia the first Bible was the Euangelion and Apostolikon of Marcion of Sinope AD 140. Marcionism appears to have been the “Christianity” which was the thorn in the side of the Roman Empire until the 4th century.

Marcionism, rather surprisingly is more like Protestant Evangelicanism than Catholicism. The Catholic religion was created by Constantine in the 4th Century. This involved grafting Judaism (to which Marcionism is diametrically opposed) onto Pauline Marcionism. Furthermore it appears that Johannine Christianity based on Talmudic esotericism incorporating Babylonian paganism was also added. This would include the Gospel of John with it’s Vedic references and Revelation with its emphasis on numerology, symbolism, demonology, Babylonian and perhaps Gnostic elements.

Johannism with it’s roots in the cult of Dagon would appear to be the core of Roman religion. For example, the mitre worn by the clergy is actually the fish head of the god of the Phillistines who was called Dagon or Ioannes.

It is no accident that the Feast of St John and the ancient Feast of Ioannes fall on the summer solstice, 24th of June. Note that Christmas is the opposite time of the year. Remember this Biblical quote involving another John (who baptised with water), “He shall increase and I shall decrease.” Sounds like Sun worship to me. Yes it’s all about the sun (Ra) increasing on the winter solstice. You will also recall that one baptised by water and the other by fire. This is part of Babylonian pagan religion. Ioannes came out the water dressed inside a fish to teach Babylonians technology and culture. Their new god was the Sun. The old baptised with water, the new baptised with fire.

Note that Jonah also spent time in a “fish”. Don’t forget the Christian fish symbol either. It is clear to me that Pauline Marcionism (AD 140 and not before) represents the true origin of Protestant Evangelicanism. Johannism and Judaism had nothing to do with it.

There is a culture in the minds of Christians regarding first century Chritianity. But what does history say? We know of Titus’ sacking Jerusalem AD 70. A historical event, but within the historical context, Christians get no mention. Another word that arises in this context is the fact that these zealots had long hair. The Hebrew word is netzorim meaning a growth, like hair or root as in root of Jesse. That is where we get “Nazarene”. But is this historically connected with a Jesus of Galilee? It seems more likely that this was an interpolation. Afterall, the Jewish religion had no association with the Gospel originally.

Note that the Marcionites worshiped Chrestos. Second century Marcionism (Chrestianity) was the true origin of Protestant Evangelicanism. The word Christos (anointed) was not used until much later. Anointing was and is a Pagan ritual.

Isu Chrestos

Even more important than the fact that Marcion’s Bible was very short are the number of radical political differences between Marcion’s Bible and our modern day Bible. Firstly, the hero of Marcion’s Bible was called Isu Chrestos – not Jesus. An important point here is you don’t see “Jesus Christ” in second century texts. So in the Bible of Marcion of Sinope, the name “Isu Chrestos” appears instead of “Christ” and “Jesus”. Also in the archaeological fragments mentioned earlier, the scribes used the letters “IS” wherever Jesus Christ now appears. The inscription “Isu Chrestos” can still be seen on the oldest surviving Christian “Synagogue” in Syria.

The next difference is that Isu Chrestos was a ghost. The first three chapters of Luke where “Jesus” was born are missing. When you think about it they are missing in two of the synoptic Gospels too. There were no Gospels of Luke, Mark, Matthew or John in the second century. There was only “Euangelion” – the “Good News” of Marcion’s single Gospel. The fact is that Paul spoke of “my gospel” singular and warned us of other gospels. Read Marcion. It all takes on a whole new meaning!

Marcion’s Dualism

It was important for the Marcionites that Isu Chrestos was a ghost or phantasm. They believed that the world (and our bodies) were created by Jehovah, and that the world which Jehovah had created, his Angels and Archangels and the Mosaic law were a spiritual pitfall to be avoided. There weren’t really any fallen angels in Marcion’s theology. All angels were fallen, which is reasonably consistent with Gnostic teachings about the Divine Mother. Marcion does recognize the Divine Mother by the way (but not Mary – who makes no appearance).

Galatians was Marcions most important book. Marcion’s Galatians 4:24-26 states:

4:24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth by the Law to the Synagogue of the Jews to bondage. The other gendereth higher than all Principalities, Virtues, Powers; even higher than any Lady ever named; not only in this Aeon but in the following one also, 4:26 which is the mother of us all.

Note: Most of the Marcion Bible was reconstructed simply by removing verses. Sections like the above, where verses needed to be rewritten are less common.

You are no doubt familiar with the following quote from the Bible. As you can see after reading the above example, it is original Marcionite text warning against Angels and Archangels:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

I believe also that is why Satan became the devil. He wasn’t really a demon in the context of the Old Testament. But after Marcion, someone demonized him, and we can thank Marcion for making that possible through his association with Jehovah (as the Demirurge). It is important to note however that there is no serious reference in Marcion’s Pauline text to the Devil and Hell as there is in the Booi of Revelation. There is a brief mention to Gehenna in Euangelion (ie. Luke) as follows:

12:5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into Gehenna; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

Regarding Lucifer, it could also be argued that Christian demonology does not have firm roots in Judaism. Lucifer makes one appearance in the Old Testament ie. Isaiah 14:12.

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”

The English translation of the original Hebrew text reads a little differently:

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, that didst cast lots over the nations!

Verse 9 also refers to Hell, but the Hebrew text talks of the nether-world. More importantly Lucifer is not mentioned. The day-star may refer to Venus, and some scholars think that it refers to a Babylonian king. In any case, it is a single reference amongst the entire Jewish scriptures, and not much to base a Lucifer myth on.

However, that is not to say that Babylonian religion, worshiping Ishtar (Venus) and involving child sacrifice, has not been with us from the time this text was written to the present. In fact it would not be unreasonable to assume that the authors of some of the New Testament texts (like Revelation) had a vested interest in replacing the names of the gods worshiped in real life as “Satanic” practices and using Satan and Lucifer as a smokescreen. However the information found in the Old Testament still accurately describes the deities involved in the depraved occult activities of today. These were described in the Old Testament as Baal or Beelzebub (the sun god), Astoreth or Ishtar (Venus) and Molech.

The Marcionites believed that the God of Isu Chrestos was a higher God than Jehovah of the OT, and that consequently Isu Chrestos could not incarnate in human form. In contrast, our souls were created by the God of Isu Chrestos. The Marcionites practiced a life of vegetarianism, celibacy and constant prayer. They believed that people that shunned the world in this way were free from the Mosaic Law which binds us. They believed that marriage was fornication and it was evil to reproduce children. 

Marcion and the Demiurge 

Adolf von Harnack was a scholar of the history of Christian dogma a century ago, and the first to study Marcion thoroughly in modern times. He concluded that it makes little sense for Christians to retain the Old Testament.

In von Harnack’s case this was because he regarded Marcion as the most important figure in the early church. I would go a step further and say that there was no Christianity resembling what we know today, that the New Testament never existed before Marcion, and that the original New Testament, the Euangelion and the Apostolikon was an outright rejection of the jealous God Jehovah, his law and all the unnecessary legalistic requirements like circumcision.

Marcion taught that the Archon, the Creator God or God of the Law who created our bodies and the world was of less importance than the unknowable Stranger God, the God who sent Isu Chrestos. It was essential for the Marcionites that Isu Chrestos was a ghost, as the true God was far too pure to take human form. The Marcionites saw Judaism as a very worldly religion, and Isu Chrestos came to replace legalism with mercy and love.

There are a lot of parallels with Gnosticism here. The Gnostics believed that there was creation before the creation of the physical world. Were there Gnostics before Marcion? The main source of Gnostic gospels was the Nag Hammadi library, but this was dated post Constantine. Marcion is not regarded as a Gnostic by most critics, though he certainly has views that align with the Gnostics. The Gnostics relied heavily on a direct relationship with God, and personal revelations. Marcion differed not even slightly from modern Christians who strictly follow the book. Of course his book was without the Old Testament, and many of the other books in the New Testament which support the idea that Christianity is a new dispensation of Judaism.

Marcion’s Bible

Marcion’s New Testament consisted of Euangelion (meaning something along the lines of a rewarded for good news given to the messenger) which was two thirds of the Gospel of Luke, and Apostolikon which was 10 Pauline Epistles. These were a shorter Galatians and Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Laodiceans (which was Ephesians), Philippians, Philemon and Colossians.

The Marcionites regarded the Mosaic Law, Sabbaths, Holidays, Fasting, Angels, Archangels and even Jehovah as things to be avoided in order to make spiritual progress. Therefore, most references to these things in the New Testament were either added later in order to water down his doctrine, and present Christianity as a New Dispensation of Judaism, or in some cases Marcion mentions Jewish Prophets and observances himself as a bad example. In some cases these have simply been turned around later by editors.

The main differences between the Gospel of Luke and Euangelion, is that Euangelion starts around chapter 4. Therefore there is no virgin birth and Marcion’s Isu Chrestos is a phantom or ghost. However he is still crucified in the end and bleeds. Marcion’s text has been the object of ridicule because of this. Interestingly, Marcion was a true Christian Evangelist, and didn’t care much about logic of this sort. It was simply a life to be practiced, and the good news was to be shared. This is clearly where Marcion was not a Gnostic (although until I learn more, I am guessing that Marcion was the father of Gnosticism also – afterall, Nag Hammadi is dated late 4th century) as the Gnostics believe in receiving revelation directly from God in a creative process.

Marcion and the Old Testament

When you read Marcion’s Bible you will see that there are none of the references to the Old Testament Prophets, to Christianity being a new dispensation of Judaism, to Angels, Archangels and the Law of Moses. That is apart from those which are used as an example. Even the account of the Transfiguration where “Jesus” spoke to Moses and Elias, was placed very carefully by Marcion in order to point out their inferiority. It is actually through the later interpolations that Judaism and Christianity were entwined. This is not the case in Marcion’s text. It is much simpler to read, and the meaning is much clearer.

Of course, if you don’t know this already, the Old Testament pointers to Christianity like “A virgin shall conceive” and “They pierced my hands and my feet” simply aren’t in the Jewish books from which the Old Testament was taken. This is very strange when you consider that otherwise the texts are very close.

So for example in the Old Testament we find in Isaiah 7-14

“Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

However let’s have a look at an English translation of the Hebrew Prophets. It is the original text isn’t it? Why do Christians never mention this?

“Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: behold, the young woman shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

Let’s have a look at the supposed reference to the crucifixion in Psalm 22-16. In the Old Testament it says:

“For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.”

Now compare this with Writings Psalm 22-17 translated from the original Hebrew:

“For dogs have encompassed me; a company of evil-doers have inclosed me; like a lion, they are at my hands and my feet.”

Notice how in the original Jewish text they parted his garments and casts lots. But guess what? None of that is mentioned in Marcion’s Euangelion. See how they did it?


Books like the Torah and Marcion’s eleven books were modified and cross referenced to create one religion – Judaeo-Christianity. However, when the Jewish books and Marcion’s books are read in the original they have nothing in common at all. Most likely this was done partly or wholly because of the numerous religions in the Roman empire which were its greatest threat to stability.

I no longer believe Jesus, nor the Disciples existed. After putting all these things together, I now realize that Jesus and even the disciples, were nothing more than composite allegorical hero figures. The whole thing was adopted and even written, to keep the population (especially the Jews) under control. The Roman Empire was constantly having trouble keeping the Jews in check, and the reason the Jewish-Roman War started in 66AD was due to the Jews in Israel revolting against Rome. They did not want to pay their taxes to Rome, nor did they want to worship and bow down to Caesar.

This would be a strong motive or incentive for the Romans to create a new religion for the Jews, but they killed two birds with one stone, by also including the Gentiles. This is similar to what Ptolemy I Soter did in Egypt, by creating the demigod “Serapis” (which was very similar to Jesus, yet created several centuries before Jesus is purported to have existed). Ptolemy I Soter created Serapis as a way to unify the Greeks and Egyptians under ONE GOD and ONE SET OF LAWS, just like Jesus was created to unify the Jews and Gentiles under ONE GOD and ONE SET OF LAWS. Get it?

The Jews were very xenophobic and militaristic and they were finally fed up with Rome, so they wanted to claim their sovereignty and defect from being apart of the Roman Empire. This turned into a huge war that raged on for almost 7 years (66-73AD). The big blow to Jerusalem came in 70AD, when “The Father”Vespasian and “The Son” Titus, burned the Temple to the ground.

You’ll remember Jesus telling the disciples, “When you see the abomination of desolation, flee to the mountains of Judea, and pray that your flight (ascent) be not in the winter or on the Sabbath (Matthew 24), this is what it was referencing. Why would he tell them to pray that their flight (ascent into the mountains) be not on the Sabbath or the Winter? On the sabbath, the gates to the city of Jerusalem were closed, so no one could go in and no one could go out. And in the Winter, it would be too cold in the mountains for them to survive. The abomination of desolation occurred then as well. In 400 AD, St. Jerome’s commentary on Matthew mentions Pilate setting up a statue of Nero Caesar in the Temple, as well as an equestrian statue of the Emperor Hadrian still standing directly over the site of the Holy of the Holies.

“It may be understood of the statue of Nero Caesar, which Pilate set up in the temple; or of the equestrian statue of Adrian, which stood to the present time in the very Holy of Holies. For, according to the Old Scripture, an idol is called ‘abomination,’ “of desolation” is added, because the idol was set up in the desolated and deserted temple.”
– St. Jerome “Commentary On Matthew 24:15”

Athanasius (296-372AD) also wrote this

“…Jesus says, “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place; then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains: let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house.” [Matt. 24:15]. Knowing these things, the Saints regulated their conduct accordingly.”
– Athanasius “Defense of His Flight[11]

History tells us that this event did in fact take place within 40 years after Jesus supposedly existed. The Romans surrounded Jerusalem on the High Holy Day Sabbath (Passover) of 70AD, when Jews were visiting from all over the the known world to celebrate the Feast of Passover. The Romans built walls and dug trenches all around Jerusalem, and cut off all food supplies. The Jews started starving, eating grass, belts, and some were even eating their own babies. Over 1.1 million Jews were killed during this war.  Titus tore down the temple in 70 AD. Jesus told his disciples that not one stone [of the Temple] would be left upon another. If any of this was referring to people thousands of years into the future, it wouldn’t make any sense whatsoever.

So you see, how hard the Romans tried to keep the Jews under control. After the war was over, I contend that the Flavian Caesars, along with Josephus, the Herods and the Alexanders wrote parts of the New Testament, and made Jesus the central figure as a more pacifist Jewish demigod, who said to pay taxes to Caesar, to love your enemy, to turn the other cheek, etc.. and Paul was also reiterating these points, even proclaiming in Romans 13 for people to see their leaders and rulers as ordained over them by God himself!

So you see the fingerprints of the Roman Leaders all over the New Testament. They certainly had their hand in creating the entire religion and it was all about control, which had been done many times in the past by other leaders such as Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt in the Grecian Empire by creating a god called Serapis. Ptolemy I took the name Soter which in Greek meant Savior and declared that he himself was this Serapis deity in the flesh. It was all to unite the Greeks and Egyptians under one god and under one set of laws. This took place almost 350 years before Jesus Christ. This was one of the biggest blueprints that the Romans were copying from when creating the Jesus figure.


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Link 4 (Jerome’s Commentary On Matthew 24:15)

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Halloween 1517, 𝗠artin Luther Posts His “95 Theses” On Wittenberg Castle Church Door, Starting The 𝗥eformation



The Donation of Pepin and the Donation of Constantine were important in the Protestant Reformation due to their role in the relationship between the Papacy and the Carolingian family, particularly King Pepin III (also known as Pepin the Short). It is believed that the Donation of Constantine, which granted the Pope control over certain territories in Italy, may have been created in the mid-8th century to aid Pope Stephen II in his negotiations with Pepin, who was then serving as Mayor of the Palace in the Frankish kingdom. In return for the Pope’s support in his bid to become King of the Franks, Pepin III gave the Pope control of several cities and lands in Italy that had been taken from the Byzantine Empire by the Lombards. This donation helped establish the Carolingians as the new royal line, replacing the Merovingian kings. The Donation of Pepin, which confirmed the Donation of Constantine, was issued in 756 to further solidify the alliance between the Papacy and the Carolingians. These donations played a significant role in the power dynamics of the time and contributed to the Protestant Reformation.


This ties everything into the Donation of Pepin and the Donation of Constantine and their role in the Protestant Reformation. It has been suggested that an early draft of the Donation of Constantine (which I will get to) was made shortly after the middle of the 8th century, in order to assist Pope Stephen II (715-757AD) in his negotiations with Pepin III (Pepin The Short ; 714-768AD ; the first of the Carolingians to become king), who then, at that time, held the position of Mayor of the Palace (i.e., the manager of the household of the Frankish king). Pepin III wanted to share prominence with the Papacy, since Pepin’s upbringing was distinguished by the ecclesiastical education he had received from the monks of St. Denis (which St. Denis now has a basilica in a suburb north of Paris, built by his son Charlemagne in honor of his father Pepin and his mother  –  Pepin’s wife Bertrada, where they were both buried). 

Pepin even exchanged a letter in 750AD, asking Pope Zachary (reigned as Pope from 741-752AD),
“Is it wise to have kings who hold no power of control?”

 The pope answered,
“It is better to have a king able to govern. By apostolic authority I bid that you be crowned King of the Franks.”  

Childeric III (717-754AD ; Last of the Merovingian Kings) was deposed and sent to a monastery, and Pepin III (also spelled, Pippin III) was anointed as king at Soissons (Northern France) in November 751AD by Archbishop Boniface (675–754AD) and other prelates. In 754AD, Pope Stephen II crossed the Alps to anoint Pepin king himself, thereby enabling the Carolingian family to supplant the old Merovingian royal line. In return for Stephen’s support, Pepin III gave the Pope, several cities and lands in Italy which the Lombards had taken from the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire. Aistulf (born in early 8th century and died in 756AD), king of the Lombards, had seized  Ravenna with its lands, known as the exarchate.

After taking from the Greeks the Exarchate of Ravenna he was about to seize the Patrimony of St. Peter, when Pope Stephen II appealed for aid to Pepin III (The Short). Failing to influence the Lombard king by persuasion, Pepin led an army through the passes of the Alps, defeated Aistulph (Aistulf), and besieged him in the city of Pavia, Italy  (754AD). A peace was then concluded, Aistulph undertaking to surrender the Exarchate and all other territory conquered by him. But Pepin and his Franks had hardly returned to their own country when Aistulph besieged Rome itself, and laid waste the surrounding territory.

A second time responding to the Pontiff’s call, Pepin again besieged Pavia and again overpowered Aistulph. This time Pepin took care to exact substantial guarantees for the fulfilment of Aistulph’s promises; the latter was obliged to pay an indemnity and surrender to his conqueror the town of Comacchio, on the Adriatic, which had not formed part of the Exarchate. These lands which Pepin granted to the Pope would become the Papal States (in agreeance and compliance with the Donation of Pepin) and would be the basis of the Papacy’s temporal power for the next  eleven centuries.


𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝟮  

Later, after Pepin’s death, his son Charlemagne finally defeated the Lombards completely (as well as the Saxons). The Massacre of Verden was an event during the Saxon Wars where the Frankish king Charlemagne ordered the death of 4,500 Saxons in October 782AD. Charlemagne claimed suzerainty over Saxony and in 772AD destroyed the Irminsul  (which was a sacral pillar-like object attested as playing an important role in the Germanic paganism of the Saxon  people. The oldest chronicle describing an Irminsul refers to it as a tree trunk erected in the open air. A Germanic god or demigod for the Saxons named Irmin is inferred from the name Irminsul and the tribal name Irminones), during his intermittent  thirty-year campaign to Christianize the Saxons. The massacre occurred in Verden in what is now Lower Saxony, Germany. The Saxon history began around 410AD, when the last Roman soldiers left Britain, and the new  people came in ships across the North Sea, who are called, by most historians, the Anglo-Saxons. These settlers were a mixture of people  from north Germany, Denmark and northern Holland. The Saxons lasted  from the 5th Century AD until around 1066AD when they were conquered by the Normans.  

The Normans (Norman Dynasty lasted from 911-1154AD) were an ethnic group that arose in Normandy, a northern region of France, from contact between indigenous Franks and Gallo-Romans, and Norse Viking settlers. The settlements followed a series of raids on the French coast from Denmark, Norway and Iceland, and they gained political legitimacy when the Viking leader Rollo (9th Century AD) agreed to swear fealty (loyalty) to King Charles III (879-929AD) of West Francia. The distinct cultural and ethnic identity of the Normans emerged initially in the first half of the 10th century, and it  continued to evolve over the succeeding centuries. The Norman dynasty had a major political, cultural and military impact on medieval Europe  and the Near East. The Normans were famed for their martial spirit  and eventually for their Catholic piety, becoming exponents of the  Catholic orthodoxy into which they   assimilated. 

The Lombards were a Germanic people who ruled most of the Italian Peninsula from 568AD to 774AD. The Lombard historian Paul  the Deacon wrote in the Historia Langobardorum that the Lombards descended from a small tribe called the Winnili, who dwelt in southern Scandinavia (Scadanan) before migrating to seek new lands. In the 1st century AD, they formed part of the Suebi, in northwestern Germany. They occupied areas in central Italy and southern Italy. They established a Lombard Kingdom in north and central Italy, later named Regnum Italicum (“Kingdom of Italy”), which reached its zenith under the 8th-century ruler Liutprand (680-744AD). In 774AD when they were conquered, however, Lombard nobles continued to rule southern parts of the Italian peninsula, well into the 11th century when they were conquered by the Normans and added to their County of Sicily.

In this period, the southern part of Italy still under Longobardic domination was known by the name Langbarðaland (Land of the Lombards) in the Norse runestones. All that aside, The Lombards were at the height of their power in   770AD, but ended abruptly just four years later after their King Desiderius (reigned from 756 – 774AD) imprudently thrust himself into a dynastic dispute among contending elements of the ruling Frankish dynasty centered at Aachen in present-day Germany. Charles I (Charlemagne – Charles the Great), reacted swiftly, decisively defeating the Lombards  at their capital of Pavia in the summer of 774AD. 

Einhard  (775-840AD ; a Frankish scholar and contemporary of Charlemagne), wrote a biography of the emperor after his death. In the  work, titled “Vita Karoli Magni (Life of Charles the Great), he stated that Charlemagne proved to be a talented diplomat and able administrator of the vast area he controlled. Charlemagne had multiple wives and mistresses and  perhaps as many as 18 children. In 800AD, Pope  Leo III (750-816AD) crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Romans. Charlemagne promoted  education and encouraged the Carolingian Renaissance, a period of renewed emphasis on scholarship and culture. He instituted economic and  religious reforms, and was a driving force  behind the Carolingian  miniscule, a standardized form of writing that later became a basis for modern European printed alphabets.

Charlemagne ruled from a number of cities and palaces, but spent significant time in Aachen. His palace  there included a school, for which he recruited the best teachers in the  land. Also, during his 33 year reign, Charlemagne killed an innumerable amount of non-Christians (especially Muslims) that Historians and Scholars dare not even estimate how many were slaughtered by him. As a side note, Charlemagne served as a source of inspiration for such  leaders as Napoleon Bonaparte  (1769-1821AD) and Adolf Hitler (1889-1945AD), who had visions of ruling a unified  Europe.


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Before  I go further, there were a few legends surrounding Charlemagne (which I’ve shown before, that even for many other Kings or Emperors, the Poets, Tragedians, Playwrights or Historians would add a mythical and supernatural aspect to these Rulers, in later works, as political propaganda to bolster the support of the people). In 778CE, Charlemagne launched a campaign against the Moors. It was during this campaign that the legendary Battle of Roncevaux Pass took place. The Battle of Roncevaux Pass was later immortalized in the epic poem Song of Roland, one of the  oldest surviving major works of French literature. The 11th-century epic poem mentioned an account of Charlemagne riding into battle with La Joyeuse: 

“(Charlemagne) was wearing his fine white coat of mail and his helmet with  gold-studded stones; by his side hung Joyeuse, and never was there a  sword to match it; its color changed thirty times a day.”

There  exist several accounts that ascribe magical powers to Joyeuse  (aside from changing colors thirty times per day). Legend has it that the sword was forged with the shards of the infamous Lance of Longinus, the very lance that was stabbed into Jesus’ side during the crucifixion. It is said that whenever Charlemagne unsheathed Joyeuse in battle, he revealed a sword that outshone the sun, and left its enemies blind, and any person who wielded the legendary sword could not be killed by poison. 

According to the story, it was during the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, when Charlemagne momentarily lost Joyeuse. To get his sword back, Charlemagne promised to reward whoever could bring Joyeuse back to him. Eventually, one of Charlemagne’s soldiers found Joyeuse and brought it to him. True to his word, the King of the Franks gifted a generous portion of land to his soldier; Charlemagne planted his sword into the earth as he proclaimed (BTW, this is the origin of the French town Joyeuse which sits in South France), 

“Here will be built an estate of which you will be the lord and master, and your descendants will take the name  of my wonderful sword: Joyeuse.”

Chansons de Geste (Old French for ‘Song of Heroic Deeds’) tell of events during the reign of Charlemagne, and many concern the struggle between Christian France and the Muslim enemy. The earlier chansons celebrate strength and heroism and focus on battles and feuds. The chansons were popular throughout Europe and strongly influenced the   literature of other countries.

Another legend says that St. James the Greater (son of Zebedee) appeared to Charlemagne in a vision and told him to free Spain from the Muslims. Acting on the vision, Charlemagne led an army to Spain and attacked the city of Pamplona. His attack continued for two months but did not succeed. Finally, Charlemagne prayed for God’s help, and the walls of Pamplona miraculously collapsed, allowing him to capture the city. He spared the Muslims who agreed to convert to Christianity but killed those who refused.

This story was clearly based on the biblical story of  the fall of the walls of Jericho. Several times, according to Legend,  Charlemagne had visions and angelic visitations from Gabriel on behalf of God. When he captured Saragossa, he gave the people a choice of converting to Christianity or risk being put to death, either by hanging  or burning.  

One well-known legend concerns the practice of knights taking the property of others. In the story, an angel woke  Charlemagne and told him to steal something. Charlemagne set out and met a strange knight who challenged him to combat. The king won, knocking the knight from his horse. The knight turned out to be a notorious thief named   Elbegast. Charlemagne agreed to let him go free if he would help  the king steal something. Together, they went to the castle of one of Charlemagne’s advisers and hid in the bedroom.

While there, they overheard the adviser telling his wife of a plan to murder Charlemagne the next day. After the couple went to sleep, Charlemagne and Elbegast took a worthless item and returned to the king’s castle. The next day, Charlemagne exposed the plot but agreed to pardon the plotters if they swore loyalty to him. Elbegast was so impressed with Charlemagne’s compassion and wisdom that he gave up his life of crime and entered the king’s service. This story is often cited in other legends in which knights accused of unjustly taking others’ property remind the king that he, too, was once a thief.


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From all that I’ve shown above, this is the reason many believe The Donation of Constantine was forged during the latter half of the 8th Century AD, when the Franks were taken over by the Carolingians (Charlemagne Dynasty starting with Pepin III), particularly during the reign of Pope Stephen II (752-757AD). The oldest extant manuscript of it, certainly from the ninth century, was written in the Frankish Empire. In the second half of that century the document is expressly mentioned by three Frankish writers which were, 

1. Ado (800-875AD ; Bishop of Vienne), who speaks of it in his Chronicle (De sex ætatibus mundi, ad  an. 306, in P.L., CXXIII, 92);

2. Æneas (died 870AD ; Bishop of Paris), refers to it in defence of the Roman primacy (Adversus Græcos,  c. ccix, op. cit., CXXI, 758);

3. Hincmar (806-882AD ; Archbishop of Reims), mentions the donation of Rome to the pope by Constantine the Great according to the “Constitutum” (De ordine palatii, c. xiii, op.  cit., CXXV, 998).

As you’ll see, that the Donation of Pepin (which I’ve shown extensively already how that came about) and the Donation of Constantine share the same ambitions for the right of the Papacy to not only rule over Italy, but also, to rule over all the bishops and churches of the entire world. The latter’s text therein (purportedly a decree of Roman Emperor Constantine I – dated March 30th, in a year mistakenly conflated as his fourth consulate [315AD] – and that of the consulate of Gallicanus [317AD] – who was Senator of the Roman Empire and the first Christian Roman consul), contains a detailed profession of Christian faith and a recounting of how the emperor, seeking a cure for his leprosy, was converted and baptized by Pope Sylvester I (285-335AD) who had supposedly miraculously cured Constantine through the power of Christ. In gratitude, Constantine supposedly determined to bestow on the See of Peter, “power, and dignity of glory, and vigour, and honour imperial”, and “supremacy as well over the four principal sees, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Constantinople (modern day Instanbul), as also over all the churches of God in the whole earth”. 

Also for the upkeep of the church of Saint Peter and that of Saint Paul, Constantine also supposedly gave landed estates “in Judea, Greece, Asia, Thrace, Africa, Italy and the various islands”. To Sylvester and his  successors he also granted imperial insignia, the tiara, and “the city of Rome, and all the provinces, places and cities of Italy and the western regions.” Most investigators claim the earliest possible date of the Constantine forgery to the pontificate of Stephen II, as I said  above, since there was an establishing connection between the forgery (Donation of Constantine) and the   historical events that led to the origin of the States of the Church and the Western Empire of the Frankish kings via the Donation of Pepin III (The Short). 


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But…, the question remains, in what year of the period between the above-mentioned pontificate of Stephen  II (mid-8th Century) up until the reception of the “Constitutum” in the collection of the False Isidore Decretals (9th   Century – 840-850AD), was the forgery of Constantine’s Donation executed? Nearly every student of this intricate question maintains his own distinct view. It is necessary first to answer a preliminary question: Did Pope Adrian I  (Papacy 772-795AD) in his letter to Charlemagne of the year 778AD (Codex  Carolinus, ed. Jaffé Ep. lxi) exhibit a knowledge of the “Constitutum”? From a passage of his letter to Charlemagne it seems so!

 The passage in Latin reads, :
  “Sicut temporibus beati Silvestri   Romani pontificis a sanctæ  recordationis piissimo Constantino magno  imperatore per eius largitatem  sancta Dei Catholica et Apostolica   Romana ecclesia elevata et exaltata  est et potestatem in his Hesperiæ   partibus largiri dignatus, ita et in  his vestris felicissimis   temporibus atque nostris sancta Dei ecclesia,  id est beati Petri   apostoli, germinet atque exultet.”

Which in English is translated :
“For example, in the time of St. Sylvester, the Roman pontiff, from the holy call to mind the most pious Emperor Constantine the Great, through his great generosity, God’s holy, catholic and apostolic Roman church, and its stature was exalted, and his power in the western parts have been vouchsafed by, so and in them and your height of good fortune in time, and our holy Church of God, i.e., is not the blessed Peter the Apostle,  should spring up, and be glad:”). 

As a result of the passage  above in his letter to Charlemagne, several writers have concluded that Adrian I was indeed aware of this Donation of Constantine forgery, so it must have appeared before 778AD. Also, some assume Adrian I, had a knowledge of the “Constitutum” from his letter to Emperor Constantine VI (771-795AD) written in 785AD  (Gian  Mansi : 1692-1769AD – Italian Scholar ; Concil. Coll., XII,  1056).



In a similar fashion to many other texts which were concluded as forgeries in times past, the Donation of Constantine had a large number of historical anachronisms (an act of attributing a custom, event, or object to a period to which it does not belong, including phrases or language that were not in use at the time when something was said or written) that pervaded the document as well, which were pointed out extensively by Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457AD ; Humanist, Latin Writer and Textual Analyst). Finding anachronisms is a clear way to spot a forgery or interpolation in a document or book.

For instance, the Donation of Constantine referred to Byzantia as a “province”, when in the fourth century it was only a city. It referred to temples in Rome that did not yet exist. It made use the phrase ‘Satrap’ (governor of a province) which was not a word in use during the time of Constantine. It referred to ‘Judea’ even though in Constantine’s time the Romans referred to this territory as ‘Palestina.’

Lorenzo Valla could have added that emperor Constantine never had leprosy, making it impossible for Pope Sylvester to have cured him of this disease. Though, he heavily implies how absurd this particular portion of the Donation really was. Here is an excerpt from Valla’s Treatise below : 

“They say, it was because he had become a Christian. Would he therefore renounce the best part of his empire? … But he was cured of leprosy! Probably, therefore, he would have wished to show his gratitude and give back a larger measure than he had received. Indeed!  Naaman the Syrian, cured by Elisha [Valla is referencing the story in 2nd Kings chapter 5 from the Bible, where a commander named Naaman, under King Aram, was cured of leprosy by Elisha], wished merely to present gifts, not the half of his goods, and would Constantine have  presented the half of his empire? I regret to reply to this shameless  story as though it were undoubted and historical, for it is a reflection  of the story of Naaman and Elisha; just as that other story about the dragon is a reflection  of the fabulous dragon of Bel. But yielding this  point, is there in this story any mention made of a ‘donation’? Not at all. But of this, more later.”

Valla also had a critical study of the official bible used by the Roman Catholic church (St. Jerome’s Latin Vulgate). Valla called into question the church’s system of penance and  indulgences. He argued that the practice of penance rested on Jerome’s use of the Latin word paenitenia (penance) for the Greek metanoia, which he believed would have been more accurately translated as “repentance.”

Valla’s work was praised by later critics of the Church’s penance and indulgence system. Valla’s Treatise on the Donation of Constantine being a forgery, circulated as an essay around 1440AD, but wasn’t officially published  until 1517AD. The Catholic Church suppressed Valla’s work for years.  Centuries later, it publicly conceded that the Donation was a fake. This would also have obviously discounted Pepin The Short’s own Donation of Pepin, which consigned to the Papacy, all the Lombard holdings northern of Rome. 



As to Valla himself, the words of Erasmus (1466-1536AD ; Dutch Christian Scholar and Humanist) said this, 

“Valla,  a man who, with so much energy, zeal and labor, refuted the stupidities of the barbarians, saved half-buried letters from extinction, restored Italy to her ancient splendor of eloquence, and forced even the learned  to express themselves henceforth with more circumspection.”

Valla wasn’t the first to criticize the legitimacy of the Donation of Constantine. Otto III (Roman  Emperor from 996-1012AD) also questioned its authenticity. Independently of Valla, Reginald Pecocke (1395-1461AD ; English Scholar and Bishop of Chichester from 1450–1457AD), reached a similar conclusion, as did Nicholas Cusanus (Nicholas of Cusa : 1401-1464AD ;  German Catholic Cardinal) who, some seven years earlier in his ‘De   Concordantia  Catholica’ covered part of the same ground even better than Valla did, and anticipated some of his arguments.

But Valla’s treatise is more exhaustive, is in more finished and effective literary form, and in effect, established for the world, the general proof of the falsity of  the Donation. Oddly, Pope Pius II (1405-1464AD) also wrote a tract in  1453AD, five years before becoming Pope, to show that, though the  Donation was a forgery, the papacy owed its lands to Charlemagne and its powers of the keys to Peter. he did not publish it, however.

The first pope to directly invoke the Donation, was Pope Leo IX (1002-1054AD) in a letter sent in 1054AD to Michael I Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople. He cited a large portion of the document, believing it genuine, furthering the debate that would ultimately lead to the East–West Schism (the break of communion between what are now the   Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox churches in the 11th and 12th centuries). The Donation was often cited in the investiture conflicts between the papacy and the secular powers in the West.

Essentially,  it was conflict between church and state in medieval Europe over the ability to appoint local church officials through investiture and how much power the Pope would have comparatively to the Emperor. The Donation was also cited in Dante Alighieri’s ‘Divine Comedy’ (Inferno), written in the early 14th century, stating, “Ahi, Costantin, di quanto mal fu matre, / non la tua conversion, ma quella dote / che da te prese il primo ricco patre!” (“Ah, Constantine, how much evil was  born, /  not from your conversion, but from that donation / that the first  wealthy Pope received from you!”).


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Nicolas of Cusa also helped expose the forged Isidore Decretals (which also, the Donation of Constantine had been slipped into), along with John of Torquemada (1388-1468AD ; Spanish Catholic Cardinal). This was a set of  apocryphal papal letters (including 100 fake letters, ranging from Pope St. Clement [1st Century AD] all the way to  Pope Gregory II [8th Century AD] – which were written by an author under the  pseudonym “Isidore Mercator” – who didn’t actually exist, it was merely a conflation of two names – St. Isidore of Spain [560-636AD] who was a Spanish Scholar and Marius Mercator [390-451AD] who was a Latin Ecclesiastical Writer) contained in a collection of canon laws composed about the middle of the ninth century.

For the   student of this  collection, the best, is that of Hinschius, “Decretales Pseudo-Isidorianæ” (Leipzig, 1863). The name  “False Decretals” is sometimes extended to cover not only the Papal Letters forged by Isidore, and contained in his collection, but the whole collection, although it contains other documents, authentic or apocryphal, written before Isidore’s time.

The Collection of Isidore falls under three headings:

(1)  A list of sixty apocryphal letters or decrees attributed to the popes from St. Clement (88-97AD) to Melchiades (311-314AD) inclusive. Of these  sixty letters fifty-eight are forgeries; they begin with a letter from  Aurelius of Carthage requesting Pope Damasus (366-384AD) to send him the letters of his predecessors in the chair of the Apostles; and this is followed by a reply in which Damasus assures Aurelius that the desired letters were being sent. This correspondence was meant to give an air of truth to the false decretals, and was the work of Isidore.

(2) A  treatise on the Primitive Church and on the Council of Nicæa, written by Isidore, and followed by the authentic canons of fifty-four councils.  It should be remarked, however, that among the canons of the second  Council of Seville canon vii is an interpolation aimed against chorepiscopi.

(3) The letters mainly of thirty-three popes, from Silvester (314-335AD) to Gregory II (715-731AD). Of these about thirty letters are forgeries, while all the others are authentic. This is but a very rough description of their contents and touches only on the more salient points of a most intricate literary question.

Isidore Mercator (pseudonym) might have been the one to unite the hundred documents he had forged into one single homogeneous collection, which would have been exclusively his work, and then secured its circulation, but, clever man that he was, he chose a different plan. To baffle suspicion, he inserted or interpolated all his forgeries in an already  existing collection.

There was a genuine canonical collection which had been drawn in Spain about 633AD, and was known as the “Hispana”, or  Spanish. It contained first of all the texts of the councils from that of Nicæa and secondly, the decretals of the popes from Damasus. Isidore took the volume and prefixed to it the first sixty of his forged decretals from Clement to Miltiades inclusive. These now became the first part of the collection of Isidore. 

As part II of his collection, he retained part I of the Hispana collection, i.e. the genuine collection of councils since Nicæa (325AD). And as part III of his new volume added part II of the old Hispana, i.e. the genuine pontifical letters since Pope Damasus, but he inserted here and there among them, the letters he had forged under the names of the various  popes between Damasus (305-384AD) and Gregory I (590-604AD). He was not yet safe, however. So, in order to give a more imposing appearance to the work, he inserted other documents not forged by him, but borrowed  bodily from other collections of canon laws. 

Besides all this, he interpolated many additions to authentic documents and added several prefaces to bolster up the fraud. To simplify this description, it has been assumed that the forger made use of the unadulterated text of the  Hispana. But as a matter of fact, he used a French edition, and a very incorrect one at that, of the Hispana, and which was known on that account as the “Hispana Gallica”, or French Hispana, which has never been edited, and which is to be found in the Manuscript 411 of the Latin Documents in the Library of Vienna.

Furthermore, the forger tampered with the text of this French Hispana, so that his copy becomes, so to  speak, a third edition or revision of the old Hispana. This is known as the “Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis”, or “of Autun”, so called, because the Latin Manuscript, 1341, of the Vatican, which contains it, came from Autun (commune in France). This collection likewise has remained unedited.



The Donation of Constantine also ended up in the extension of Gratian’s Decretum  (Gratian excluded it from his “Decretum”, but it was soon added to it as  “Palea”) which was a collection of Canon law, compiled and written in  the 12th century as a legal textbook by the jurist known as Gratian  [Latin canon Lawyer]. It forms the first part of the collection of six  legal texts, which together became known as the Corpus Juris Canonici.

 It was used by canonists of the Roman Catholic Church until Pentecost  1918AD, when a revised Code of Canon Law [Codex Iuris Canonici]  promulgated by Pope Benedict 1917AD obtained legal force. The Isidorian  Decretals and Donation of Constantine were all confirmed as forgeries by  David Blondel (1591-1655AD ; French Scholar ; Clergyman and Historian)  in his published and decisive study,  called “Pseudo-Isidorus et  Turrianus vapulantes”, and another by   Caesar Baronius (1538-1607AD ;  Italian Cardinal and Ecclesiastical   Historian) in his “Annales Ecclesiastici” (published 1588–1607AD). 

After all this exposing of these forgeries and interpolations, the Catholic Church finally ceded the Papal States back to Italy in 1929AD. But in spite of the fact that the Catholic Church readily admits to these forgeries, it still claims  that since the Pope held the office as Vicar of Christ, and as pastor of  the entire Church, that these forgeries were meaningless in the first place, since they believed the Pope was given authority and power from God himself. Martin Luther (via Lorenzo Valla’s Treatise on the Donation of Constantine forgery from 1440AD) started the Reformation on  Halloween of 1517AD when he  posted  his 95 point theses against the  R.C.C. And Martin Luther was so appalled when he found out about it, that he declared the Vatican and the Pope to be the Anti-Christ! 

𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻 𝗟𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿, 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻, 𝗙𝗲𝗯𝗿𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟮𝟯, 𝟭𝟱𝟮𝟬𝗔𝗗, 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘀, 

“I have at hand Lorenzo Valla’s proof that the ‘Donation of Constantine’ is a forgery. Good Heavens, what darkness and wickedness is at Rome. You wonder at the judgment of God that such unauthentic, crass, imprudent lies not only lived, but prevailed for so many centuries, that they were incorporated in the Canon Law… And became as articles of faith. I am  in such a passion that I scarcely doubt that the Pope is the Anti-Christ expected by the world, so closely do their acts, lives, sayings, and laws agree. 

… All these excessive, over-presumptuous, and most wicked claims of the Pope are the invention of the devil, with the  object of bringing in antichrist in due course and of raising the Pope above God, as indeed many have done and are now doing. It is not meet that the Pope should exalt himself above temporal authority, except in  spiritual matters, such as preaching and absolution; in other matters he should be subject to it, according to the teaching of St. Paul (Rom.  xiii.) and St. Peter (I Peter iii.), as I have said above. He is not the vicar of Christ in heaven, but only of Christ upon earth. For Christ in heaven,  in the form of a ruler, requires no vicar, but there sits, sees, does, knows, and commands all things. But He requires him “in the form of a servant” to represent Him as He walked upon earth, working, preaching, suffering, and dying. But they reverse this: they take from Christ His power as a heavenly Ruler, and give it to the Pope, and allow “the form  of a servant” to be entirely forgotten (Phil. ii.  7). He should properly be called the counter-Christ, whom the Scriptures call antichrist; for his whole existence, work, and proceedings are directed against Christ, to ruin and destroy the existence and will of Christ.

It is also absurd and puerile for the Pope to boast for such blind, foolish reasons, in his decretal Pastoralis, that he is the rightful heir to the empire, if the throne be vacant. Who gave it to him? Did   Christ do so when He said, “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, but ye shall not do so” (Luke xxii. 25, 26)? Did St. Peter  bequeath it to him? It disgusts me that we have to read and teach such impudent, clumsy, foolish lies in the canon law, and, moreover, to take them for Christian doctrine, while in reality they are mere devilish lies. Of this kind also is the unheard-of lie touching the “donation of Constantine.”

It must have been a plague sent by God that induced so many wise people to accept such lies, though they are so gross and clumsy that one would think a drunken boor could lie more skillfully. How could preaching, prayer, study, and the care of the  poor consist with the government of the empire? These are the true  offices of the   Pope, which Christ imposed with such insistence that He forbade them to take either coat or scrip (Matt. x. 10), for he that has to govern a single house can hardly perform these duties. Yet the Pope wishes to rule an empire and to remain a pope. This is the invention of the knaves that would fain become lords of the world in the Pope’s name, and set up again the old Roman empire, as it was formerly, by means of the Pope and name of Christ, in its former condition.”

~ 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗿𝘁  𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝗺𝗲, 𝗯𝘆 𝗟𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗴𝗲, 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗡. 𝗔𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗺𝘀,  𝗜𝗻𝗰., 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗬𝗼𝗿𝗸, 𝗔 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘆,  𝗖𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟲 𝗯𝘆 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗻 &𝗮𝗺𝗽; 𝗞𝗶𝗻𝗴,  𝗟𝘁𝗱., 𝗜𝗦𝗕𝗡 𝟬-𝟴𝟭𝟬𝟵-𝟮𝟳𝟭𝟴-𝟳,   𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝟭𝟱𝟵.



I want to stress the point here, that for almost 700 years, the entire  Roman World was in the dark about these forgeries, which gave the R.C.C. amazing powers. This goes to show how the Elites can use religion to gain power, and do it through false information via stamping that  information with the label of ‘God’ onto it and sealing it with his ‘divine hand.’ As a matter of fact, the forged Donation of Constantine,  ends with its 8th decree, stating that if any try to come   against the words found therein, they shall feel the wrath of God and end up in the lowest parts of hell and this was ‘sealed’ by putting the document on the tomb of St. Peter.

Here’s the excerpt on that  below :

“8.  …We decree, moreover, that all these things, which through this  our  sacred imperial [charter] and through other godlike decrees we have established and confirmed, remain inviolate and unshaken unto the  end  of  the world. Wherefore, before the living God who commanded us to  reign, and in the face of his terrible judgment, we entreat, through  this our imperial sanction, all the emperors our successors, and all  the nobles,  the satraps also, the most glorious senate, and all the people in the whole world, now and in all times still to come subject  to our rule,  that no one of them in any way be allowed either to break these  [decrees], or in any way overthrow them. If any one, moreover, which we do not believe-prove a scorner or despiser in this matter, he shall be  subject and bound over to eternal damnation, and shall feel the holy ones of God, the chief of the apostles, Peter and Paul, opposed to him in the present and in the future life, and he shall be burned in the  lower hell and shall perish with the devil and all the impious. The page, moreover, of this our imperial decree, we, confirming it with our own hands, did place above the venerable body of the Blessed Peter,  chief of the apostles.”

But back to Martin Luther’s vehemence against the Catholic Church. Martin Luther was banned from the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church in 1521AD and then went on to write the Bible in German. I would agree with much of what he said, that the hierarchy and priesthood are not Divinely instituted, nor necessary. Ceremonial or exterior worship is not essential. Ecclesiastical vestments, pilgrimages, mortifications, monastic vows, rites, prayers for the dead, intercession of saints, etc.. all profit absolutely nothing. But the Reformers didn’t take it far enough, they should’ve realized the entire religion was a farce.

The Renaissance and the bringing to light all these forgeries and interpolations, just so happened to be the same time period when the Gutenberg Printing Press was created (by Johannes Gutenberg) in 1439AD (one year before Valla’s Treatise on the Donation of Constantine began  circulating), which allowed for mass dispensation of   information. We now  live in the age of the advent of the computer and the internet (late  20th Century AD) which is an even better form of dispensing information to the masses and this is certainly another Renaissance time period.

The internet is a million times better, since it allows people to put the puzzle pieces together, instead of reading   through tons of books to do  so. It’s all laid out formally on the internet, so it’s not easy for the Church to hide all these lies anymore. I’ve personally been trying to connect the dots now since 2015, when I first started questioning my  Christian belief system. More and more falsities in Christianity (and religion in general) are coming to light now with the internet. We must shine the light on all these lying belief systems, so we can continue ascending and evolving as a species.

P.S. I’ll end with reminding you that for over 500+ years the “Church” was in the dark about these FORGERIES which gave indelible power to the Papacy.

Makes you wonder how many other lies have proliferated out of the “Church” for that long or longer! And so much for their “god” giving them a heads up until 500 years later. This “god” never gave anyone a “vision” or “dream” that these were forgeries by the Catholic Church. This, to me (and it should to you too), proves that the entire religion is a sham.



Donation of Pepin III –

Link 1 : https://www.britannica.com/biography/Pippin-III

Link 2 : http://epicworldhistory.blogspot.com/2012/10/donation-of-pepin.html

Pope Stephen II –

Link 1 : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14288c.htm

Aistulf –

Link 1 : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01237d.htm

Charlemagne (including his Legend) –

Link 1 : https://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/charlemagne

Link 2 : https://www.beyondsciencetv.com/2017/07/13/tales-of-joyeuse-the-sword-that-conquered-europedocx/

Link 3 : http://www.mythencyclopedia.com/Ca-Cr/Charlemagne.html

Link 4 : https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/joyeuse-legendary-sword-charlemagne-003020

Link 5 : http://www.timelessmyths.com/arthurian/charlemagne.html

Lorenzo Valla’s Treatise on Donation of Constantine –

Link 1 : http://muse.jhu.edu/article/14889

Link 2 : https://expositions.journals.villanova.edu/article/view/1767/1600

Link 3 : https://www.missedinhistory.com/podcasts/donation-of-constantine.htm?fbclid=IwAR09Z_dUAIDNzkc2EtjV2qCYKZL22ya155BE1vzKVcqYlVOs_X72fsSN9Y8

Link 4 : http://hoaxes.org/archive/permalink/the_donation_of_constantine

Link 5 : https://ischool.uw.edu/podcasts/dtctw/donation-constantine

Link 6 : http://clc-library-org.tripod.com/Donatio1.html

Link 7 : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05118a.htm

False Isidore Decretals –

Link 1 : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05773a.htm

Link 2 : https://www.britannica.com/topic/False-Decretals#ref289472

Nicholas of Cusa –

Link 1 : https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nicholas-of-Cusa

John of Torquemada –

Link 1 : https://www.encyclopedia.com/people/philosophy-and-religion/roman-catholic-and-orthodox-churches-general-biographies/juan-de-torquemada

Reginald Pecock –

Link 1 : https://www.revolvy.com/page/Reginald-Pecock

Caesar Baronius –

Link 1 : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02304b.htm

Martin Luther Letter –

Link 1 : https://devapriyaji.activeboard.com/forum.spark?aBID=134804&p=83&topicID=36458369&commentID=36458469

Link 2 : https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/luther-nobility.asp

Dionysus – “The Twice Born” vs. Christianity’s “Born Again”

Twice Born Dionysus is called twice born because of the unusual manner in which he grew: not only in a womb, but also in a thigh.

Let me first give a quick background history of Dionysus’s Life, according to Greek tradition. Dionysus (Roman Bacchus) was worshiped in Greece, starting in the 6th Century BC. He was the god of wine and vegetation. Temples and theatres were built for him and worshipers had his major festival around March-April. The most influential representatives of the state were involved in the opening religious ceremonies. For example, before the tragedy performances, the tribute of the Athenian empire was brought into the theatre. At the same time they led in upon the stage the sons of those who had lost their lives in war. They were paraded in military uniform. There was an introduction of the whole personnel active in the contests (poets, choregoi [citizens responsible for expenses], actors, musicians, chorus members). 

A contest of 10 dithyrambs (choruses in honor of Dionysus) was carried out on the first day of the festival. Each chorus of men or boys represented a “tribe”.  5 Comedies were presented, then 3 tetralogies (one each day). A tetralogy consisted of 3 tragedies and 1 satyr play. They competed against each other. A final assembly was held, at which prizes and awards were distributed. Ritual wine-drinking in the name of Dionysus was the privilege of Greek males, while ritual maenadism was practiced exclusively by women. Public festivals in honor of Dionysus included both sexes. The Greek Maenad myth is enacted in Euripides’ “Bacchant Women” (410BC; it only premiered posthumously at the City Dionysia festival of 405 BC, where it won first prize).

The worship of Dionysus was endowed with wild ecstasy and blood-thirsty violence, in which, women went to the woods and turned into a destructive mob, who at the height of their frenzy climbed mountains, tore apart animals or even human beings, and devoured the raw flesh of their victims. The Roman historian Livy (60BC – 17AD) describes outrageous actions connected with Bacchic orgies in Rome, the Bacchanalia. In 186 BC the Roman Senate decreed the destruction of most Bacchic shrines and the strict control of all Bacchic worship in Italy. The worship of Dionysus was centered in duality (gentleness and brutality), the nature of wine. 

In Orphic Mystery tradition (6th Century BC), Dionysus (Zagreus) was born firstly by the god Zeus and virgin goddess Persephone (Queen of the Underworld). Zeus gives Dionysus the right to become his successor (as the 5th ruler on the throne in heaven over the entire universe). The jealous Hera (wife of Zeus) has the Titans rip the boy in shreds and eat him, but the heart is saved by goddess Athena. Dionysus tried to elude their attacks by transforming into Zeus, Chronos, a young man, a lion, a horse, a serpent and finally a bull, the form in which he was torn apart. Zeus then hurls a lightning bolt at the Titans, and destroys them.

Out of the ashes, humans are created with dual nature (one part from wicked sons of the earth, the Titans – and the other part, a soul that is divine through the Titans’ eating the son of a god, Dionysus). Thus, when we find that followers of Dionysus follow the cult ritual of dividing up a bull and eating its raw flesh, and drinking wine in thanksgiving and remembrance of their god, it is not a stretch to argue that they believed they were eating the body and blood of their savior Dionysus, in order to reach a spiritual communion (compare to 1 Corinthians 11).

Dionysus was then born again from a mortal woman, Princess Semele, Daughter of the King of Thebes (Cadmus) and Zeus.  Hera planted seeds of doubt in Semele’s mind that she had actually been impregnated by Zeus, so Semele demanded that Zeus make an oath on the River Styx that he reveal himself in all his glory. However, as no mortal can stand the sight of Zeus without dying, she was burnt up by his firebolts. Zeus rescued the child Dionysus from her womb and sewed him up in his thigh until he was ready to be born. Through this, he is called ‘THE TWICE-BORN’, being killed once, resurrected and born a second time, which spilled over to identify the initiates into the Dionysian cult, as they were said to be ‘BORN AGAIN.’ 

Dionysus then grows up traveling, sharing his knowledge about how to grow vineyards and wine-making. Dionysus was a wanderer and wanted worship to be outside in the forest. He did not want a temple where people worshiped indoors. He also sets out to avenge his mother Semele, since her sister, Agave, spread the rumor that Semele was put to death by Zeus for telling everyone that she was impregnated by him. In his old age, King Cadmus grants his grandson (and Dionysus’s cousin) Pentheus the throne, who bans the worship of Dionysus. He sends guards to arrest him, and when they find him, Dionysus willingly offers himself to be arrested. Once there in front of Pentheus, he is put through a trial of sorts and asked by Pentheus about his cult and his power, to which, Dionysus refuses to answer him directly and antagonizes Pentheus. 

Dionysus is put in prison for this, but easily breaks free and then razes his palace prison to the ground through fire and an earthquake. Dionysus assures Pentheus that he will not escape, but tells Pentheus not to kick against the goads (pricks) since he is a mortal fighting against a god (Bacchae 396)…

Any of this sound familiar? (Compare to Acts 16:16-40 and Acts 26:14-15).

Many of the women in Thebes decided to follow Dionysus after the earthquake. Pentheus still doesn’t believe Dionysus is a god but falls into a trance. Dionysus tells him that he needs to dress like a woman and go see the Dionysus rituals for himself, since his mother Agave is taking part in them.

Pentheus goes to watch in a tree but is seen and is torn to pieces by these crazed women. His very mother, Agave is the one who tore his head off and brought it to Cadmus. When Cadmus weeps, her trance is broken and she realizes what she has done (tore off the head of her own son). They finally understand the powers of the god Dionysus, whom that family had so vilely offended by their disbelief in his divinity. Many others felt his wrath for not recognizing he was a god and the son of god (son of Zeus) as well. Is this not similar to Jesus reprimanding the Jews for not recognizing him as the Messiah and the “son of god”? (Matthew 16:13-17 ; John 3:16-17 ; John 10:33-36 ; John 12:37-49).

Dionysus goes into the underworld and saves his mother Semele, bringing her back to life (compare to 1 Peter 3:19-20).  By bribing Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, with a sprig of myrtle to gain admittance, and then by standing up to Thanatos, the Greek god of Death, Dionysus secured Semele’s release. He then escorted her back to live on Mount Olympus (Heaven). Although Semele had to change her name and live in an apartment, so that her presence among them would not be scandalous, even Hera was willing to accept her presence there.



The story of Dionysus was written in slightly different variations, by a few Greek poets, but the first was a poet named Orpheus in the 6th century BC, and the second was Euripides in the 5th Century BC. Tell me if any of this sounds familiar. 

The Christians (as many of the ANE [Ancient Near East] religions, were notorious for copying each other) used the story of Dionysus as the blueprint for Jesus in many ways. The very first “miracle of Christ” was turning “water into WINE”, for example (clearly a clue to “Dionysus, the God of Wine”).

Read “The Bacchae” by Euripides’ (Greek Poet from 5th Century BC) which is all about the demigod Dionysus, written in 410 BC and won first prize at the Dionysia Festival in 405 BC. The trial Dionysus has before King Pentheus is very reminiscent of the trial Jesus supposedly had before Pilate. The earthquake scene that allows Dionysus to walk free from prison, is very reminiscent of what happened when Paul and Silas were praying in the jail cell at midnight in the book of Acts chapter 16, before an earthquake strikes and sets them free.

Dionysus was called THE TWICE-BORN, because according to the Orphic tradition (Orpheus was a Greek Poet, who supposedly existed before the 6th Century BC, and Orphism is traced back to the 5th Century BC) he was first born from Virgin Goddess Persephone (having sex with Zeus), then was killed by the Titans, the heart was saved by Zeus and then put into a mortal female’s womb (Princess Semele’ of Thebes). While he was still in Princess Semele’s womb, she was struck with lightning by beholding Zeus in all of his glory (no one could look at Zeus and survive). Then Zeus sewed Dionysus up in his thigh, until he was ready to be born, hence the moniker ‘TWICE-BORN’ (Two mothers – One mother a VIRGIN the other mother a MORTAL. He was born once, died, resurrected and born again, which is very similar to Jesus proclaiming that one must be BORN AGAIN or BORN A SECOND TIME).

The basic plot-line of the story goes like this, Zeus impregnates the VIRGIN GODDESS Persephone. Dionysus is born but Hera (jealous wife of Zeus) gets revenge by sending the Titans to devour Dionysus. The Goddess Athena saves Dionysus’ heart, and Zeus strikes the Titans with a lightning-bolt, which, out of the ashes, creates humans (part divine with a soul through the ashes of Dionysus – who was a SON OF GOD and the other part – carnal flesh – through the ashes of the Titans). He was then crowned by Zeus with a crown of snakes (similar to crown of thorns). The whole plot-line of the Dionysus story is that after traveling the world teaching people his Dionysian mysteries and teaching people how to grow vineyards and make wine, he is now back in Thebes to enact vengeance upon his extended family for spreading the rumor that his mother lied about being impregnated by Zeus and mostly for not believing that he (Dionysus) was indeed, THE SON OF GOD (Son of Zeus).

“Young man, two are the forces most precious to mankind. The first is Demeter, the Goddess. She is the Earth — or any name you wish to call her — and she sustains humanity with solid food. Next came Dionysus, the son of the virgin, bringing the counterpart to bread: wine and the blessings of life’s flowing juices. His blood, the blood of the grape, lightens the burden of our mortal misery. Though himself a God, it is his blood we pour out to offer thanks to the Gods. And through him, we are blessed.” 

― Quote by Euripides, The Bacchae Dionysus with satyrs. Interior of a cup painted by the Brygos Painter, Cabinet des Médailles.



As a recap, Dionysus was a product of Zeus and the Virgin Goddess Persephone. Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Goddess Demeter (the goddess of all agriculture). Demeter presided over grains and the fertility of the earth. In Homer’s “Odyssey” and “Iliad” (both written c. 800 BC) she is the blond-haired goddess who separates the chaff from the wheat. She presided also over the sacred law, and the cycle of life and death. Zeus and Demeter were brother and sister, yet Zeus (Sky) impregnates (in other words, sends rain upon) Demeter (mother goddess of the earth) and she brings forth their beautiful daughter Persephone (Queen of Underworld and all vegetation).

According to the personal mythology of Robert Graves, Persephone is not only the younger self of Demeter, she is in turn also one of three guises of the Triple Goddess – Kore (the youngest, the maiden, signifying green young grain), Persephone (in the middle, the nymph, signifying the ripe grain waiting to be harvested), and Hecate (the eldest of the three, the crone, the harvested grain), which to a certain extent reduces the name and role of Demeter to that of group name. Before her abduction, she is called Kore; and once taken by Hades she becomes Persephone (‘she who brings destruction’).

Persephone was abducted to the underworld by Hades (King of Underworld). Demeter searched for her ceaselessly. The seasons halted; living things ceased their growth, then began to die. Zeus sent his messenger Hermes to the underworld to bring Persephone back. Hades agreed to release her if she had eaten nothing while in his realm, but Persephone had eaten a small number of pomegranate seeds (food of the dead). This bound her to the underworld for certain months of every year, either the dry Mediterranean summer, when plant life is threatened by drought, or the autumn and winter. Persephone’s time in the underworld corresponds with the unfruitful seasons of the ancient Greek calendar, and her return to the upper world with springtime.

Zeus and Demeter were brother and sister, yet Zeus (Sky God) impregnates (in other words, sends rain upon) Demeter (mother goddess of the earth) and she brings forth their beautiful daughter Persephone (vegetation). The supreme God Zeus then impregnates his virgin daughter Persephone who has Dionysus (Grape vine). Zeus had intended Zagreus (Dionysus) to be his heir, but a jealous Hera (wife of Zeus) persuaded the Titans to kill the child. 

Zeus, discovering the crime, hurled a thunderbolt at the Titans, turning them to ashes, but Athena managed to recover Zagreus’ heart. From the ashes of the Titans (being evil deities), mixed with the divine flesh (Son of God ; Dionysus) they had eaten, came humankind, which is supposed to personify the mix of good and evil in humans, the story goes, for humans possess both a trace of divinity as well as the Titans’ maliciousness and wickedness. 

Zeus takes the heart of Dionysus and puts it into the womb of a mortal woman who is a Princess (of Thebes) named Semele. Hera tricks Semele into making Zeus reveal himself to her, but when she sees Zeus in all his glory, she is instantly burnt to a crisp. Zeus saves Dionysus inside her womb and sews him up in his thigh, until Dionysus is ready to be born. Through this, Dionysus was known as the ‘Twice-Born’, being killed once, resurrecting and then being born again. Dionysus then grows up traveling, sharing his knowledge about how to grow vineyards and wine-making. Dionysus was a wanderer and wanted worship to be outside in the forest. He did not want a temple where people worshiped indoors. 

Dionysus was primarily known as the God of the Vine. Demeter and Dionysus were worshiped as the supreme deities over the earth. Unlike the immortal gods, who were often hostile toward human beings, Dionysus and Demeter were benevolent toward mankind. Dionysus was the last god to enter Mount Olympus (personification of Heaven) and he was the only god to have a human parent (half divine / half human – The child of the Supreme God Zeus and a mortal female named Semele). He was born of fire and nursed by rain. His birth corresponds to the development of grapes, heat ripens the fruit and water keeps it alive.


Zeus and Demeter were brother and sister, yet Zeus (Sky) impregnates (in other words, sends rain upon) Demeter (mother goddess of the earth) and she brings forth their beautiful daughter Persephone (all vegetation). As I’ve already shown, Zeus impregnated his virgin daughter Persephone who has Dionysus (Grape vine). Hades (king of underworld, basically means he personifies death), captures Persephone and makes her marry him (she ate a pomegranate seed(s) – food of the dead – so she is relegated to the underworld forever). Her mother Demeter is worried about her so she goes to the god Helios (Sun) who tells her that Zeus allowed her daughter to be taken by Hades.

Zeus sends Rhea (his mother) to the underworld to work out a deal with Hades, which is accepted. Half the year Persephone gets to spend with her mother and half the year she spends with Hades. This whole story was to explain the seasons. Part of the year around end of fall through winter, Persephone is in the realm of the dead (her husband Hades personifies death, and he has her during the part of the year when vegetation is dry and dead), the other half, starting in Spring when vegetation is springing to life again upon Earth, she is with her mother (Demeter – Goddess of Mother Earth). So you see, they created a mythological story with mythological gods and goddesses to merely explain the changing of the seasons.

Zeus (the God of the sky) impregnates Persephone (Virgin Goddess of the Underworld / Hades) and from her, brings forth Dionysus (the god of wine / grapes). It’s an analogy about the rain from the sky (Zeus) falling on the ground and sinking into the depths of the soil / earth (Demeter – mother goddess of earth and her daughter Persephone – who personifies vegetation – seed and stalk) and from that, springs forth the grape vine (Dionysus).

Hera was angered that Zeus cheated on her so she sent the Titans to devour her. They devour Goddess Persephone, and for this, out of anger, Zeus throws a lightning bolt to devour the Titans. Through the ashes of the Titans, humans were created (one part divine from the ashes of the son of god, Dionysus [a soul], and one part the flesh from the Titans). In essence, this is an analogy of man being created from the dust of the earth. They created mythological stories with mythological characters to explain ‘Natural Phenomenon.’

These Greco-Roman mythologists had clearly copied these explanations for things from the Egyptians. The rulers and governors then took these myths and mythological characters further and created laws for their own advantage, by terrifying the public about the judgments these invisible gods were said to inflict upon them if they didn’t act piously. These mythological deities and demi-gods were sort of ‘brought to life’ in order to appease and control the populace, which was never the true intention of these stories, myths and fables.



Dionysus’ trial before King Pentheus vs. Jesus’ trial before Pontius Pilate (governor over the Roman Province of Judaea during the reign of Emperor Tiberius Caesar). The account of Dionysus on trial before King Pentheus is taken from the Greek Poet, Euripides, who won first prize in the Dionysia Festival in 405 BC (he had written it 5 years beforehand, in 410 BC).

Both Dionysus and Jesus give themselves up willingly to be captured, without a fight. (BTW, King Pentheus does not realize that this is Dionysus himself, he just thinks this is one of the followers of Dionysus). In the gospel accounts, the disciples fled from the scene and were not captured along with Jesus. In the Euripides account of Dionysus, the servant tells King Pentheus that when he tried to capture the followers of Dionysus, the cage doors flew open on their own and the chains from their hands and feet broke off by some divine power, to which these followers fled into the meadows. The Disciples of Jesus also escape and flee (Mark 14:50).

King Pentheus starts the trial by telling this man (who he doesn’t realize is Dionysus) all about how he (this man he doesn’t realize is Dionysus) has used his handsome charm to win over the women of Thebes. He then asks Dionysus what his race/ethnicity is. Dionysus responds in a mocking manner by saying that maybe he has heard of the King of Lydia, named King Tmolus, which Dionysus is alluding to where he is natively from (Lydia). Compare to the start of Jesus’ trial, Pilate asks Jesus if he is the King of the ‘Jews’. Jesus said it is as he had said (Matthew 27:11). Pilate also asks Jesus where he came from (what region he is from or what race he is), to which Jesus gives no reply (John 19:8-9).

Penthesus asks Dionysus why he has brought these mysteries to Hellas (the Greek name for Hellenes, so in essence, Pentheus is asking why Dionysus has brought these mysteries to all of Greece). Dionysus (acting like he is just a follower of Dionysus) said that he was initiated by Dionysus himself, who is the son of Zeus, born from a mortal female, Princess Semele. Pentheus asks if he had seen the god Dionysus in the day time or at night. Dionysus (acting like he was just a follower of Dionysus) said that he had seen Dionysus face to face, to which Pantheus asks to prove this somehow. Dionysus says that this is a secret kept hidden away from anyone not initiated into the Dionysian rites.

Pontius Pilate asks Jesus what he has done to be brought before him. Jesus replies by telling him that his kingdom is not of this world and he has come to testify to the truth, to which everyone who listens to him hears the truth. In other words, Jesus said that only those who are initiated into the Kingdom of Christ through believing in Him, can hear the truth (also see Matthew 13), which is similar to Dionysus saying that his mysteries are kept hidden and secret from anyone who is not initiated into it through Dionysian Rites, which can only be experienced by drinking wine [Dionysus’ blood] to a state of drunkenness.

Pilate asks Jesus, “What is truth?’ to which he receives no answer (John 18:38). Similarly, King Pentheus asks what profit and benefits the followers of Dionysus will receive, to which Dionysus says that he cannot tell him since it is an abomination to tell the rites of a god, to a man living a godless life such as Pentheus. Pentheus says, “Another clever twist and turn of thine, without a word of answer.” Dionysus responds with, “He were a fool, methinks, who would utter wisdom to a fool.”

At the end of the ‘trial’, King Pentheus tells Dionysus that he is going to bind him up and put him in a horses stall. Dionysus says to Pentheus that the god (Dionysus) is with him watching how he is being treated and that he (Pentheus) is a godless man, which is why he cannot see the god Dionysus with his eyes (in other words, Pentheus doesn’t realize that he is looking at Dionysus in the flesh). This is similar to when the Pharisees were criticizing Jesus in John 8 and John 10, to which Jesus said that they do not know him or his father, since he and his father are one (John 10:30). The Jews did not recognize that the Father God was there in the flesh face to face with them, similar to how Pentheus could not see that a god (Dionysus) was standing before him in the flesh.

At the end of the trial before Pilate, when Jesus refuses to answer his question, Pilate tells Jesus to realize that he has the power to crucify him or set him free. Jesus responds by saying, “You have no power over me except that which is given to you from God above.” 


At the end of the trial before Pentheus, Dionysus tells Pentheus : “I will go bound into the horse’s stall; for that which fate forbids, can never befall me….”

Similarly, Jesus’ tells Pilate that he has no power over him unless it be given to him from above (through the will of God the Father). Dionysus is likewise telling King Pentheus that nothing can happen to him, unless it is willed by fate [of the gods] above.

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells them that whatever anyone has done to the least of His brethren, they have done unto Jesus Himself (Jesus is making himself ONE with his followers). This is similar to Dionysus speaking in third person before Pentheus, as if he’s a mere follower of Dionysus, yet, it really is Dionysus (making himself ONE with his followers).

Dionysus (acting as if he’s a mere follower of Dionysus) ends the trial before King Pentheus by saying, “For your mockery Pentheus, be sure that Dionysus will exact a recompense of thee! Even the god whose existence thou deniest; for thou are actually injuring him by haling me to prison.”

In other words, he is making it known to King Pentheus, (Pentheus thinks he’s putting a mere follower of Dionysus in prison), that he’s actually injuring the god Dionysus himself, by putting him in prison! In essence, Dionysus is making himself ONE with his followers, just like Jesus made himself ONE with his followers, and whatever they do to their followers, it’s as if they are doing it to Jesus and Dionysus themselves.

Dionysus said this to King Pentheus : “For your mockery Pentheus, be sure that Dionysus will exact a recompense of thee! Even the god whose existence thou deniest; for thou are actually injuring him by haling me to prison.”


Matthew 25:37-40 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

The whole Dionysus story (which remember, this is Greek Poet Euripides’, version, who wrote it in 410BC) was based on Dionysus getting vengeance on his extended family, for spreading the rumor that his mother [Princess Semele] had lied about being impregnated by Zeus. So now, Dionysus is punishing his entire family for not believing that he (Dionysus) is in fact, the son of god [Zeus]. They denied his divinity, and they are being punished for it, similarly to Jesus, punishing the Jews for not believing in his divinity (denying he was the son of god – See John 3:18)



I shared how Dionysus’s trial standing before King Pentheus was similar to Jesus standing trial before Pontius Pilate. But there was another similarity I noticed. King Pentheus wanted to stop the Bacchic festivities, which included getting drunk, being loud, eating wild animals in the wilderness, etc.. He sets out to stop it by imprisoning anyone engaging in these activities (similar to Jesus apostles all being imprisoned at some point in their ministries : See Acts 12 for an example). The guards try to capture them, but the chains, shackles and bonds fall from their feet and hands, and the prison doors fly open on their own, allowing them to run free , except for one who is Dionysus himself, but Pentheus just thinks this is a follower of Dionysus. 

1. King Pentheus puts this man (who is really Dionysus) in prison, inside of Pentheus’s own palace walls. While in prison, Dionysus begins “singing songs” to which his followers can hear the songs within themselves. He asks them to hear his song and then starts telling the earth to shake (causing an earthquake).


In the book of Acts chapter 16:25-34, it says that Paul and Silas were thrown in prison and at midnight, they both began “singing songs and all the prisoners heard them”. Both have elements of singing songs while in prison, while others hear the songs being sung (the followers of Dionysus hear the songs within and the prisoners hear Paul and Silas singing songs to God in the prison).

2. A huge earthquake destroys King Pentheus’s palace and the prison within. Pentheus feared that the prisoner (Dionysus) had escaped, so he drew his sword and started stabbing what he thought was the man, but it was really a phantom. He drops his sword in exhaustion, and walks out of the rubble of the palace to find himself astonished that the man (Dionysus) was standing there peacefully. Dionysus tells him that they (his followers) will wait for him (in the wilderness) and will not flee. 


After the earthquake destroys the prison in Acts 16, the prison guard also draws his sword thinking that the prisoners will escape. But Paul and Silas assure him that no one will flee. Both instances, a sword was drawn, no harm was done and in both cases, assured that no one would flee.

3. Afterwards, Dionysus asks Pentheus to come into the wilderness with him to see how the followers of Dionysus behave (this includes Pentheus’s own mother, Agave). He is told by Dionysus that he will have to dress like a Bacchic woman, so he is not seen or recognized, otherwise the women will tear him to pieces. They go into the wilderness together and Agave, the mother of Pentheus sees him, thinking he is a lion, tears him to pieces and brings the head back to Thebes to show everyone. When Cadmus (the father of Pentheus and husband of Agave) reveals what she has done, as her drunken state wears off, she weeps. They then realize that Dionysus really is who he says he is (The Son of Zeus and a mortal princess female Semele). 

Dionysus then reprimands them for not believing in his divinity and for their ill treatment of his mother Semele. He tells them that they had learned too late and that their abuse of him would warrant harsh punishments upon them. Here are the lines from ‘The Bacchae’ with Dionysus speaking to them about their fate below :


Yes, I am Dionysus, son of Zeus.

You see me now before you as a god.

You Thebans learned about my powers too late.

Dishonouring me, you earn the penalty.

You refused my rites. Now you must leave—

abandon your city for barbarian lands.

Agave, too, that polluted creature,

must go into perpetual banishment.

And Cadmus, you too must endure your lot.]

Your form will change, so you become a dragon. 1700 [1330]

Your wife, Harmonia, Ares’ daughter,

whom you, though mortal, took in marriage,

will be transformed, changing to a snake.

As Zeus’ oracle declares, you and she

will drive a chariot drawn by heifers.

You’ll rule barbarians. With your armies,

too large to count, you’ll raze many cities.

Once they despoil Apollo’s oracle,

they’ll have a painful journey back again.

But Ares will guard you and Harmonia. 1710

In lands of the blessed he’ll transform your lives.

That’s what I proclaim—I, Dionysus, [1340]

born from no mortal father, but from Zeus.

If you had understood how to behave

as you should have when you were unwilling,

you’d now be fortunate, with Zeus’ child

among your allies.


O Dionysus, we implore you—we’ve not acted justly.


You learn too late. You were ignorant

when you should have known. 


Now we understand. Your actions against us are too severe.


I was born a god, and you insulted me.


Angry gods should not act just like humans.


My father Zeus willed all this long ago.


Alas, old man, then this must be our fate, a miserable exile. 


Why then delay? Why postpone what necessity requires?

Compare what Dionysus issues as punishments upon his extended family above, to what Jesus says in Matthew 23 and Luke 19:41-45 and the punishments that would come upon the Jews (who were his “kin” or “extended family”). Jesus is approaching Jerusalem, and begins weeping over it. He says that only if they had known that this day (the day when He came to them) would bring them peace (similarly, Dionysus tells his extended family that if they had recognized who he was, as the SON OF GOD and had behaved themselves accordingly, he would’ve been their friend and ally), but instead, they did not recognize the day of God’s visitation because they were purposely blinded by God to it, as Jesus references Isaiah in John 12:38-41 (similar to Dionysus blinding his extended family from realizing who he truly was, which he says was willed by the god Zeus from long ago).

And because of this, in Luke 19:41-45, their enemies would surround Jerusalem on every side and destroy them and their children (similar to all the punishments that Dionysus said would befall his family for their ill treatment of him and that they had learned too late).

There are many similar elements here. Too many to ignore. There are many more areas in the Bible which were borrowed and plagiarized from the Ancient Greco-Roman Poets, which you can see in the link below.





It’s Tisha B’av (Aug. 6-7, 2022) Commemorating The Destruction of Herodian Jewish Temple in 70AD by Romans (Jewish-Roman War 66-73AD – The 7 Year Tribulation)


REMINDER : The prophecies in the New Testament were so accurate, because they were written using a deceptive Literary Tactic known as “Vaticinium Ex Eventu”. Look into that phrase to understand. The Preterists are paradoxically RIGHT and WRONG at the same time.

In the Old Testament, the Abrahamic God “married” himself to Israel, but Israel played the WHORE (Harlot, Prostitute).

See the imagery below in these three verses, two from Jeremiah 3 and one from Exodus 28

1. Jeremiah 3:3 Therefore the showers have been withheld, and the spring rain has not come, yet you (Israel) have the FOREHEAD of a harlot because you refuse to be ashamed.

2. Jeremiah 3:8 I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce and sent her away because of all her adulteries and playing the harlot. Yet I saw that her unfaithful sister Judah had no fear. She also went out and became a harlot.

3. Exodus 28 << Their god told the Jewish priests to wear clothing of PURPLE, SCARLET, BLUE, AND GOLD, and to attach to their turbans (FOREHEADS) a GOLD PLATE which read, ‘HOLY TO THE LORD.’


Josephus (Jewish Historian for Rome in First Century) in “War of the Jews” 5.5.4, he says that the Temple (before it was destroyed in 70AD) was divided into two parts with huge golden doors, but before these doors was a huge ‘BABYLONIAN’ curtain (veil) embroidered with BLUE, FINE LINEN, SCARLET, AND PURPLE. These were the exact colors given in the book of Revelation that were adorning the “Whore of Babylon”.

(Whore of “Babylon” and a “Babylonian” Curtain inside Jewish Temple, get it? Also, the Jewish Priests had same colors – Purple, Scarlet, Blue, Gold, etc.. attached to their Turbans or FOREHEADS, saying HOLY TO THE LORD, given in Revelation 17. But the Jews were the exact opposite, spiritually one would see MOTHER OF ALL PROSTITUTES instead of HOLY TO THE LORD. Holy means sanctified, which is “set apart for a specific purpose.” They were the chosen “wife” of the Abrahamic God, yet they chose to play the WHORE instead. So you see the imagery given here, they were the MOTHER of all Whores [the ULTIMATE WHORE] because the Abrahamic god married himself to Israel, but she committed adultery against him, as it says there in Jeremiah 3:3 that Israel had the FOREHEAD OF A HARLOT.)

Revelation 17-18 says this whore of Babylon was riding on a beast. She was decked out in purple, scarlet, jewels, gold, precious stones, pearls, etc.. When she was destroyed by fire, it says the kings, sea captains, merchants, etc.. were weeping because they could not do trade with her anymore. According to Jewish Historian Josephus (writing about a speech given by Roman General Titus ; Josephus ‘Wars 6.6.2’), 1st Century Jerusalem had become the richest city in the entire Roman Empire, even more wealthy than ROME ITSELF!

This is why you see the whore (Israel) being decked out with all those expensive ornaments and luxuries. Revelation 11:8 says that the city [1st Century Jerusalem] was also figuratively called “Sodom” and “Egypt” (the 1st Century Jews specifically in and around Jerusalem had become the very type of evil nations that god had destroyed before and had delivered the Israelites from [Sodom, Egypt, Babylon, etc..] god was now putting the Jews in the same category, hence, Revelation refers to 1st Century Jerusalem as Egypt, Sodom and Whore of Babylon). How do we know it’s 1st Century Jerusalem? Revelation 18 identifies this Babylon FIVE TIMES as that “Great City.”

In Revelation 11, the “Great City” is identified as the city “where also our Lord was crucified.” Notice John is initially told that this “Great City” is spiritually called “Sodom and Egypt.” In the Bible, there is only ONE city that is ever spiritually designated as “Sodom” (Isaiah 1, Ezekiel 16, Ezekiel 23). In Deuteronomy 32:32, Yahweh said that in Israel’s Last Days, she would become the VINE OF SODOM and in Galatians 4:22, Paul identifies Old Covenant Jerusalem as Hagar who was the EGYPTIAN Bondwoman in Genesis 21:9-10 (so you see the “Egypt and Sodom” metaphor here for Israel).

In the OT, their god married himself to Israel. But they played the harlot (whore) even back then (Jeremiah 3:14; Jeremiah 31:32; Hosea 2, Ezekiel 23), which is KEY to understanding why Israel was Mystery Babylon – “The Mother of all Prostitutes” (which God said was written on her FOREHEAD – Revelation 17:5). The Jewish Priests’ turbans (on their FOREHEAD) said “HOLY TO THE LORD” but spiritually they were NOT Holy to their Husband (the Lord), they were the “Mother of All Prostitutes”. They were the ULTIMATE Prostitute (Whore / Harlot) because they committed adultery on the God of all gods (get the imagery here?)

Josephus “Wars 5.13.6” [Josephus says here that the first century Jews were more wicked than the people of Noah’s day, more wicked than the Jews who rebelled in the wilderness under Moses and even more wicked than the people of “Sodom”] below :

“…I suppose that had the Romans made any longer delay in coming against these villains, that the city [Jerusalem] would either have been swallowed up by the ground opening upon them, or been overflowed by water; or else been destroyed by such thunder, as the country of Sodom perished by. For it had brought forth a generation of men much more atheistical than were those that suffered such punishments. For by their madness it was that all the people came to be destroyed.”

This quote from Josephus above was mimicked by Jesus in the gospel of Matthew. In Matthew 10, he sends out his disciples in groups of twos. He tells them that his second coming would occur before they had gone through all the cities of Israel.

Matthew 10 and Matthew 11, he also denounces all the Israeli cities who had seen all of his miracles first-hand, but did not repent. In Matthew 10:15 ; Matthew 11:23-24 and Luke 10:12, he says that if he were to have done miracles in “SODOM” as they were done for these 1st Century Israel cities, then Sodom would’ve still been standing up to that day. He goes further and says that it would be worse for them on the day of their Judgment than “SODOM AND GOMORRAH”.

This is reminiscent of what Josephus said in the quote above, implying that the 1st Century Jews were worse than the Jews who rebelled in the wilderness against Moses, worse than those who died during Noah’s Flood and worse than those in Sodom.

Ezekiel and Jeremiah had said similar in the Old Testament about Israel as well.

Jeremiah 23:14 “…And among the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing: They commit adultery and walk in lies. They strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns his back on wickedness. They are all like Sodom to Me; the people of Jerusalem are like Gomorrah.”

Ezekiel 16:48 “…As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, your sister Sodom and her daughters never did as you and your daughters have done.”

So you see, in the OT, the Abrahamic God married himself to Israel, but they played the WHORE (Harlot ; Prostitute) by worshiping other deities and disobeying his commands. The culmination of them playing the whore and disobeying him occurs (according to this “Story” which was all fiction) when they murder “the Son” of God, Jesus. That’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back (read the “Vineyard Owner” parable in Matthew 21 to understand). So in the end, the Abrahamic god “divorces” his WHORE wife (Israel) who committed adultery and destroys her.

The Abrahamic god mocked the Israelites for their worship of (and sacrifices to) false gods (Ezekiel 20), and also, for Israel’s dependence upon powerful nations. Their god saw this as Israel cheating on him, since he married Himself to Israel. In Ezekiel 23, he likens both houses of Israel to two “Egyptian Whores“. The Abrahamic God then says He was going to turn all of Israel’s lovers against Israel (such as Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar). This same illustration is applied to Israel and Rome during the 1st Century. Israel depended on Rome (John 19:15), and so in proper context, the Abrahamic god turned Rome against Israel in the end (Roman Siege ; 66-73AD).In the Old Testament what was the punishment for a woman caught in adultery? When a woman or man was caught in the act of “adultery” they were “stoned to death” in (Leviticus 20:10). Therefore this was God’s judgment upon Israel (His adulteress wife).

One of the judgments was found in Revelation 16:21 which says “Great hailstones from heaven fell upon men. Every hailstone was the weight of a talent (75 lbs).”

Hail is “white” in color, right?

Josephus writes in “Wars of the Jews 5.6.3” (about Romans “stoning” the Jews and Jerusalem) below :

“The engines [i.e., catapults], that all the legions had ready prepared for them, were admirably contrived; but still more extraordinary ones belonged to the tenth legion: those that threw darts and those that threw stones, were more forcible and larger than the rest, by which they not only repelled the excursions of the Jews, but drove those away that were upon the walls also. Now, the stones that were cast, were of the WEIGHT OF A TALENT [75 lbs], and were carried two furlongs and further. The blow they gave was no way to be sustained, not only by those that stood first in the way, but by those that were beyond them for a great space. As for the Jews, they at first watched the coming of the stone, for it was a WHITE COLOR.”


Jesus is in the temple reaming out the pharisees, calling them every pejorative in the Thesaurus. He ends by telling them that because they would kill him (Jesus) and his disciples, that they (1st Century Jews) would be held responsible for the murder of EVERY RIGHTEOUS PERSON WHO HAD EVER LIVED from Abel to Zechariah. Wouldn’t that be quite the Hefty Judgment? Of course! It would be the ULTIMATE JUDGMENT! He said that judgment would come before their own generation passed away in verse 36. This is the same thing Jesus says in the very next chapter 24:34.

In Matthew 23:32 Jesus says to the people of Jerusalem, “Fill up, then, the measure of the guilt of your fathers.”  The guilt of their fathers is the guilt of having killed the prophets (Matthew 23:35-37).  The blood of these martyred saints is depicted in the cup full of the blood of the saints held in the hand of the Whore of Babylon in Revelation 17:4-6:

The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality, and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”  And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.

The fact that Jesus tells Jerusalem to “[f]ill up, then, the measure of the guilt of your fathers” is thus a reference to Jerusalem filling her cup with the blood of the saints depicted in Revelation 17.

In Matthew 23:27 Jesus attributes the deaths of the prophets to the people of Jerusalem: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you[.]”  In this same chapter, Jesus says that it will also be the people of Jerusalem who will kill the Christian saints and that these murderers would be punished in their generation:

“You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?  Therefore I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town.  And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.  Truly I tell you, all this will come on this generation.”  (Matthew 23:33-36.)

Jerusalem is the Whore of Babylon. The fact that Jerusalem, the Whore of Babylon, was responsible for the deaths of the saints and that she was punished in that generation for their deaths in fulfillment of Matthew 23:33-36 is stated in Revelation 19:2, “He has condemned the great prostitute [Jerusalem] who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her [Jerusalem] the blood of his servants.”  Jerusalem was to be punished in that generation (Mt 23:33-36) for having killed the martyrs under the altar (Rev 6:9-11, Mt 23:27-36) to avenge the deaths of those martyrs (Rev 19:2).  Thus the “full number” of martyrs mentioned under the altar (Rev 6:9-11) are only those saints killed in or around Jerusalem.   Of course, Jerusalem is not responsible for the deaths of the martyrs in Rome or anywhere else after A.D. 70 so the full number of martyrs of Rev 6:9-11 must have been avenged in the fall of the city responsible for killing them.  In confirmation of this idea, recall that it was rich Jews of Jerusalem who killed Jesus and His people so as to avoid a financially disastrous war with Rome. 

To Summarize :

Revelation 6:10, 16:6, 17:6, 18:24, 19:2, 20:4 speaks to the avenging of righteous blood.

This was prophesied in Deuteronomy 32:43, and would occur in Israel’s “END” (Deuteronomy 32:20) in their “Latter end” (Deuteronomy 32:29).

Matthew 23:34-36 very clearly says Jerusalem was guilty of spilling the blood of the prophets and all the righteous who had ever lived, and their judgment would be fulfilled in their own generation.

It just doesn’t get any simpler than that!

P.S. as I said, the reason all these prophecies were so accurate is because they were written AFTER THE FACT (after the Roman siege on Israel from 66-73AD and destruction of Jewish Temple in 70AD). This was a deceptive Literary Tactic used long before Christianity called “Vatcinium Ex Eventu”.

Mainstream Christianity’s interpretation of Biblical Eschatology is everything that’s wrong with the religious crowd. They don’t even understand their own book. The proper exegesis of Biblical Eschatology is PRETERISM (yet the Preterists didn’t go far enough, they also needed to also research “VATICINIUM EX EVENTU”). But these Futurists who believe all this madness and bad stuff needs to happen are essentially stating that the Elites are doing GOD’S WORK to fulfill prophecy. This is exactly what the Elites want, using the faulty interpretation of the Last Days – End Times to get Christians (hundreds of millions of them) to stand down to the AGENDA, thinking this is a fulfillment of their Scriptures. Most Christians today believe this FUTURIST garbage, and it’s one of the biggest problems we face.

P.S.S. There’s no doubt that they’re tryin to create an “ENCORE” of Biblical Prophecy, but the actual eschatological references are explicitly talking about Israel, and in particular, 1st Century Israel. Read the VINEYARD OWNER PARABLE in Matthew 21 and see who realizes that this parable is about THEM (not people living thousands of years into the future) and read Matthew 23 Jesus reaming out the Sanhedrin in the Temple, he says that because they would kill him (the Sun of God) and his apostles, that THEY (not people thousands years into the future) would be held responsible for the MURDER OF EVERY RIGHTEOUS PERSON WHO HAD EVER LIVED from Abel to Zechariah. That’s quite the hefty Judgment right? THE ULTIMATE ONE, and that’s what the 2nd Coming was in reference to, the judgment upon 1st Century Israel by the hands of the Romans (66-73AD the 7 year Tribulation and destruction of Herodian Jewish Temple in 70AD).


1. Matthew 10:23 Jesus said he’d come back before his disciples had gone through the cities of Israel (how can this be for today? Modern evangelists have gone through the cities of Israel)

2. Matthew 16:27-28 Jesus said he’d come in his kingdom, with his angels, before some of those standing there with him tasted physical death

3. Matthew 24:34 Jesus said all those things (including his second coming) would occur before their generation passed away.

4. Matthew 26:64 Jesus told the Sanhedrin that they would see him at the right hand of god, riding on the clouds (THEY would see it, not people thousands of years into the future)

He was clearly referencing things that would occur in THEIR OWN GENERATION (not a generation thousands of years into the future). It was referring to the Roman siege on Jerusalem from 66-73AD – the 7 year Tribulation. This was all written utilizing a deceptive Literary Tactic known as “Vaticinium Ex Eventu”, since the events happened before they were authored in the NT (not one book in the NT was written until after 70AD).


1.  MATTHEW 21 about the Vineyard Owner. He leaves tenants behind to tend the vineyard. He sends servants back to check on them and the tenants kill them all. He then sends his SON and they kill him too. He asks what they expect the Vineyard Owner to do when he COMES BACK (2nd coming). They all said that he’d destroy those tenants and give the vineyard to those who would properly tend it. Go see who knew this parable was about THEM (not people living thousands of years into the future). It was the murder of the SON that broke the camel’s back.

2. MATTHEW 23 Jesus is in the temple reaming out the pharisees and Sanhedrin, calling them every pejorative in the Thesaurus. He ends by saying that because they would persecute and kill his disciples and kill him (Jesus the SON) that THEY would be held responsible for the murder of EVERY RIGHTEOUS person that had ever lived from Abel to Zechariah. That’s quite the HEFTY JUDGMENT isn’t it? THE ULTIMATE ONE, and that’s what his 2nd coming was all about. Jesus coming in judgment upon 1st Century Israel for persecuting and killing him and his disciples.

The very next chapter (Matthew 24) is where he gives the Olivet Prophecy about the details of what madness and tribulation would occur with the climax being his 2nd Coming in judgment upon 1st century Israel (Jesus ends by saying that their generation would not pass until all those things be fulfilled). Matthew 24:36 he didn’t know the exact DAY OR HOUR, but he told them that they could be sure it would happen in THEIR LIFETIME (Matthew 24:34 ; 16:27-28 ; 10:23).

Again, all of this was a Deceptive Literary Tactic known as “Vaticinium Ex Eventu”